'If you're black you can't go out': Africans in China face racism in Covid-19 crackdown

>Africans in southern China's largest city say they have become targets of suspicion and subjected to forced evictions, arbitrary quarantines and mass coronavirus testing as the country steps up its fight against imported infections.

>Local authorities in the industrial centre of 15 million said at least eight people diagnosed with the illness had spent time in the city's Yuexiu district, known as "Little Africa".

>Five were Nigerian nationals who faced widespread anger after reports surfaced that they had broken a mandatory quarantine and been to eight restaurants and other public places instead of staying home.

>As a result, nearly 2,000 people they came into contact with had to be tested for Covid-19 or undergo quarantine, state media said.

>"I've been sleeping under the bridge for four days with no food to eat... I cannot buy food anywhere, no shops or restaurants will serve me," said Tony Mathias, an exchange student from Uganda who was forced from his apartment on Monday.

>The infections in Guangzhou have sparked a torrent of abuse online, with many Chinese internet users posting racist comments and calling for all Africans to be deported.

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WTF! I love China now!

Put them down like dogs or leave them be, or let them be and let Corona chan take care of them.

> Tony Mathias, an exchange student from Uganda who was forced from his apartment on Monday
Imagine getting to be an exchange student and getting out of Uganda and picking China. Why?

why the fuck are niggers in China?


Looks like the Chinese found an excuse for potential genocide.
Why were there Germans in Argentina?

It's like China took what hitler failed to do, and is actually making it work.

Except for only Han Chinese.

And all subhuman whites and africans will be treated like NAZIs treated the Jews and Slavs

We've been establishing civilization in Africa for some time now, it's not all mud huts. Some get an education, many realize if they ever want to do anything or live a decent life they need to get the fuck out of Africa. They go wherever they can. They aren't migrants, they typically learn the language before hand, are well mannered, and follow legal channels for getting out of Aftica.
I've met a few first generation Africans and they were 100x better than African Americans. They didn't understand or like Nigger culture, just wanted a good job and to stay out of trouble.
The issue is though their kids would likely be niggers.

Chinese-niggers are ex-Nazis confirmed?

China is trying to train nigger supervisors, like the one in Empire of Dust.

Students of the rich in Africa being 'trained' as a favour and to get influence with the 'nations' so they can be better exploited.

il just leave this here

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All you leafnigger posters are just Chinks. Par for the course with non-whites: you love your country so much you moved to the other side of the planet to a country full of white people.

>I cannot buy food anywhere, no shops or restaurants will serve me

I could literally coom to this.

>letting nigs into their society in the first place
That might be an even bigger fuck up than the wuhan biolab

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These chinese people don’t give a fuck. They act like it wasn’t them who started this whole shit by eating disgusting animals. The fucking audacity

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Every time I start to dislike the Chinese, they go and make me like them again.

Yes i agree we should put chinese down like the dogs they are.

There are tons of Chinks in Africa too. What's their endgame?

What the fuck are niggers doing in China



Since chinks are facing overpopulation, they will probably kill the blacks in Africa and migrate to it

I thought they would just EAT them.

>why the fuck are niggers in China?
Chinks want a racial based underclass.

They still don’t belong here, and their kids end up becoming African Americans anyway, fully brainwashed by our anti white education system.

They have to go back.

Do their shithole nations not have embassies in China to look after the needs of their citizens?

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>Chinks cause pandemic via a lab accident or eating uncooked bat asshole

Chinks are the worst ethnic group by far

Einstein was right. Lovecraft was right.

Fucking why though. They should learn from us. I’ll tell any chink who will listen that we should have picked our own damn cotton.

kek, oh this is going to down well for the millions of Chinese living Africa. Stupid move.

Dont get me wrong, I agree 100%
Just saying some 1st gen africans can be kind of based. They act white and hate nigger culture in america.
It's not a bunch of niggers running around China, it's African exchange students and educated(loosely applied) adults.

Chinas citizens are blaming it on blacks because they can't accept that they're responsible.

media is dead silent about this. hmmmmmm

Only white-x racism is accepted, that’s why the media bitched about the anti-china sentiments