Any Nickers here?
Something you should know if you didn't find out yet.
You've heard of lolcows, meet cashcows:
Any Nickers here?
Something you should know if you didn't find out yet.
You've heard of lolcows, meet cashcows:
>spencerpedes angry
First post gay post.
fuck off back to /cm/ you closet faggot
Go conserve something for a change.
who gives a shit about saving the "white race" or any of this wignat shit? we're just here to own the libs and meme on cringeposters. fuck off fed.
Sorry I don't like catboys
Okay jew.
Kill yourself
let's be honest most of you Nazi fags are probably ShareBlue and working right for the DNC to try to prevent another Trump landslide.
Have you gone on your pilgrimage to Israel this year Moshe?
You just posted cringe.
your tin god Spencer posts literal DNC talking points on Twitter all day. accept it, it's over.
Is there any gay e-celeb this Nick faggot hasn't hung out with?
Lets be honest here, conservatives and lolbergtarians are really just slow liberals.
Liberals=fight for nigger rights
Some time passes
Conservatives=We accept blacks now
Liberals=Fight for gay rights
Some time passes
Conservatives=We're okay with gays now, yay Milo Yiannopolopolous
Liberals=No more guns
Some time passes
Republicans and democrats agree: "Lets take the guns from Virginians".
What have you conserved?
fuck nick and fuck this thread and fuck every homosexual that takes this kike serious.
don't bother, user... these wignats have room temperature IQs, should be in the tard home.
I agree with fuck Nick, fuck kikes, and to hell with fags. Guess you're not one of those useless conservatives then.
I have nothing to contribute other than saying this is all very interesting to me.
DNC talking point? You mean universal healthcare right? News flash nigger, the American Healthcare System is design to fuck over White People. Niggers and Spics get free healthcare and Jews can afford it. We all know you don’t see whites at the Doctor, unless their rich ass boomers. The average White person makes too much money for free gibs but not enough for a trip to the doctor. We all know whites live in rural to semi rural areas and have to use under staffed under payed EMS, even then we can’t afford the ambulance ride. Niggers and Spics get it free, jews and boomers can pay, the average White person is fucked. And politicians cants even campaign for whites. Yang mentioned the white opioid epidemic and the system told him to shut the fuck up. Trump has his low black unemployment and what do you have, a system designed by kikes to fuck you because your white. Fuck Trump, fuck conservatives, and fuck the GOP; all you’ve concerned is black unemployment and mass immigration. 88
This entire OP is a series of literal whos against other literal whos.
>it's another agitprop purity spiral race to the bottom thread
Make /pol based again!
Fuck conservatives
Fuck democrats
Fuck republicans
Fuck lolbergs
Fuck liberals
Fuck commies
Fuck jews
Fuck niggers
Fuck spics
Fuck fags
Fuck anime
Fuck the economy
Fuck corona deniers
Fuck boomers and their stupid bullshit conspiracies
Fuck retards like this guy
lmao, get a load of this shitskin zoomer
MIGApedes will ignore this post
Fuck pedophiles too, get the fuck off my thread faggot.
It's so obvious that Milo, Fuentes, Patrick Casey, and Andrew Anglin are involved in some kind of government gay op against white nationalists. It like somone flipped a switch last year and all of this stuff just came together magically.
Yeah I've started to become increasingly suspicious of celebrity nationalists, mainly christian ones. Every one of them turns out to be a turncoat.
Anglin is a fuck kike traitor. The Coronavirus is bad and Weinstein is a rapist. What fucking Nazi defends a kike who rapes white girls. TELLING SOMEONE THAT IF THEY DONT FUCK YOU THEY WILL NEVER WORK AGAIN IS COERCION.. THAT IS THIRD DEGREE RAPE. And telling whites to not protect themselves from a goddamn plague is kiked. Fuck Anglin.
I honestly think it's time to take /pol from these retarded ass liberalservatives, every time I come here I see them posting cringe and bluepilled horse shit.
Time to become hard ass nationalists and make /pol based.
Heimbach- COMMIE
Schoep- KEK
KEK no Kek
4kike's filters are gay
Murdoch Murdoch fan
I want to impregnate Murdoch-chan so much
tell the murdochs when you see them that i want to impregnate Murdoch-chan
i want to impregnate her
Fuck DACA, fuck MIGA too.
You aren’t funny. hail Pierce or fuck off
Hail Pierce!
Welcome to based /pol leafbro.
Hails o/