Europe is a fucking joke

Look how small these fucking cockroaches are and they STILL talk shit? They're literally the sizes of fucking states. If they understand that Russia and China could wipe them out within seconds why do these faggot midget countries still talk crap in Yas Forums

Everytime an user with a US flag says anything eurofags should ONLY reply with a sentence starting in "Yes Great Leader Well" from now on. Show respect ants.

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So Europe has about the same size as the Us. Whats your point?

HAZ 27 TP - Q
2+7=9 9 is the ultimate number
Toilet paper because it is the most valuable thing know to man
Trust the plan

Our crime rates would also be low if everyone in a 5th story building had a birdseye view of the entire country.

but your countries are fucking nothing dude your all memes.

self hating mad mutt jealous of whites

he forgot the "yes great leader well" also

You are slave, a product of US.

Oh wow that's so significantly larger. Holy shit.

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Funny how you didn't include Scandinavia for some reason lol

At least we have trains that go faster than 60 miles an hour.

Half of Amuttrica is sterile desert.

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Had to zoom in so I could see the UK

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We have cars that go wherever we want them to go.

If China and Russia tag teamed the US we would get fucked. Keep talking shit nerd.

imagine being forced into a fucking train to travel. Yikesssss

Isnt Scandinavia....Scandinavia?

but atleast it would be a war.

Those small countries have contributed more to the world than anyone else, including us.

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i was talking about you lol

Canada is the second largest country and we are the biggest pussies on planet earth

So, you mean to say that Colorado, Utah, Idaho, Wyoming and Montana are desert to Eurotards? Must be, because Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada and a bit of California don't make up half the nation.

The absolute state of Eurofag education and geographical knowledge, jesus, you people don't even care to learn anything, do you?

Imagine having a speed limit on your cuckways.

As in 'not Europe'?

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that's big talk for a country that cucks to israel at every turn

Do I know you? You're the pussies who never fight right?

do mutts have souls Yas Forums?

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swiss army knives come with a wine bottle opener. AHAHAHA

Do you imagine driving fast in your own car while sitting on the train?

literally flyover countries


Grow a pair of balls why don't you? No every European shit talks your beloved country, the ones that do either are a bunch of shills that have VPN set up or are kikes.

Europe is bigger by landmass dipshit.

the United States is 9,833,000 square kilometers while Europe is 10,180,000 square kilometers

Maps don’t represent size properly as the world is a sphere and when you flatten it out it does not scale properly.

Fuck just use google u fuck