Be alert, anons. CCP is creating slide threads on masse, pushing agendas and prerogatives to take the focus away from their liability to the current state of the world. Things like
>social and sexual degeneracy
>miscellaneous banter
Are all subjects honed and focused to draw the attention of regular users of this board from holding constructive and relevant discussions on pressing matters.

If you hate various cultures/races/preferences/religions/whatever, you must understand that in order to hold your stance and defend these beliefs, you will need a functional and operation society with freedoms to do so. If china succeeds in this pandemic fueled attack on the west, we will all be behind the great firewall of the CCP and no longer able to focus on the things that matter to us. Dont let the shills and propagandists win. Fight back.

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Other urls found in this thread:

best one i've seen yet. oc?

Yep. It's true though

Dont let this get buried, anons. Think critically. Arm yourself with knowledge and awareness.

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>All this shilling against China
Guess kikes finally figured can't subvert a society if:
(a) Don't look anything like them
(b) Don't speak the language
(c) They aren't a high trust society to begin with
So now "We" have to hate them & go to war because (((They))) can't subvert one fuckin society in this fuckin' clownworld


Blame china because its China's fault.

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This but pol isn’t ready for that conversation yet.

>not blameing china

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100 years ago they were helped by jews but today they have nothing to do with them. 100 years ago we were a proud and independent nation descended from Europeans but today we have nothing to do with that. Things change.

>jews are bad therefore china must be good

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>it was just so ling ago who cares? Lol
Theyre guilty of at least everything the jews are accused of.

Potato-Chang prease go fuck off with your pot of bats at the end of the Smogbow.

No one said China is Good, but lest not forget, was kikes & their communism that gave them their government structure & globalism that shipped Europe & Americas manufacturing off to China that made them so fuckin' powerful in the first place.
Fuckin' kikes create a powerful monster they can't control & the west has to sort it out?
Fuck that!
Bring all the manufacturing back to US & Europe & let them die fuckin' slowly, meanwhile, the JQ is priority, other-wise just constantly tackling symptoms instead of cause

>100 years ago we were a proud and independent nation descended from Europeans but today we have nothing to do with that.
Almost 100 years ago we were still the slaves and foot soldiers of the Jews, they just worked more in the shadows back then. Almost 100 years ago even Hitler himself noticed how degenerate we were compared to the rest of the world, and thanks to us, the Jews managed to degenerate the world and our race to near extinction.

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So theyre both bad, and right now we just happen to be discussing china because of the big thing they just did and is their fault.

>100 years ago

Dumb fucking subhuman Zoomer piece of shit, the (((Clinton Administration))) was in power back in the 90s you stupid fuck. The Left, Jews and the Chinese are joined at the fucking hip. Want to know what a pro-Chinese American politician looks like? Look at (((Michael Bloomberg))).

>Yas Forums
>threads about jews niggers or degeneracy are slide threads now
you have to go back

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No, They're not both bad.
One's evil, the other's a room temperature IQ chink who the evil one gave both it's ideology to & the keys to the global economy to weaponize against us

Fuck off you fucking faggot. Fuck Jews AND fuck chinks, and most importantly fuck RACE TRAITORS like you before anyone else. Chinese apologists at the this rate are going to be the very first to get the bullet as far as In concerned.


>Get the bullet
Those mongrel kike will get your guns before you ever even get the round chambered chump, meanwhile people like me who're used to not having a boom-boom stick to fight with will be burying a hatchet into your fuckin' skull.

Remember anons, trillions of dollars stolen from you on daily basis isn't a problem, Chinks laboring in sweatshops to sell you cheap shit so you can still have some resemblance of a first-world country is.

Things haven’t changed. China is in cahoots with Israel as is Russia

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If ching chong ping chinks are starting them, yes

>CCP is creating slide threads on masse, pushing agendas and prerogatives to take the focus away from their liability

China will pay compensation for this pandemic they've caused. The trillions of debt created by QE and handouts must be paid by China.

Maybe next time China will wash their hands & act like civilized modern people, and not the barbaric unsanitary sub-humans they currently are. The Chinese will be forced to modernize because they're too stupid to work it out alone.

I'll have to be alert. There is definitely a bunch of them.

> Stop making posts about jews guys. You’re letting China win!!!

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Just be patient, user. You're building your future.

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There werent any constructive discussion here for 10 years glowfaggot.

I also think a lot of the nothingburgers are CCP shills out to minimize the seriousness of chinas fuckup and shift the discussion to social discontent with policies.

Ok thanks for the heads up Chang.

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CCP go back

We made those threads long before chinks started damage controlling their bio-weapon. Kill yourself.

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