Father who art in Hell

Lets do an honor thread to our father, Lucifer. Imagine how badass would it be if he was a human. All the manipulation techniques would be breath taking. He would be for sure king of the world. Of all the famous people in the world, who is more like Satan?

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"your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven."
As above so below.

He's a retarded nigger though.

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I want to polish Greta Thunberg's fresh little asshole with my tongue until it reflects visible light. Fight me.

Lucifer, and all of his incarnations, is a fantasy. Evil is only personified in humanity.

Why would I fight you? Can I go next?

Imagine worshipping a little loser faggot. Satan is the biggest fucking loser to ever exist.

Everyone is retarded, the poor devil sin once, and he found no place for forgiveness. Imagine how angry u would be if You Made a single mistake, and your father wanted to burn u for it

how do you feel about being so jewish i recognize you from an earlier thread

If u are the biggest loser, then u are a winner. Better to be the worst of the worst, than to be mediocre.

>Satan is the biggest fucking loser to ever exist.
Doesn't exist. Fantasy. Comic book character. Only a metaphor, not a real creature.

If it is a fantasy, I want u to do Black Magic. U pussy


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>He wanted to be god
lel okay

Imagine her mad face turning into a grin and her eyes roll back as both her legs straighten out as you pass your tongue through her sigmoid colon and into her lower bowel. I bet she'd start giggling like a retard


Yes, it's a sad fictional tale designed to garner absolute obedience to a religious authority.
I'd rather be a mediocre nobody who never does anything in life than the most successful child rapist and cannibal of all time.

Lucifer is a faggot

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Give me some to do. I'll feel stupid for going through the motions just to prove a point, honestly. It's all nonsense, though.

Wr9ng, it says in the bible"by the abudance of your trading You became filled with violence within and You sinned. So I CAST You out of the mountain of God, O covering cherub, out of the midst of the fiery stones. Your heart was lifted yo because of your Beauty, You corrupted your wisdom for the sake of your splendor." His ambition for money and his pride were his downfall.

I don't actually want to stick my tongue in her asshole. I'll bet she doesn't wipe very well. I'd stick other things up there, though.

The devil is within all of you.
That is why annihilating circumstances await in your future.
Learn compassion and embrace the light within.
There is no outside evil.
The evil in the world lies in the hands of humans.

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Stellar argument, boris.

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Go and kill a kid and drink his blood. And then say, " Satan, I command u to appear before me!"

>Lucifer is imaginary

We already have Jewcifer making shit hard

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Even if You got the same punishment? The majority of humans end up in hell, why not be the most evil son of a bitch if You are going to hell.

Fuck this show was so terrible and i loved it so much. Faggot lucifer is such a great premise.

That kinda breaks laws that would land me in prison. You'll have to pick some black magic that doesn't break local laws. Also, I have no urge to kill kids or drink their blood.

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Also wouldn't result in anything but a dead kid and an upset stomach.

>The majority of humans end up in hell
Not a fact. In order for this to be true, hell would have top exist.

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Didnt know god has shekels he has to keep pumping and dumping.

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Yes fellow Chosen we must

Ok, Kiss your mom on the neck 8 times, while moaning, "Lucifer Made me do it."

The gate is wide that leads to destruction...
The Bible states that does who go to heaven are few.

Hahahahaha! Once again, you've chosen a ritual that would ruin my life, not because of some "magic" happening, but because it's fucking weird and unexplainable. What would that even do, according to whack jobs who believe in such nonsense?

Discord code: s8Zr74


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Fuck off Jew

The bible says a lot of things that aren't rational, user. The bible is an assembly of writings, compiled by an organization that has a vested interest in controlling a large portion of the population. It isn't a magical book delivered unto man from the heavens. It is not infallible.

Lucifer is the king of the world...

"John 14:30 King James Version (KJV)
30 Hereafter I will not talk much with you: for the prince (Lucifer) of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me."

Post a dic pic in WHICH u are holding your cock with 2 hands. If u do that, I Will tell You the next step...

He is, but God Will come and send me and My father Lucifer to hell

I think the reason people don't do black magic is that every spell (are they called spells? I'm not versed on the subject because I'm not a superstitious faggot) requires you to behave so bizarrely that you can't do them privately. I'm no longer interested. Besides, I have a feeling step two would be to write the date and time under my ballsack and stick a sharpie in my asshole.

>Worships Satan
Are you by any chance jewish?

>I don't actually want to stick my tongue in her asshole.

then this conversation is over, fag


You just lost 5 minutes of My time.