The reason there are shit tier men today is because the chads had children with shit tier women...

The reason there are shit tier men today is because the chads had children with shit tier women. Only defeatists or low iq defend the mentality in pic related but dont put same standard on women

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says a girl with the greasiest face that a 5 pixel picture hurts my retinas

>men are shit incels are jokes
>age: 47
>kids one day? Yes
>any pets? 16 fur babies

whats funny about this is its basically admitting women are nothing but good for their holes as their is no systematic course to cleanse low quality women

isnt this more true of women? women are almost never culled off compared to men, and they are the ones making all these so called little men

The obsession of women with mens height is truly absurd. I have never observed in my life a correlation between height and intelligence or similar. Often the tall ones are quite stupid.

>a correlation between height and intelligence

That's most likely a thing considering that both traits are affected by nutrition.

You know what inspires her? Occasional visits to this site. This post will get alot of respondents and will make alot of men mad for a second before they internolize the hate and then mcmasterbate. All your doing is keeping the cycle going.

She has a point. Throughout history we had wars to fight. Now we just sit and delapitate

good another men vs women thread
you guys were almost thinking about the jews

No its not. Never observed it. At our school we had a mathemtician who made third place in international olympics and he was tiny.

exactly. to clean up the gene pool, we need to start killing low quality women

short nations like france and japan live longer. why the fuck would anyone want to be tall?

do women think they produce anything of value? Are you shitting me

It’s the “low quality” men that do all the jobs that run life, the same men who made that phone she posted this on

God I fucking hate women

Putin, Macron, Berlusconi. I could go on. Hitler wasn't particularly tall, neither was CHurchill or Stalin. Its a pure female meme. It never even dawned on me until I read about it on the internet.

There is an extremely small correlation that amounts to about 1 point of IQ per foot of height. This is due to the larger size of the skull of taller men, which leads to a larger brain. It's pretty negligible and is largely offset by other factors, but it does exist.

have sex

Most of the women that like tall men weight like 200+ pounds and are short as fuck, like bitch GTFO I want a woman about my height not some high school height bitch that weights as much as a full grown pig.

>a mathemtician who made third place in international olympic

smart guy for sure, try asking him what an anecdotal evidence is

Muh anectodal evidence.

Jockeys are tiny and the majority of them are brainlets.

So are langlets from my experience.

the irony coming from a 3/10 woman with a 2/10 attitude

They just think it's a physically attractive trait. Probably has something to do with strength and/or dominance

She's such a fucking retard.
Men died because of constant wars and famines followed by genocide of the male population and the raping and enslavement of the remaining women
Around the time of Genghis Khan the human population was miniscule allowing for the gene pool to be altered radically and quickly through mass rapes and genocide which is why 5% of all men today are direct decedants of Genghis Khan
Many other rulers in the old world have done the same.
Basically she's saying rape a bitch

Einstein was 5ft 9

>I have never observed in my life a correlation between height and intelligence
>Often the tall ones are quite stupid
you literally contradicted yourself in 2 consecutive sentences

Jews are a scapegoat for women

cherrypicked anecdotes

Shes as retarded as you are OP. And that is rare for a man to be as closely retarded as a woman considering that men on average have 14 millions more neuron connections. Stop eating your neurons man.
"Historically" men and women alike went through shit like having their houses raised to the ground, and no food to reproduce or being straight out slathered. And not to mention that the needed for labor was tremendous back then so even if we go by her fucktarded lojique, is like saying that you need money, then once you get money you just burn them with a lighter. So if you think that landlords back then didnt need men AND women would be the most fucktarded idea on the planet.
Pls pls pls kill yourself before you lay any eggs cuz u are too dumb for this planet, ty.

I love when feminists dismiss men as cannon fodder, as if cannon fodder aren't the main reason they aren't speaking some Middle Eastern language and wearing a burka. Maybe men should stop being cannon fodder, and we can see what happens then.


remember prenatal testosterone has an effect too, and women passing on weak chins, soft features, smaller bones, baldness being affected by the mother's side

manlets coping hard af itt

fat and ugly women are responsible for declining birth rates world wide.

If we told the truth how it is we wouldn’t have these problems.

Go anywhere in the u.s. and you’ll notice that every other women looks like pic related.

Explain to me how you expect me to stick my dick and procreate with an unfuckable overweight piece of shit that looks like a human sized frog?

Most men are holding up to their end of the bargain by being financially stable so why are most modern women not doing the same by taking care of their bodies

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Just insert *positive correlation and shut up about it.

If women's tiny brains can't handle this site then they should just GTFO, don't even bother showing tits.

the problem is capitalism. A lot of low quality men also reproduce through beta bucks. But a lot of chads for whatever reason settle for shit tier women, probably because high quality women tend to beta bucks. It's complicated. Shitty women will always produce shitty kids regardless of the quality of the father.

she is speaking of "inferiority" with those genes.. pathetic.

Darwin can literally be quoted as saying
"Women are on par with the nigger". I'm not even kidding. It's just fucking reality. However, divorce has helped shitty marriages and I dodged a bullet not living with my father. It's a shame to see my mother have to carry the weight of two kids, however we are both in University and kicking ass so all is good.
Men are the true short coming, I am hopeful that the liberal agenda will take a uturn from where it's at and have a better agenda than its had for the last 50 or so years.
>Basically take us back to Kennedy and fuck (((Johnson)))

Here's something, how about instead of bitching about "men who don't get laid" and just FUCK THEM ALREADY.I mean jesus god damn christ why are people so fucking bitter.

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to her credit though, male scarcity (or lack thereof) is a real factor at play in the current shitshow

post her pics