Kicked out of 109 locations in less than 1700 years

>kicked out of 109 locations in less than 1700 years
>1030 expulsions
>average one expulsion every 16 years
>not their fault

Attached: 1550511687536.jpg (750x1000, 149.42K)

Other urls found in this thread:

It’s everyone else’s fault but mine!!!!

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>1,030 times.
Full list with sources:

Fun fact: Norway had it WRITTEN INTO THEIR CONSTITUTION until the late 1800's that jews were literally banned from their country

>The truth about the world wars:
>The truth about slavery:

Attached: a quick jew history.gif (398x254, 3.63M)

>not their fault

Attached: white monster brainwashing.jpg (831x1077, 225.34K)

Girls like her are crazy.

Attached: guatemala_jews.png (825x793, 440.43K)

Fuck you anti-semite

Attached: EXPELLED.jpg (583x643, 328.53K)

It is their fault. They incite the goyim on purpose because it provides their tribe with eugenics. There are only two ways of dealing with the jew: either exterminate every last one of them, or expel and ban them and buy yourself some time.

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I would die for this jew, i love her so bad, i dream of the day when i make passionate love to her as she crys from the pain because shes a virgin, then she whimpers that she loves me then i kiss her deeply. i love her so bad bros it hurts

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Attached: expelled.jpg (1024x1024, 121.4K)

Shes gorgeous. Would spare.

>Kvetch about Jesus so much that the Romans give in to executing him just to get them to shut up
>Pontius states that he himself is innocent, that the Jews are the ones demanding His death and that the blood is on their hands
>Jews enthusiastically agree with Pontius on this
>Jews proceed to cry for the next 2000 years over being unfairly blamed for the death of Jesus
This sequence alone has pushed me further towards Christianity.

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Who are you trying to convince? You're preaching to the choir.

thank you mexi-bro

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You're welcome. 2 Questions;
Do you know her real name? and, is she on instagram?

I like this image.
> stuff.

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Like and like and my tin eye.

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I feel bad for africans too..

Weren't Jews also given the chance to convert or face expulsion also?

I remember the Alhambra Decree stated this

Cmon bro, don't let me down.

I got you bro her instagram is @amazzonkane and her name is Alexandra Bender. I love this female so much

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I feel you. But isn't she a lil bit older to have an obsession with that angela anaconda cartoon?

yeah bro, i honestly believe she has autism, which means she unlike to ride the cock carousal and possibly be a virgin. If i remember correctly there's a video of her explains that nobody every asked her out and when she decided to ask this boy out,but she got denied so badly she just stopped asking boys out.

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Wow. Wish I was in her hometown. She seems like a New Yorker. Where is she from?

I'm so sorry for all of the horrible grammar.

i have no idea but i believe she;s out in the midwest

No problem bro. Going to bed now, see you around.

I wanna fuck her. I know that slut will make me coom so hard

see you homie sweet dreams :)