They pretend to be nice and caring and then slowly try to destroy you when you get close to them.
Women are devilish beings
That’s why you keep them at dicks length and the minute they act out you throw them out on the streets. Fuck whores.
Have sex incel
ok incel
I had sex, just felt empty inside afterwards. Sex is worthless unless its with a partner and for family
Girls used to mock me at school
have sex
Woman in pic has perfect 10/10 body. No room for improvement. Face is perfect, too.
Sorry to hear that user
>indifferent about murdering their own young in the womb
yea, but MY wife/girlfriend is different
No shit, learn to avoid.
They used to avoid me and saying that touching me would infect them
I was 7
my wife cooks food for me three times a day and makes 300k a year. she also sucks my dick on command. three times in a row if i ask her..she cleans regularly and worships me.
if she’s trying to ruin me she’s doing a bad job.
point of this post is to be a better man and attract a women worth your time.
what proxy or vpn service do you have to use to get that flag?
sounds about right.
>anons clap
Men are devilish beings.
They pretend to be nice and caring and then they rape and murder you.
No one who has sex would say it feels empty lmao
Not true, they're actually really sweet if they want you close to them. The problem is what they do when they decide they don't want you close, or get bored of you.
I feel like such a dope for calling you out as a larping faggot
it's all so tiresome
Women are evil is a psyop that's been going around for quite a while.
Ffs stop falling for it
This board is falling apart from newfags.
>memeflag trying to further the divide between men and women
Lol k fuck off
if your wife makes 300k what do you do and how much you make?
For a site that claims it’s all about white superiority, this board posts a lot of nigger ass slide pics.
If it was truely white it’d be nothing but big tits
Nah but seriously it felt wrong, like this isn't the scenario I should be having this, the thread of Fate has been severed, Bowling alone etc. etc., dopamine explosion couldn't mask that
I had this argument with my grandmother the other day, she's a hard core brainwashed liberal and you can't have a reasonable talk without her getting angry and wanting to throw hands.
She brought up abortion and I said "imagine if my mother had aborted me, I wouldn't have wanted that even if I was just a clump of cells without the ability to defend itself"
She got So. Fucking. Mad.
It feels empty unless you have the pp in your butt
yeah nigga okay because somebody like his would be on pol at 1 in the morning
>incels and jagged younglings
women are evil
yeah i have sex, how could you tell?
>my wife cooks food for me three times a day and makes 300k a year. she also sucks my dick on command. three times in a row if i ask her..she cleans regularly and worships me.
One of the biggest loads of horse shit ive heard on this site in a long time.
Cuz the people making nigger slide threads aren't white.
What level of autist do you have to be to believe these women hate threads
it's just sex bro, if you feel empty is because you are gay and need purpose in your life. If you are not a coomer as you say then sex is irrelevant.
I’ve had girlfriends and sex, I still think women are evil dipshit how is that suppose to change anything
It does when you know the girl is a whore and has little to no value, its like you have to go to her level just to release and urge and when you are done with her its fucking disgusting and you just want to get away from that piece of shit. Hell I can call you a virgin if you have never felt that way, too many retarded women for you to always have a great experience, unless there is something you are not telling us faggot
Big tits is also a predominantly jewish trait and fetish, careful...
Sure is a lot of woman-tier shame posting in here,
Her ass is too big. 6/10. I'd fuck her but probably call her oompa ass or diaper dumper amongst friends.
nah you are an incel
it's literally just sex, it's like i'm talking to a character from a movie about virgins. Sex is a self fulfilling activity, it doesn't go beyond cumming, you can use it for other things, sure, power, bonding, reproduction, but at the end of the day is a penis in a vagina and you put women in a pedestal.
Thats typical childhood hazing. Did it get better middle school and so on?
Discord code: aKeqxJ
I am chaotic neutral. And a cuckposter.
BLACK MALE Asian boi is the future. That and White men Middle Eastern women.