Let's have a serious discussion about shills

The entire catalog is pure garbage. What is happening to this site? Is it just going to get worse?

Pic unrelated

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Other urls found in this thread:


I'm not saying its jews
But its the jews.

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pic very related. not about the shills, but about everything in the universe. I haven't eaten today so I'm ready for my dose of knowledge. lay it on me.

This site has been continually going downhill since our version of the "eternal september" with project chanology.

Attached: 1578404316843.jpg (220x229, 14.4K)

OP, shills are out in full force lately.

boomers, virgins, and summer fags

what you call shills are just regular people who have every right to be here and have their voices heard

if you dont like it you can leave


It's not the shills man, it's the Jannies, they were always kinda cunty but now they're just unironically acting Mossad.
Like I'm off work for couple of days & yesterday I'm posting to me hearts content, y'know having some fucking me time off work & they pruned several breads I was posting in.
The bread had legs man, there was traction, people actively posting & they fuckin deleted them.

100 million people stuck at home and 0.1 percent came here.

Yas Forums is now Chinks Vs. Jews. You are either one one side or the other. Shill and Zoomers have taken over.

are you a shill ?
it seems that you're shilling the idea that this board is getting shilled so yeah, SHILL.

Discord trannies, kikes, certain subleddits and anti-hate groups all come here to shill. Some are obvious bots.
Telltale signs of a bot
>Provocative image (like pic related)
>similar catchphrase
>1 post by OP.
>Occupy democrats
>"pol BTFO"
>She is right you know
>Wow... I never thought about it that way

That being said, the goals of the shills and bot programmers are 100% ideological. They believe
>They can make Yas Forums unusably bad so people leave
>They can "report" hate posts to mods and get this place banned (not how it works)
>They can change the minds of bigots
>They can interrupt the "radicalization" of new users by making this place look like repetative garbage
>Push their own agenda to vulnerable minds.
>"Bash the fash" somehow.

Attached: moderate just means i can think of more extreme positions.png (1072x1200, 133.23K)

>This site has been continually going downhill since our version of the "eternal september" with project chanology.
It's a containment board for retards. Always has been and always will be.

Attached: Moot time magazine.jpg (1280x720, 51.48K)

No they don't. The culture does not like them, and thus they need to leave this private platform. If leddit kicks out nazis, we should kick out obvious low effort shills.
If someone wants to be a commie, fine. But these low effort "woah. POL BTFO" posts are already against the rules.

Does anyone have the link for Yas Forums stats? I wonder how much traffic has picked up

Leftists are good at infiltrating online communities. Right wingers need to take a page from their book in this regard


Also another thing... now that Bernie is out, the left has noone to advocate for anymore. Biden shilling is basically nonexistent

It's 1:00am on the East coast of USA. The smart Anons are asleep

I like this image. Feed me more images like this one.

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PC was mostly a Yas Forums thing. The problem was the great Yas Forums split that happened when the mods let Yas Forums become a porn board.
The cold fact of the matter is that the gore and lolis kept normies away. The people who posted illegal shit need to be locked up, but the fringe legal shit kept the normies away.
>Remember, Yas Forums used to make up 25% of this site's traffic.
Then Yas Forums gradually split into 3 boards.
>Yas Forums is where the losers and incels went
>Yas Forums is where the fappers stayed
>Yas Forums is where the racists went.
When it was all on one board, it was toxic to normies, normies used to fear this place. Yas Forums was a place of true degenerates.

Other issues:
>Mainstream popularity after several raids
>Trump winning "because of Yas Forums" (total lie)
>R*ddit effectively killing the right wing on its site meant they all migrated here.

Prepare to 404
pic related

Attached: 1586751601535.jpg (800x1200, 103.99K)

I like this image too.
> Yadda yadda.

Attached: 1586754477003.jpgXX0001.jpg (1280x1080, 317.92K)

This image is rough.

Attached: 1586756063923.jpgXX0001.jpg (1280x1080, 208.12K)

This dude gets it. This site is the equivalent of dark age Europeans walking among the ruins of ancient Rome and using them as latrines.

Yas Forums is currently seeing 22 million monthly visitors.
I saw this coming.

Well 8 was the last bastion of free speech on the normie part of the web, which is why they shut it down. 4 is almost the same as reddit now, and at least reddit is honest about who they are.

There is no free speech on the internet. Try making a threat about football.

That was my point...

Seethe harder incel

We can openly discuss Trump and there is no more cringe antisemitism and irrational hate for African Americans and homosexuals that kept ruining out awoooments image by associating us with nazis and other shizos.

There is nothing wrong with the catalog.

I mistyped. There was NEVER free speech on the internet.

I genuinely think people are just bloodthirsty psychopaths who want an excuse to murder, and will build up and groom their enemies if they don't already exist. You probably have "smash pacifism" left wing anarchists posting anonymous racist shit all the time, desperately trying to convince the dumbest and weakest minded so that they might have someone to murder in the street one day.

ur a retard
try remembering