Incredible redpill documentary on Hwood Satanism - Out Of Shadows
Covers everything from Anton Lavey to Marina Abramovic to Pizzagate to MK-Ultra. High production values. Nearly all of the commentary is from people who were successful insiders in Hollywood, MSM, CIA. This is a fucking great film to get normies and fence-sitters woken as fuck, easily on par with Century of the Self.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I don't even care if somebody just made another thread about this I watched it earlier and it was fuckin good so here's a bump

The truth about the world wars:

The truth about slavery:

ive been redpilling my girlfriend for the last 2 years. i showed her this documentary this morning and it blew her mind. she unfollowed lady gaga and everything... definitely worth watching.


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Is Jake Morphonios based? I've been following him for a long time.


enjoy some music also

it's afraid

It just seems like rich people get bored and they try all kinds of stupid shit but none of them have any more proof of the supernatural than I do.


The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the “agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam and political Zionism mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…

We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil.

Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view.

We have said that Lucifer came to the world to wake man up, to help him remember his divine origin, the divine origin of his Spirit, and to help him free himself from the body-soul in which he is trapped, and from created time and matter.

apocalipse 22:16

Confession, I started the Marina Abramovic rumor of eating people thing years ago. Found some pictures of them eating cakes made out of bodies (art pieces) and put out the narrative they were eating people lol. Reddit ate it up. All celebs that attended were connected to this big cannibalism story. Became an overblown conspiracy I now feel somewhat bad for. Poor lady was just trying to be edgy, and I used it to get Trump elected. Lmao. So many people believed it and voted Trump. It’s not actually true though. You guys are just idiots and connected it with the whole pizza gate thing later on trying to give it legitimacy. Podesta definitely is a pedo though. At least you idiots know the real story now. How easily you can be manipulated. /end of confession

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I have absolutely no reason to lie about it. Feels nice to set the truth free. It pushed millions of conservative Christians and others who wanted to believe in the conspiracy to spread it. The photos were the perfect visual to spread disinformation. They looked like they were enjoying it. Pinned tons of liberal celebrities to a narrative that they killed people and ate them. Got the guy I wanted in office elected, at least helped the cause.

15 minutes in. Not bad. Qrd on Century of Self...? Have heard it mentioned before, but never looked into it.

Just as you are not consciously in control of your heartbeat or digestion, there are many other things within you that you have no conscious awareness of. These things have to be experienced in order to understand. They are perfectly natural, not supernatural, but in this age they are rarely discovered.

Also there is absolutely no doubt that some celebrities worship the devil. Not all but the most of the ultra famous have to sell their souls to get to the top. Fame has its price tag for sure.

>You really believe that someone would do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?

Do your part. Stop watching anything that is produced.

But as always it turns into eating babies and raping buttholes...
Fucking satanshits

watching now

You’re simply piecings things togeather, turning it into a meme, you’re just too dumb to see what you’re doing.
I did the same to Hillary and then a year or so later people reposted what I said.
The issue is that we were right

Lucifer is not satan?

Look, ill watch it but if I cant sleep tonight Im going to be pissed.

Anons who have watched it, will i be able to sleep. Honest answers only, asking for a friend.

the creator is satan

why do people who look like bond villains act like fucking bond villains?

you'll be fine, it's practically all normie shit that everyone here with more intelligence than a potato should already have gleaned.


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the bringer of light?


Lol at 33:20. 'Tell a vision'. What a retard. 'Tele-' means 'from a distance' or something to that effect. Cringe as fuck.

So what is going to be done about it?

>Does not name the jew at all
Fuck off with this Boomer tier crap. Name the jew. Then proceed.

Jesus Christ is Lord and you are a deceiver.

>at 25:00 muh nazis and muh paperclip operatio and muh poor jews

>america is run by nazis

we wish that was the case, up until about the year 2005 (or so) I could belive that, but the politics we we have now are too ridiculous... plus the 60s were clearly a mass scale experiment and theres a high probability we are going under another mass scale experiment right now, even hallucinogenes are back on the media, joe rogan is the biggest pusher

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Confession. I started the "rumor" of you being a cuck fag years ago. Found some pictures of you eating your wife's boyfriend's cum out of her ass and put out the rumor that you were gay lol. Reddit ate it up. As did you. Fag.

fun watch, aside from being an hour long youtube conspiracy video it seems fairly palpable for the average normie to get some redpill