During outbreaks America has lines at the grocery store. Russia has lines at the hospital. Ambulances queue up at hospitals dozens long. What went wrong putin-bots?
Russia overflowing with dead
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Cyka blin, is that real, Sasza?
>Third worlders dying of disease
This is considered news to you, OP?
Your average living area looks like most countries ghettos.
Shithole country.
Meh. Russia is or will be worse
Yeah that NYC temporary mass graves for unclaimed bodies
Americans are the most miserable people on earth. Russia closed their borders in January, nothing will happen.
>hurrrrdurrrr Russia is a shithole
>posts images from the 90s and early 2000s
>posts random remote villages and towns
Look, America is a shithole too! This is how Americans live
Nice reading comprehension you got there retard
I've just recently been to a hospital.
No such thing is happening. This whole coronavirus is annoying, sure, but hardly a disaster here.
Nice CIA nigger propaganda against Russia you got there, retarded mutt. Fucking piece of shit braindead 56%er
Damn, i was scared it was Matuszka Rossija
russia has ambulances, it's over!
the usa was burrying the homeless there since forever. it's over!
To be fair california is a shithole and nobody will dispute that
Murika fck yeh
We don't transfer dead in ambulances. It's infected people waiting in line yo be processed with necessary procedures. Its like 15 of them on video
Russia a shithole! Worst medicine)
Mostly blacks and jews.
Putin bots are out in full force today.
Your guy Putin wants to work with Trump and the West to overcome this virus. Why isn't he working with China?
Based. Fuck burgers. They destroyed Russia with jewish communism.
ah yes, the typical shizo boomer from facebook with his CIA glowie insults, kys 53% nigger.
Why do you Jews hate Russia so much?
arguments between rakes and mutts play out like theatre
Why do you believe Jews when they say Russia is bad? Why are Americans so easily tricked by Jews?
I live in California, and I approve this message.
Russia obviously underreporting cases and deaths
russia is a total shithole leaf, dont trust the KGB glowies trying to trick you into believing in a based Russia
Ah the faggot leaf in his natural state: butthurt. Go prep your wife for some poo-migrant
it won't, USSR was preparing for nuclear holocaust vs USA, even with 1/3 hospitsls and 1/10 bunkers functional 30 years after dissolution, corruption of healthcare system and lack of maintenance we still got x20 the capability to survive through it without much loss compared to US.
You don't have to incorporate Jews into everything you damn ape, do the world a favor and kys you brainwashed nigger.
stop. posting. this.
Fuck off butthurt belter
>hates Russia because Jews in the media told him to
>calling anyone else brainwashed
The irony is through the roof