Everyone is applying for SNAP benefits, right? They are paying max benefits to everyone and turning down no one. Check with your local state. All I know is the I got $340 in food stamps 10 days after I applied.
They should’ve let you starve, you’re not essential, you are the fat of the societal body.
What are the requirements?
U can input that into ur Amazon account then it doesn't even feel like ur using food stamps
I've been taking advantage of SNAP since I had kids. $1100 a month in food I eat better than you working fags.
Sorry, nigger. I does what I can.
Google your state name SNAP requirements.
And stop being so fucking retarded.
Sweet! Any tips for online ordering?
>has kids
>doesnt work
imagine what they think of you
Go to the fucking store nigga what is this the Jetsons
I'm white and my mom has been on food stamps. Since I was a kid. Now I'm 30 and I'm in food stamps. Fuck em
plenty of people willing to pay under the table, especially if you'll do it for a little less because you save on taxes.
yeah because to not take it would be foolish. It's free money and if everyone is damned to go down I'm sure as shit not making my family suffer for my pride.
How many kids do you have, 12?
Anyway boys if you want your food stamps to go as far as they can here's what I suggest buying:
bulk flour
bulk sugar
bulk rice
iodized salt
as much dry beans as you can
baker's yeast (you can also use this to make yummy hillbilly wine out of juice)
bulk cooking oil, I recommend coconut oil because it seems to last longer for me
anything past this is a luxury, you just fed yourself for a month with that shit up there.
This is why no one takes white nationalism seriously. Fucking Mormons, Quiverful freaks and Hasids.
I get $190 a month. All white people should take full advantage of it. Just do it.
You want my sob story, faggot? Got no car. Grocery store 2.5 miles (4.0 Km) away. Takes 3 buses to get there and back. Have to carry all that shit. Is enough for like three days. NO ONE is delivering, at least here, at least for the next month. So, fuck me.
I applied last week and got the card this Wednesday. $194 a month. That's a lot of lentils and Walmart brand yogurt.
>stop having white babies goys--I mean, guys
drag that shit in a bedsheet behind you if you gotta man. you gotta do what you gotta do. Two and a half miles is nothing to walk. you a survivor?
thanks for the tax dollars anyway, you fuckin' mook.
Can't ride a bicycle?
>Free money
You fucking retard
pardon me, the tax dollars that would otherwise go to spics or blacks
>you a survivor?
We'll see, faggot. Thanks for askin'.
God bless.
It doesn't really matter at this point. Our economy is fucked, period.
god america is awesome. $340 food stamps, plus unemployment, etc. I'd never work a day in my life if I were murican.
You got this.
>2.5 miles
So what, it's like a 20 minute walk one way?
I just did the eligibility calculator and it said I had too many assets even though I’m unemployed. I saved up about 14k and have 9000 in a 401k. Wtf. Anons help. I’m hungry and that savings is supposed to go to rent.
Nah, it's just gonna make me fat. Are you a fat fuck?
gotta give me more info. I looked into it before and it was hard
>I can eat correctly unlike welfare slobs
>If you give me extra money I will become like welfare slobs
what did you highly intellectual poster on pol mean by this
shut up phoneposting faggot before i kick you to death
I was convinced to become a welder, I'm okay and the jobs around here pay shit. To join one of those well paying jobs you have to know somebody and of course I don't know anyone. No family to speak of in any labor jobs worth getting into now. My wife applied for benefits because my pay is still below what a family of 5 can receive to not receive SNAP.
We receive at this time about $750 in benefits for food but do not receive cash.
We're currently changing our career paths.