i do backroom/stocker all night through morning
my supervisor just came up to me and asked me if i wanted to "move up" to cashier full time.during the day
told him nope and he said there was a $1.50 raise and i still told him no
he was angry but he told me to continue working
these fuckers are desperate
the last 2 mo ths cashiers have been quitting left and right due to fear of catching the chink flu
Shart in mart cuck here
Demand $5 more if he asks
>"move up"
that's pretty funny. if he just admitted to you this risk was high but he'd compensate you at least it would feel more genuine than that pr jew speak
>yes goyim, death is the ultimate raise
There's a good idea
he literally said "move up" and tried to make it seem like a better opportunity
next time he asks tonight (i know he will) ill tell him to throw in the extra 5 and that i can wear my gasmask to work every day
I used to work there at self check out before chink flu. I constantly drank 3 or 4 beers before work all the time and jo one said anything. I stopped showing up after a while with call ins and got termed. It was great because I didn't do shit but eventually got bored and didn't care anymore. It was amazing seeing how poor people behave
>It was amazing seeing how poor people behave
yeah, some even drink 3 or 4 beers before work and then don't show up thinking they are cool
>$40 extra a week to deal with walmart customers
i would laugh so fucking hard at him
taxes faggot
Lol, chinaman speaks truth
White girls make my dick hard and there is nothing any of you can do about it.
Wal-Mart fucking sucks. I walked out a few weeks before the quarantine because of something unrelated.
you saw how you behaved
White women are trash dude. Such entitled whiny bitches that age like milk in the sun.
Your store hasn't converted half their isles to self checkouts?
Cashier is the worst job at walmart. Either that or CSM.
t. Worked there for a fucking decade
lets see. unloading trucks all night in the dirty back room or chilling up front working the machine that is the key to them making money. Cashier is a move up, if corona fear is the reason you declined, that was stupid. I can understand if laziness was your reason though.
ok cuck
Discord code: P626es
he should've fired you for being a coward
>$5 more
I make that in my first 5 minutes....
Dealing with the public is not worth 1.50 an hour. Call me a sperg if you want but dealing with random assholes is soul destroying.
Hey hey!! Look at you, man! Getting promoted to meat shield! So brave of management to be selflessly looking out for your best interests!
I wouldn't take it either user. Just let em seethe.
Well pin a rose on ur nose
and a corporate jet
Do you have hoards of shit in the back that dont go on the shelves?
I imagine there are pallets of gloves and flour in the back that they are artificially rationing because "lol someone will buy it all so we have to keep it all back here and only put out a little at a time"
I worked at walmart, Ive seen literal aisles full of pallets of water. I dont believe this shortage shit. They are rationing dairy now, meanwhile wisconsin is pouring milk into the gutter by the tanker.
If he ends up paying you more than other cashiers during this crisis, once the crisis is over, he's gonna either drop your wages or let you go because lots of people will want to be cashiers agian. you might have better chance of staying on where you're at.
If you were a genuinely happy person, you wouldn't feel the need to brag about it.
Why, and what do you do now? I worked retail just for a season and wanted nothing to do with normies ever again.
Why would you work for walmart when jobs like uber and door dash exist now?
I used to work the CAP team when it was called IMS. It was slave labor. Walmart will literally Jew you right in your face and say it's because they love you. You need to sabotage the management with drama and rumors, because notice how management or the old lady who monitors the computer screens in the side office never do any work and just sit there doing nothing or stroll around the store occasionally. Basically, make people who get paid to dick around and slave drive others to suffer.
OP probably doesn't want to deal with normies and retards. As far as retail goes, stocking and unloading trucks are the only tolerable jobs.
Most likely too lazy to restock.
I worked as a stocker (frozen) for literally 4 hours before I walked out. I was scheduled to do cbt and they pulled me out during the middle to stock shelves.
I remember those pieces of shit advertising 9/hr but I was told during training that I'll only get that amount after I'm fully trained by doing the computer based training (cbt) which would take up to 6 months because they limit how much you can do per month.
Making $20hr at a desk job I literally don't know why anyone would work at that shithole unless you're an illegal
I never understood the people who'd rather work stockrooms. Those are worse than dealing with the public. You're basically turned into a pack mule while the girls do fuck all and chit chat then check up on you to wonder how far you've come along with your tasks, then have the nerve to tell you to work faster because they're understaffed. It's basically like being put in the closet or attic like the secret rejected twin.
>move up
>to dealing with customers instead of based zen stocking and facing
I don't think much of his idea of "up".
Some people just aren't good with the public.
top kek
When I worked as an unloader, they Jew'd us hard by making us also help stock it, even though that wasn't our job. (cutting corners) Walmart overstocks everything and has a fuck ton of extra shit in storage. One can of tomato sauce taken off the shelf? Management ordered 500 more.
He is trying to help you out, why get mad?
Did you work your way up to that desk job? Been trying to find something in my field, but my degree is getting me nowhere. Wondering if I should get into administration at some factory or compete with HR dykes.
My friend is an autismo who does stocking at a beauty store. Probably depends on the place, but he likes it and manages to stay away from the dumb hoes at the register.
Even after they show your their dick. We know, nigger. You're kind are hardly a mystery to us.
It's not exactly a promotion, but it's technically better than what he's doing. It's way easier for the same pay and you get to go home like a normal jerkoff and maybe do something after work like go to the bar or hang with friends. Working swing or overnight shifts basically mean you get no social life ever again. I mean, who's going to be open on a sunday or monday night? (your days off) Nobody. He's even getting a pay raise to work an easier job that does less work and has less value to the company.
Youre a kike, OP's boss.