25yo KHV

>25yo KHV
>failed my last semester in business university
>no drivers license
>no more money not eligible for cerb
>got beat up in the last 7 months
>can’t do anything
>no skills
>out of shape despite trying to get into shape multiple times
>angry all the damn time
>unapproachable and impossible to make friends
>failed white man
>non whites doing better than me

Can anyone beat me? Can’t even get a job near me cause all the stores are owned by chinks and poos that hire mudskins

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I was pretty much that, except I was 4 years older.
Then I got a job overseas.
Now I'm gigachad, because in the land of the foreigner, the white man is always king.
Follow my example Mooseanon.

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cool blog post you faggot. go kill yourself.

>got beat up in the last 7 months
did you deserve it?

Are you teaching English?

Yes. I am literally you with the added problem of still living in my parents basement and still being a hhkv, with an additional 4 years over you.

some shit skin shouldered me and didn’t say sorry, so i started calling him a fucking paki. mudshit didn’t say anything then a car load of his friends came out and attacked me. i fucking hate Toronto

Unlikely. Singapore is the land of finance, business or lawyers. Oh and IT.

Start training in martial arts. Practice yoga and meditation every single day. Learn how to play Chess and Go. Get a few friends who have your back. Get vengeance and embrace the eternal struggle.

Or, be a skinnyfat loser for the rest of your life who is controlled with sugar, porn, pastries, and other sins. Your choice. Make the right decision.

> Are you teaching English?
No, but I could be, if you're white you basically just walk into a school and they'll give you an English job no questions asked, because Chinese parents consider it high-status for their kids to have a white tutor.
I know a Belgian guy who can barely speak English himself, but he's still a reasonably well-subscribed English tutor.
In Asia you can literally get by on "Just be white bro".

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Fuck off CIA

This is the kikes end-game.
To make whites powerless by debt and shitskin slavewage.
Too (((economically))) insecure to have families.

We were betrayed.
We were suppose to inherit pic related, that was supposed to be ours.
Boomers sold our futures. For cheap labor and cheap products.

Now kikes, niggers, spics, goatfuckers displaced us demographically. Our white peers neck-deep indoctrinated into liberalism and guilt.

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Is that pic from deep cove in Vancouver?

This kind of scenery makes me homesick AF

Hands of a man

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Do you live in a pinnaple under the sea?

lmao you got beat up? pussy

>2 messages
>in ASIA

How fucking fat and ugly are you? LMAO

Okay mixed race shill, clearly you dont have anything better to do so post a pic of your hand with time stamp and tell me to fuck myself on the paper

I would bang that dude in the pic

What is KHV? A virus? I could probably beat you unless you have a virus.

It doesn't show up on your counter unless you respond to them and start a conversation, retard.
If I responded to every Azn skank thirsty for white seed I'd have no time left to shitpost.

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What is khv?

>Can anyone beat me?

i'm going to die this year

at least you finnished highschool unlike me

24 KV and college dropout but I have a loicense. The future seems very fucking dark.

Another Jewish girl, another BBC. When will the Holocaust finally end..?

Why are white males taking out college loans if they don't have a driver's license or a car?

A reliable car is more important in today's job market then a college education.

How are you going to get pussy if you can't pick up Thot's on dates?

kissless hugless virgin

Do your self a favor
Get a driver's license and go to automechanic school so your can have access to cars,pussy and money.

I always thought it was "handholdless", but same principle I guess

Relax, it sounds like you're caught in a cycle of self pity. It's not going to be an easy journey out of this pit but essentially it's one that's doable and has been done before. You just need to start improving yourself, your lifestyle and how healthy you stay day by day little by little. Eventually if you keep moving forwards you'll miraculously look around yourself and find your're out of the darkness but that miracle only begins when you put your first foot forward. I know you can do it user - you just have to believe that you yourself are worth taking care of and you are.

because these poor saps had the world lie to them and they believed it.
I protested college when I first got out of highschool and man was my mom devastated she pushed SO HARD to get me to go. I caved for a little awhile and went two years before I said fuck this and dropped out. Only cost me 8k out of pocket.

Next several years were rough had some dead end jobs, then got a good position but shit pay, then leveraged that for a great job at great pay currently and I look like a genius now because I'm not paying off these stupid loans everyone complains about. Mom finally came around and saw that college mostly is a scam.

Are you me? I'm the exact same even down to failing business uni last year except I have a car so i'm doing a little better than you. But yeah, suicide seems to look like the only option right now

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All white men need to become auto mechanic or electricians if they want access to money,pussy and cars

that is a variation that gets used sometimes, as khhv

Hahaha pussy whiteboy btfo. That's why u dont fuck with us muthafuckaaa

I hope you die

well its not a time for fucking CRYING is it, user. Get off your ass and go for a walk. Have think about how youre gonna get out this mess.

heres your first step 1. youre drinking nothing but water.

Look at you go!

Oh boo. At least you went to college.

I want to impregnate some Asian woman do let let you fuck them bare back and cum inside of them.

I plan on taking a trip to the phillipines to breed the women.

Why don't females just wear a top that isn't overly revealing like normal people? Why do they always have to wear something revealing?

Are they all just whores (genuine question) I see "good" christian girls who are supposedly waiting til marriage that dress this way, what is the goal?

get guns
become a huntsman

find a redpilled friend to take you under his wing, signal your willingness to follow his lead

Only way you can fight is by ganking, absolute cope.

Become a car mechanic welfare mom's will be giving you pussy for a free oil change.

chill dude, looks like she's at the lake. and she is gracious enough to let us admire her beautiful sexy body. thank you sexy lady.

If you fail do a pretrade (takes one year) get an apprenticeship, then use what you've learned at uni to start a business. Being a tradie is good for your mind and body and it teaches you to be able to socialize with all types of people.