A lot of us think Trump is funny. Some of us voted for Trump as a joke, too...

A lot of us think Trump is funny. Some of us voted for Trump as a joke, too. Now that it's election season I hope we are all ready to make the right choice and vote for a mature candidate this year.

If you vote Blue, there's succ for you. Mark my words.

Women genuinely don't favor the Republican party in a lot of places. If you vote Blue your chances of getting a gf will go up. Women can kind of tell if you make it to those ballot boxes or not, call it intuition.

Attached: joe-biden-official-portrait_1600jpg.jpg (620x620, 37.44K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Biden is retarded. The man should be in dementia care, not running for President.

Women cant even parallel park without damaging the vehicle they are driving and everything around it. Intuition my ass.

Biden is a team of people. It's a continuation of the Obama Administration.

You cannot deny that a smart man like Obama certainly would have handled this entire coronavirus fiasco much more soundly than crazy old Trump, right?

That's because we are burdened by our social intelligence. We aren't as good at spacial problem solving as men.

>the right choice
Joe Biden literally preaches white genocide:


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Wtf this is actually supposed to be a pro rapist post

At least Obama could put together a coherent sentence

Who else /jeb!head/?

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I'm simply saying voting for Trump isn't going to get anyone a hot sloppy blowjob in 2020. Who in their right mind would think that?

Poor Joe can’t complete a thought to finish a sentence, let alone handle a crisis. Trump will win the popular vote this time to go along with his electoral college victory.

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Pedo vs pedo for office who will be the victor?

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Obama was nothing more than a team of people. You think that jigaboo actually made any decisions?

Blue pedro equals succ but if Trump wins again it will be a long investment tactical victory for progressives so I guess I don't really care.

You think tank shills will be indicted

Biden's VP will be the liberal Dick Cheney; the unitary executive.

Who will he pick?

It has to be a woman lol.

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Females make excellent leaders and at this point in history it's something of an undeniable fact.

Biden is a pushover for literally anyone who can form a sentence. Mitch McConnell, Putin, every fox news host, a cnn reporter on her first interview, a freshman in college, etc.

youtu.be/_AUXpnB065o Not Biden or Obama invented the Space Force. Please join NOW!

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Who said we need a loud, opinionated person leading our country?

the president can say anything he wants

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That's sort of correct. Idk about blowing up the White House or declaring it national kill niggers day (even though we all want that).

It doesn't mean Joe Biden isn't the better candidate for everyone and for our future.

>Women genuinely don't favor the Republican party in a lot of places. If you vote Blue your chances of getting a gf will go up.
Contrary to the opinions of retards, bending over for women doesn't get you pussy.

Joe Biden’s campaign is a case of elder abuse by the DNC

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Go fuck an electrical outlet, leaf. We all know you're living in Perma-virgin, The Country.

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I'm fucking a chick from Colorado.

>Idk about blowing up the White House or declaring it national kill niggers day (even though we all want that).
what the fuck even is this? Just because he will say something doesn't mean it will happen.

>It doesn't mean Joe Biden isn't the better candidate for everyone and for our future.
What validates these credentials?

No one cares that doesn't give you authority to post on Yas Forums right now. It's voting season in America, this is currently our board and we will let other nations use it when we are done. This is how the world works.

Why are all the anons in America hating Canada so much

I like this image.
Please explain more of this image.

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Discord code: fwBjdp


Attached: 1571777936714-min.jpg (1500x2273, 96.1K)

I like this image too.
But cannot explain either.

Attached: 1586754878221.jpgXX0001.jpg (1280x1080, 429.94K)

This is a nice image, but why?

Attached: 1586756458177.jpgXX0001.jpg (1280x1080, 266.03K)

Look I'm not saying Trump isn't a funny guy or anything like that but you have to consider things like national security and the wellbeing of the citizens of our nation at all rungs of society.

Do you want a tried and true leader who served for 8 years as VP with the Obama administration packing a carefully selected panel or do you want four more years of a billionaire comedian who fucked a kid with Jeffrey Epstein?

You're insane if you think that Republicans are good for the welfare of under and middle class Americans. They support old values that don't really apply anymore and for people on Yas Forums that's part of the appeal, I know. The entire white genocide thing is our main platform here but for a lot of people, me included, we think that's just a meme and funny joke. It's a funny way to talk online and have a laugh.

If you want to be able to buy a home, as a young person, get a good job or affordable education and move up in the world freely as a young person, you're insane if you vote for a Republican. We should have free healthcare, free higher education, better jobs for Americans and a safer society these are all the primary objectives of the democratic party and I hate to break it to you; but for the Republican party, this simply isn't the case.

Oh look Joe Biden is giving A speech again. Ahhh... Somebody dial 911!

Attached: Biden-Eye-640x480.jpg (640x480, 35.57K)

I'm afraid I don't comply with men whose women would rather have sex with me.


She's only fucking you because she's protesting Trump you dumb canucuck. She's going to switch to an American man after the rolling Blue-out and you'll be met with rake as your final bid.