Why does every decade get worse and worse?

Everyone I know IRL and just even my neighbors always seem so gloomy. People just generally look miserable and not happy. Looking back on my childhood everyone seemed more happy and always upbeat. I guess it was because no one ever wanted to be doom and gloom around kids. You know you never realize how good life is usually growing up until you are no longer a kid anymore.

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because we let it get worse. because we do nothing

because there's no point in trying when some monkey faggot baboon nigger chinaman can waltz in and take all your shit at the drop of a hat, without so much as a single complaint

because people are cucks and nigger and cuck and jew infested hellholes are not worth spitting on, much less fighting for.

ECONOMIC FEUDALISM. You idiots don’t realize you’re serfs to a system of debt.

based user.

For you it does. It's called getting old.

1960s Cultural Marxism which has been exponentially progressively getting worse every decade until a final tipping point will be reached by 2025

it was homogeneous, not diverse....get rid of diversity...

No I think you're onto something. People are definitely significantly colder to one another while simultaneously looking more desperate for intimacy and community than ever. I think social media and it's consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

because you lost God

Probably has something to do with the idea of indefinite detention for "vulnerable populations" being brought up in media every week


We all know where this is going, if you dont think it can happen here then why am I hearing it more and more often as time goes on? I wonder, do vulnerable populations happen to be more right wing? Shits going to get bad, especially if we have these concentration camps and end up going into war. We all know what happens to POWs while war is still ongoing. What authority does this guy have? Well, I don't think it matters what his authority is. I think it matyers that he influences authority. I dont know about you but he looks pretty fucking brown to me and I doubt he has my personal best interest in mind. Its getting draconian. Keep your guns close.

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The important part of the article

Oops forgot pic

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The world ended in 2012. The Mayans were right. Everything fails. Nothing is sacred. We will never see the good times again.

It doesn't have to be worse for you user...

the idea that the world is becoming a worse place to live as time goes on has lived in the minds of most people throughout all of human history
and yet we live in conditions that most of us would not trade for the conditions of the people of the past

the question, then, is whether the world is ACTUALLY becoming a worse place to live, rather than just having this vague nebulous "feeling" of dissatisfaction

>Why does every decade get worse and worse?
See pic related.
i.e. jews, this.

It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, identity-less, dumbed-down, easily controlled subdued sheep. They make up 1.4% of the US population and .0025% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.

In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and to discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the past and present in that effort.

And while the elite globalism pushing jews are one thing, the elite can only exist because of the 'regular' jews. Jews are far more politically engaged and culturally aggressive than other peoples, it's why they are so 'successful'. There are basically no jews who just want to be left alone, the type of person that makes up the vast majority of other races. 99% of them are in a constant state of striving for dominance and ethnic self-promotion.

They get into everything, any institution, and steer it towards protecting and enabling the tribe. Many of them aren't even fully conscious of why they do it, it is just completely ingrained into their culture. So, there‘s the grand jew globalist conspiracy at the top, and the overall trend in behavior (that results in various smaller schemes) towards the bottom.

Understand what jews have done to the West. See these threads for more:
>The truth about the world wars:
>The truth about slavery:

When around people I know and have any sort of better relationship with I often uncontrollably fall into a better mood, smiling often laughing etc. Nobody knows anybody in their own neighborhood anymore. Nobody has the same upbringing, belief, culture, heritage. All cohesion has been lost, or at least this certainly is the case for much of urban Canada. Everyone being the stranger has become the norm. This is in very stark contrast to how people have lived for the entirety of the past. No center anymore. Urban sprawl is what life has become. Society driven by entertainment. At this point the only option is to separate from modern society and begin forming independent societies. This is the only way any form of the past, whether it be religion, natural order of monarchy, rich culture, to be resurrected.

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>See pic related.
Forgot pic.
Also, this poster is a jew.

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We took the forbidden fruit (technology) and devoured it.
We are in a simulation and AI is copying archetypes from human history.

She looks high af, and I hat that and smoking, but she looks strangely cute in that pic. 80s were rad.

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there is good in life even after you grow up don't buy the BS of it all is downhill
its up to you to make it what you will
do not let others define happiness for you

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if the human condition only ever degrades over time I don't see how we could conclude people living in mud huts live worse lives than you - their lifestyles more closely resemble the past than yours

people are more obese

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Mainstream Politics

Okay, just bear with me here for 5 minutes and be open to this idea, however dumb it may be. 5 minutes is all i ask...

Discord code: CS7W6q


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According to Historical patterns this really is the downhill we're traveling on. The present very eerily mirrors the final ages of Rome, Greece, Babylon, and Abyssinia. The incredible increase in sexual promiscuity, inversion of gender roles, lack of limits and borders in sexuality, the overall bending of sexual rules like marriage, the increase in hedonism, society centering around hedonism, drop in birth rates, drop in marriage. If History can tell us anything its that we are at the end.

I'm a faithful Catholic

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When you think about the state of your country in 30 years, do you think things will get better or worse?
Most people know that something isn't right, especially people that can still remember what your country looked like in the before you went multiracial

You're just not what you used to be

This part of it.
Look into Our Lady of Fatima.
Nothings gotten better because we havent done what the Virgin Mary told us to do for Christ.

From there you will see not only why things have gotten worse & what will come next of we dont adhere to Our Lady of Fatima.

Our Lady of Akita 1974.
Prior to that in chronology...
Our Lady of Good Success (1594 - 1643)
Our Lady of Lasalette
Our Lady of Lordes

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Imagine what it would mean if Chris Langan really had 200 iq. That his theory of the universe is just here for god to distill himself. You and me are both part of god. This universe is required to be able to track himself. Everything is basicly god. The concept of hell is really just the parts of god, god wants to get rid of. Shit like rapists, violent murderers or whatever. If langan is right, this would make sense with respect to your question. God is keeping the good parts, while purifying and basicly milking out the last good parts of himself. The distilling process is noticably moving forward. Why do u think that the world wont have white people in the future? Lol, i dont believe this but im open to the idea. The guy has "200 iq" after all and your question boosts this theory.
