To prove us Aussies are not racist like Trump, we swear allegiance to China

>To prove us Aussies are not racist like Trump, we swear allegiance to China

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It looks like bat is on the menu for aussies tonight.

whatever, accelerate the hate

Victoria secede its soverty to the chinks when they signed up to the belt&road initiative a few years ago

Yep. And blindsided the federal government in the process. Andrews signed two memorandums of understandings re BRI with the chinks.

Daniel Andrews is a full blow communist traitor and should hang.

Oh no, we have to punch these annoying cunts who talk endless shit, in the mouth, and put trade restrictions on our 2nd best ally? Aww man.

And the reason he wasn't arrested and charged is because the federal government will be following suit

That was in Box Hill, possibly Melbourne's most chinky suburb. Everyone with more than one neuron saw it as a glimpse into our future if we allow their soft invasion to continue. Our government on the other hand spread Australia's asshole even wider and clapped gleefully as china purchased all our masks, water and toilet paper while they lied to us about how bad corona was going to be. Almost everyone I know wants the current situation to turn hot so we have an excuse to march them all into shipping containers and send them back at gunpoint.

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Can you tell me more about how infected your country is? Always heard it was bad there and just found out recently about an Iranian-Australian politician who was proven to be a CCP shill.

our cops are as chinked as yours

this says a lot
it was quickly memoryholed tho

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Jesus Christ, get your shit together straya.

Yeah we are fucking autistic I know.

I think they might be even further along than we all think, all around the world. I'm amazed at how much they were able to control the narrative after this virus, even coming out looking BETTER because of it which is mind numbing craziness. A lot of our politicians are actively spouting their propaganda too.

Burn that shit the fuck down.

If your gonna import people from China at least bring in the ones who are escaping the oppressive government


Aussie bro's should capture that flag.

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It was in an asian enclave called Box Hill. That's at Box Hill police station.

Yeah, that Andrews totally isn't a chinese asset.

See this

Burn the Box

This. We need to start burning Communist flags in the street. Soviet, Chinese, Californian...

It is a prime location for cleansing, easily organized and cordoned off. You could do it in one night with enough guys.

If one of you cunts don't burn that shit to the ground, your shitposting privileges are hereby withdrawn.

But think of all the ethnic food!!! Box Hill rery goood restaurants, dumpring betta than weal food

Austria is lost.
When I read this, I just knew it was a LARP. But now... as time goes on, I am beginning to think this bitch was right.

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The fuck... Why hasn't anyone put a bullet between the cunts eyes?

How in the world can a local government sign on to that? I would think it has to be worked out only between country leaders. I can't imagine California doing that(well I can, but can't imagine them being allowed to).

I live in the country but when I visit Melbourne the vast majority of people are asian. There are whole suburbs which have had massive price rises because of Asians, there are suburbs such as Boxhill mentioned in the article which have the majority of the shops with asian signage. In the country 15 years ago there were basically no asians, now they make up a small percentage of the populatioin but a large percentage of the younger population, they will take in 15 years.

Thing is that a lot of people make money of the Chinese so they suck up to them badly. Ozzies are more apathetic because they are on meth. They are very clever and have found out if they claim racism every once in a while they can do whatever they want.

The way they see it is they will do everything to succeed just like white people should do the same.

Seems bad but I laugh when seeing videos of America and every single fast food employee is mexican.

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Somebody rewatched Fringe and decided to do a LARP.

so whose side is australia on in the coming war?

Shouldn't an Aussie be swearing allegiance to Austria?

This is October 2019.

It was all over the news, people lost trust in police, politicians said it was outrageous and I’m pretty sure one of the lads that helped raised it got beat up in his backyard.

No one likes yellow niggers here and no one wants them here, we would be better off economically if we culled them off with the nigs and shiskins.

>October 3, 2019