Is it because it shows niggers doing what niggers do??
Why is this movie Banned??? ZULU
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Banned where?
Netflix, Prime, Firestick in the USA. Had to VPN to Iceland to watch it.
This is historically inaccurate, Zulu warriors where white people.
the niggers lost
What's it called? The video you linked is about WW2
Thank god I have this on DVD.
simply called zulu
>not having the VHS
Good thing I'm a fucking autistic fuck who hoards VHS tapes.
"Unfortunately, the movie makes such a mess of it that the biggest element of interest is the aircraft carrier itself."[19] Later reviews concentrated on the intriguing aspect of the time travel story, again stressing the military hardware was the real star.[20][21] The U.S. Navy sponsored the film premiere and exploited the film as a recruiting tool to the extent that The Final Countdown poster appeared in U.S. Navy recruiting offices shortly after the film's release.
holy shit thanks I always wanted to see this movie
we watched this in high school. it's not racist it's just a war movie
Yup, wrong link, my bad. Go to the search bar and simply type ZULU.
Seeeiit, thanks mang.
No one cares about nigger movie, watching based '80s time travel war movie instead.
Name of the movie?
Time Bandits?
Not really a war movie, but there is some. Also, it's a badass movie.
Streaming rights are localized by country. Basically nothing is availible everywhere. It might for the first time in years be a genuine coincidence, as the movie is a classic and well known amongst anyone older than a faggy zoomer.
Yea the British empire actually went out and shot up a bunch of niggers hundreds of years ago.
What pisses me off about these historical movies being banned by politically correct little bitches is the fact that they would erase history just because history is politically incorrect. If anything they will just eventually put whites back up on the pedestal because if they manage to erase enough history it will look like white people never shot niggers thus we will never owe them shit like reparations anymore. The only reason the PC fascists hate any war movie like this from before the 80s is Because none of these movies kiss nigger ass. We tell the story. We invaded the Zulu and kicked their asses. There just mad that filmmakers pre 1990 or so never put some spin on it to make sure white people looked like a bunch of racist bigoted asshats.
Nah. Wars happen. It’s never about color of skin, wether your communist, atheist, Muslim, or Chinese it’s all about fighting over resources and territory and strongest survive. That’s it.
Zulu is for instance on german amazon, itunes and microshaft store. So blame the rights owner for self censorship through unavailibility. Who knows why.
>because it is a study guide teaching nigs how to nig
I remember watching this film during Special Forces indoctrination, Cadre were apparently based.
What a coincidence, I was just watching it last night.
Bretty gud movie
Banned? What're you talking about? Do you mean not licensed by faggot Jew owned streaming media companies?
That's not true kraut, everything's on torrent, so long as you fags keep seeding.
I remember watching this movie with my dad. We both cheered when the British finally repelled the mudeating niggers. Ah, better days...
ok movie, l remember it
well. i am specifically talking about streaming. of course you can get torrents. you can probably get hard copies of zulu too. public libraries should have it as a historic movie and classic, too. Retard OP cant figure out the equally retarded film rights fuckery.
its a great movie, also Shaka Zulu tv mini series is worth watching too
wut? What's that and who's cadre?
It seems fucking stupid to ban it considering it actually portrays both sides pretty fairly, and even dolls up the africans as honorable warriors with that salute and singing scene. Fucking dumb to ban it, even by liberal standards.
do you newfags even think before you post? it's literally the OP you retards
The Brady Bunch episode "Is there a doctor in the house?" has been banned as well. It shows them not giving a fuck about catching measles. The pharmaceutical companies pressured the copyright holders to not have it available.