Was WWII a real event? I know of literally no one who fought in it. The evidence for it seems pretty shady. I can't think of a single claim about WWII that doesn't sound like an incredible fantasy.

Why are they perpetuating the lie? What is there to gain?

Attached: F-IRmBNA_400x400.jpg (400x400, 22.81K)

Can confirm it happened. Two grandparents that served. I know a certain % of the population is schizophrenic but geeeeeeez

They're not World Wars. It's Zog Wars. ZWI ZWII.

Attached: How_the_US_Entered_WWII.jpg (4968x2600, 3.72M)

This. Take meds

What the everloving shit have you been smoking to not believe the entirety of WWII happened

What have you been smoking user

Why would we have m1 garands if there were no nips to use them on?

How much did they pay your grandparents?

Nothing happened before you was born

Ok, I generally don't use this much, as I try not to stoop to the levels most people go to on here, but I gotta say this OP
You're just a fuckin' idiot aren't ya

Did yesterday even happen or is it an implanted memory?

But it's just so fantastical.

"The entire world fought each other!"

Doesn't it just seem a little too perfect that Hitler "existed?" Riiight.

Like, how would people let something that insane happen?

The thing that got me wondering was the nuclear weapons thing. As fucking if.

"We got so mad that we literally split matter in half to unleash energy to kill Japanese civilians to show them our awesome might." Lol.


The same people who think the war was real don't know about the log rides

It's hard to believe a Canadian wouldn't know any other Canadians who fought in WW2. There were so many of them.

You seem to have read the textbooks they wanted you to read, didn't you?

So just because your shit life is so mediocre and average, nothing beyond what you have (or haven't) achieved can exist... Got it.

You got a source of credible information that proves it didn't happen?

They have these legions scattered around. No one seems to know buttfuck all about WWII. Just go there to drink beer and complain about Trudeau. Fucking weird-ass psyop.


How do you "prove" something didn't happen? It's like proving God "doesn't" exist.

>"We got so mad that we literally split matter in half to unleash energy to kill Japanese civilians to show them our awesome might." Lol. No.

Well, we were giving Japan pretty much everything we had, but they weren't going to surrender. We had to create something even more powerful to finally scare them into surrendering.

Look at all these dumb faggots falling for the bait. OP leaf is based, what a way to call out corona hoax faggots. Bravo.

Like, doesn't the story of WWII just seem a little too perfect?

"Yeah! And then the Americans and Russians both rushed and met right at the middle of Berlin (and the Russians were evil, so they rapes everyone along the way) and then they split everything in two! Yeah! And the Japanese decided to let General MacArthur rule them like a God, completely emasculating an entire culture so they fuck hentai pillows and OCTOPUSES.

Nope. Not buying it.

Also maybe you don't know of anyone who fought in it because it happened around 75 years ago

The evidence is pretty flimsy. Coincidence that video was invented after that war was done, so we just have shit recordings that seem like a kid talked it all?

Christopher Nolan did much more believable footage. Doesn't that say something?

I like how you don't even have any reason for why they would possibly make this up for future generations to fall for the WWII "hoax". Also, many people in WWII didn't just willingly let the stuff that happened happen.

My grandfather had to work in germany, after our humiliating defeat.
Same way coronavirus craze happened, if a leader overreact, every other will too, in fear to lose his power.

My Grandfather and two great uncles served. My grandmother worked in a plant making bullets and mines and her sister worked in a military canning plant after high school hours. We have photosd, memorabilia, uniforms and scrap books from that era. It was very, very real.

Notice how all the Nazi characters were the perfect archetypes of evil?

The holocaust? Ha.

It's even proven that they had that fat Hollywood director guy filming concentration camps. Alfred Hitchcock.

Like seriously. Scam .


Why is it so hard to believe the war happened? Not only are there so many people that served, but there would be no reason for the Nazi party to have become so infamous if it never happened.

Who sold you the memorabilia? People didnt have iPhones back then, did they?

MacArthur ruled because the US dropped two atomic bombs on Japan and they finally surrendered.

>no reason

I can think of one: corporate propaganda to control us.

Whatever might have happened had nothing to do with war. It was trickery. Trusting the "word" of old people just shows how bad you fell for it.


He was in cahoots with the Japanese. They created electronics to keep TVs coming to North America to further fool us into their scheme.

They weren't. Even Hitler himself was not totally evil. He considered becoming vegetarian at come point, had a pet dog, helped invent the Volkswagen, and was a beginning artist.

Why would they choose to control us by making up an entire war? There are much better ways to do it.

Nobody sold it. My uncles brought it back from the Phillippines, Alaska and the Caribbean. The uniforms were real and the medal that one of my great uncles won is real, too. They all had stories and we have the letters that they wrote home. It really happened user. If you don't believe it, maybe you should see a counselor.

Then how did all those warships end up sunk at Iron Bottom Bay?

I had two great uncles that fought in each theater.

History is written by the winners, but the war happened.
It's also important to keep in mind that wars were actually winnable back then since nukes didn't exist yet. Nowadays invading another country for conquest is virtually unthinkable due to MAD. All we get is unwinnable proxy wars and civil wars.

they killed people in a terrorist attack of course there going to use nukes on the pedofile slopes. they rape kids even today you fucking yellow fever fuck
wtf? America already had tv at this time are you literally off the meds tn user?