Are Germans a flawed race?

This is a quote from 'Nietzsche and the Nazis' by Stephen Hicks.
"There is something innately wrong with Germans, that history shows that they are inherently militaristic, bloodthirsty, and genocidal—and the Nazis merely tapped into, and exaggerated innate German tendencies."

Are Germans inherently supremacist and genocidal?

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Who the fuck cares what Stephen Hicks thinks about anything.

>Stephen Hicks

>Are Germans inherently supremacist and genocidal?
Shut the fuck up anti-white trash.

Mongol empire
Islamic empire
How many they killed? How many times they tried to slaughter their near countries over tribalism? How many times they attacked Europe, Asia and the middle East?

Shitskins always pretend to whites are genocidals, they are the only violent subhumans left in the civilized world plagued by pointless wars this very moment.

Whites suffer the opposite, we aren't violent and supremacist enough.

germans arent white
>inb4 americans arent white
im a legal immigrant from iceland

murder rate in europe:1 per 100k
murder rate in korea: .7 per 100k
murder rate in japan: .3 per 100k

it is clear that whites are violent and genocidal

Just another projection by another Jew. Wanting your own people to control their own nation of people is genocide to Jews, they must subvert or they will die like literal parasites apparently.

You have to be kidding.

Yes, Germany should have been nuked and Japan allowed to Nanking all of China.

Germans are inherently superior and faggots can't get over it

benjamin franklin only considered brits, dutch and norther french white.

he called germans 'the swarthy race'

that looks like my ex, who is she?
Also no, Germans, especially in the 1930s were just doing what humans do in groups, gather resources for survival.

>Inherently militaristic and genocidal
So literally like every other group of people on Earth that have ever fucking existed? Also that sounds more based than what they are now

Certainly I'd find those traits useful for total war

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Yes we are. That isn't a bad thing. Only an enemy would see this as a bad thing.

>Are Germans inherently supremacist and genocidal?
I hope so.

Wright county?

So noone told him where the Saxons came from.

I see american education always lived up to its reputation.

England’s pretty Celtic to be fair
But didn’t those dudes come from Bavaria/Austria/Switzerland?

Ethnically similar/same more or less.

Remember Hitler...

>Old Saxony is the original homeland of the Saxons in the northwest corner of modern Germany and roughly corresponds today to the modern German state of Lower Saxony, Westphalia, Nordalbingia and western Saxony-Anhalt.

>Old Saxony is the place from which most of the raids and later colonisations of Britain were mounted.

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I wasn’t asking if the Saxons came from lower Germany, I was wondering if the celts did. I know the Angles and Saxons are North/central German

that's cute but inncorect everything there is actually describing the English. there the ones that settled the world with there colonys every where. and genocided people right up to the 1900s

all of the white race is germanic you fucking retarded jew nigger.

Slavs are Germanic?
Youre are retarded
All germanics are white, but not all whites are Germanic, think of it that way

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>"And they utterly destroyed all that was in the city, both man and woman, young and old, and ox, and sheep, and ass, with the edge of the sword."
Who's saga is that from?

Youre not white

>Stephen Hicks

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Right father

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How come Hitler, Goebbels and Himmler were fat or ugly or bald or a combo of these?

They were somewhat warlike before they were brutalised and the strength of their gene pool depleted. But that’s something to be admired, because they are also honourable, brave and strong.