Based NASCAR driver Kyle Larson calls Anthony Alfredo a nigger during iRacing Pro Series event.
Based NASCAR driver Kyle Larson calls Anthony Alfredo a nigger during iRacing Pro Series event
He still hasn't apologized!!!!!!
It hasn't even hit twitter very hard yet. Tomorrow will be a shitshow.
It's real. lol. At this point, niggers might as well just accept that saying nigger is a human right and not personal.
What's wrong with saying the word nigger?
You mean former NASCAR driver Kyle Larsen.
a real good dude.
Half-nip calls a white man nigger in a racing vidya, good stuff. It's not called the gamer word for nothing
>white guy calls another white guy a nigger during a video game
>twitter full of reeeeing soigoys
but I thought hipsters loved video game culture
Why is saying nigger now worse than raping a child? Seriously.
"Hey nigger"
"Uh lol you are on speakerphone haha"
"Hahaha sry guys"
End of story.
No one wants to join your honeypot NIGGER
because black people have thin skin and are easily offended
Because jews rape children and they run the outrage culture through their monopoly on media.
check the twitter feed
it's all outraged white neckbeards
black people don't even give a shit about this
Wtf nick lee drives nascar? Sheeeeeeeeeeiiiit
Good, now maybe if enough of you Burgers grow some balls you can start culling the black population now that he is lit the fire.
>now that he is lit the fire
you're next
It's usually not black people, it's bottom tier white people who love being offended on others behalf.
if I heard a black man call another black man a honky I'd probably laugh until I die
Calling someone a name over a video game is “lighting the fire” now
He went through the NASCAR diversity program...
He's a Minority. Non Story, Niggers.
>not familiar with Black Twitter
>he was in a fucking racial diversity ad
top kek.
>kyle you're talking to everyone bud
I love it when normalfags ruin their perfect little lives. Delicious.
Whats wrong with it? Ill tell you whats wrong with it. It affirms everything we suspected on the white people, that they know they have an advantage and life and are holding back other races. To say 'nigger' is to basically say "no matter how hard you try, the system is rigged so ill win".
>white man
Alfredo is a fucking wop from connecticut, not a white man. His name is literally antonio.
Damn it he's one of my favorite drivers. Now this will haunt him his whole career.
>implying NASCAR fans give a fuck about him saying it
There are exactly two types of NASCAR fans, white rednecks who probably already use the term, and blacks who definitely already use the term and are probably cool with him saying it.
The only people who are going to be upset by this are woke leftoids on twitter.
also this was a parody. we need to unite against the hate makers and make a beauty world. also no gookers
>caring about racing