Sports Photographer Anthony Causi somehow dies of hoax virus

Who really killed him and what did he know about 5G?

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Checked. Looks like the world dodged a bullet.

When I was

Checked and gay. Virus is a hoax.

Someone was fat. A bunch of buddies got it and got over it in a few weeks. Only weak pussies die.

OD'd on nothingburgers

I have a lot of friends playing at this like it's a nothing burger. This guy was 48.
"Only the old die" that definition of old gets lower and lower.

A young boy

Sad he was a family man.

Attached: anthony-causi-his-wife-romina-seferian-causi-and-their-two-children..jpg (800x534, 51.26K)

My father

Me in the back.

that tall kid is fugly

He might have had some predispositions


sorry fren must be the lighting

sports nigger photo monkey dies
who gives a fuck

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told me

only the fat die

Took me into the city

What a fag.


a damn shame he was obese/overweight

what are you American's eating??

>who gives a fuck

They said he died of a virus that doesn't exist. What info was he leaking on underground military bases run by pedos who communicate via celebrity tweets?


niggers and italians are not faring well at all
also, nice quads

You Coke drinking niggers are about to get wrecked

Nothingburger and a large Lie

>An unhealthy overweight non-white dies of Coronavirus.

something tells me they aren't giving them the treatment

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>the virus is DEFINITELY real, bro.
>ONG BRO did you hear today's update about the Corona Virus!?
>yeah bro it's MUTATING!!!
>YEAH BRO AND it's twisting your balls off! AND it takes on a human form and rapes women!!!
>Huh? Hoax? Nah bro, the elites would never lie to us.
>trust me bro, I read figures online.
>bro, it's impossible to make up fake statistics.

The same (((CDC))) and (((WHO))) that is owned by communist Jews. The same organizations that claimed
>gaming and masculinity to be mental disorders
>gender dysphoria is not a mental illness
Fuck off.

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>making an Instagram post of your last dying moments


soooo sick but priority is still to make selfies and post on kikemedia

He had evidence that would lead to the conviction of Hillary Clinton.

He said "son, when you grow up"

I have heard that before and predispositions range from cancer to asthma, in my country a 13yo died and they said he ha a co morbidity, psoriasis, I know it is a result of a fucked up immunity system but even then I bet there are alot of people that if they caught this would just died and be swept under the rug of "co morbidities"

Also this. Hahahaha what a total fag. I hope he can check his likes down in cuck hell.

literally who

This is pretty depressing. The old guy had just started a family only a couple of years.

idk some fat Mexican dude on the talmudvision

"Would you be the savior of the broken, the beaten, and the damned?"

>all this cope
>h-he was obese!

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>He had evidence that would lead to the conviction of Hillary Clinton

He is the first person to be shot twice in the back of the head that died from coronavirus

Probably wasn't even a real person. Literally who? Have you ever heard of him?
Didn't think so.

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He should have gotten healthy for them.

>Looks like the world dodged a bullet.

He said "will you defeat them"

Wtf what's wrong with the lanky kid in the back?

Check the doctored pictures in the article I linked that are obvious NSA Deepfakes

The demons and all the non believers, the plans that they have made

he's american normal
80% of american men are going to die

The demons and all the unbelievers

You have better odds of dying of the flu than coronavirus unless you are obese, old, and are riding subways or are going out to big orgies.

Because one day, i'll leave you

>Wtf what's wrong with the lanky kid in the back

you can't die from a fake virus so I'm guessing his wife poisoned him after he threatened to do a paternity test on ol' stretch in the family photo

Had corona, the fucking fever dreams where you wake up every 15-30 mins for 9 hours straight were some of the worst i've felt in my life.

another morbidly obese person died, big whoop.

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So many Americans have undiagnosed chronic health issues as a side effect of obesity or the shit that is put in our food.

Italians can't resist Coronachan. Cuomo was hallucinating, beaten like a pinata, shivering, chipped a tooth.

preaching to the choir

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48 is old

He was pretty fat to be honest. May his soul find eternal peace.

>healthy 24 year old with no underlying conditions dies of COVID

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Pretty cool to have a pet giraffe. Rip

More like he died of not having anything else to live for.
Those stupid bouncey ball shit is finished.. so now he is finished

that haircut, yikes
those manboombs, yikes
that faggot smirk, yikes

I'll be pissed if he doesn't die

>eternal 10 piece mcnuggets

A family man and a fat ass

Well, he has an Italian last name. Do Italians have some fucked up genes that COVID just destroys them?

only crisis actors die

he's already dead you dirty rican

Penne immune systems

A phantom

Mcr was/is for fags. Check em

>no underlying conditions

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He looks like he is thirty four.

to lead you in the summer


>tfw really, really bad psoriasis

At one point was 60% covered in plaques. It mihgt be because of the medication though and not the auto immune disease, the medication lowers your immune response in a lot of cases.

>no underlying conditions

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