Individualism Is Disaster

Individualism leads to The West being dominated by Jews, and leads to The West self-destructing. Individualism is the war of all against the all. Every man for himself.

We need a common religion to combat the menace of individualism.

The book Leviathan mentions that individualistic squabbling leads to life being unpleasant, nasty, and brutish, and it also said individualism leads to people having short life spans due to bad health.

We can see the life span in America has gotten shorter. We can see squabbling between generations has resulted in life being harder for both the younger generation and older generation.

If you can get non-Jews in the West to cooperate with each other, by bonding under a common religion, this can help increase peoples life spans and prevent Jews from dominating society.

We should be helping each other get free food, giving charity to eachother. Charity is one of our traditional values, not pulling yourself up by your bootstraps, not working hard, our traditional value is giving GIVING OUR NEIGHBORS FREE FOOD.

Some propose Christianity, others Asatru, some Hinduism, other religions. Western Barbarism may seem cool in Conan The Barbarian movies, but in practice it has just resulted in Jews pushing us around, it has resulted in Muslims pushing us around, and just about any collective group out there.

Attached: Leviathan.jpg (752x1199, 519.48K)

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Individualism is quentisentially huwhite, it is the very thing that distinguishes you people from us

No. Fuck off kike.

Attached: individualism.jpg (1774x1602, 1.32M)

no man. You're striking at ghosts. It's mental masturbation.

Individualism isn't a menace.
The root of all evil
>We can see the life span in America has gotten shorter.
Always the longest it's ever been.
>We should be helping each other get free food, giving charity to eachother. Charity is one of our traditional values, not pulling yourself up by your bootstraps, not working hard, our traditional value is giving GIVING OUR NEIGHBORS FREE FOOD.
Charity is a double-edged sword that creates dependance.
>Some propose Christianity, others Asatru, some Hinduism, other religions.
Church of satan

shutup kike

Attached: 1565233363638.jpg (742x1024, 142.87K)

I thought I recognized that pic from somewhere:

We need a new religion OP. A religion that's TRUE and based on European ideals.


>A religion that's TRUE and based on European ideals.
How about a religion that's based upon critical thought and common sense?
Ooooohhh..... only thing that fits is no religion at all.

Individualism has nothing to do with the jews dominating. It's got to do with their control over the money supply.
END the central bank cartels and the IMF. Religion is just another tool to control people.
It's another jewish fucking desert religion, for example the bible states that slavery is a natural condition, this works really well for those who own the money supply and the monarchies.
Individualism is the process of putting the rights of the individual before the group.
The group is under control the individual is not.
When you believe you are part of a group you will accept more and more draconian measures to support the group.

>How about a religion that's based upon critical thought and common sense?

That is already a religion; it is called consumerism. And that religion doesn't seem to work in the interest of European nations.

The greatest thing the Jew fears is minimal government. Without levers of power to pull, they are strictly limited in the number of people they are capable of influencing. Why do you think there are no truly free countries left on this planet?

Who are your people?

I'll check out the video, I am open to a new religion, I don't mind the old ones either.

Your mind has been Jewed.

You really think they fear MINIMAL government? No, they fear government that acts in the interest of the people.

You don't know anything about critical thought, common sense or consumerism, it seems. You aren't very bright. You're 100% wrong. Consumerism is the opposite of common sense and critical thought. Critical thought is what you need to learn. I guarantee you have no idea what it is or how it would change your life. Use your common sense (which your post didn't demonstrate) and learn to think critically, user. You need it.

Or Cosmotheism.

This is all backwards. OP's like
>Guys we need to rally around something. Which religion are we all going to pretend to believe in so we can enjoy community within that religion? But it has to be based and reflect our values.
Why not just cut out the middleman and rally around your shared values directly? Who cares if those values involve an afterlife or not? Quit trying to engineer, manipulate and plan, and just be honest. A community's only going to be as good as its shared values and shared vision of the past/future anyway.

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How about White Nationalism?

>The greatest thing the Jew fears is bankruptcy.

There is no such government. The Jew worms into power and relies on sweeping authorities to ensure that they stay there. This is their natural state. The only way you can prevent the Jewry from doing so is to either explicitly forbid them from government or to simply not have the levers of power available in the first place. The only two forms of government resistant to Jewish influence is monarchy (ensuring a consistent ethnic lineage in the top seat of government) and minarchy. The US has gotten (more, less) Jewed over time? During this time, the government has become (more, less) collectivist?

>Or Cosmotheism.
Isn't this just reality? - or at least a better educated guess than any mythology. I can't treat this like a religion, though. There wouldn't be any ritual or prayer or anything that identifies any other religion, and the religious convictions are changeable with the introduction of new information. It's simply recognition of what we know and can surmise based upon the evidence. Not religion.

Im black. Eat my ass faggot.
Everything in the field of HBD and evolution that you people claim selected for and favored for higher intelligence are just other ways of saying you guys were selected for miserliness and selfishness. You guys were born of a cold harsh enviornment where you and your immediate family were always more important than the wider """volk""". You greedy snowniggers and your big brains used the fruits of thousands of years of evolution to spend the first half of the 20th century trying to genocide each other. You niggers only turned on eachother after you ran out of space on the global where you could satiate your jewey desire to have more than your neighbors. And the funniest thing is that even the JEWS arent capable of such treacherous kikery that they would sellout their volk for their own individual personal gain.
You guys are litetally not group selective enough.

>The only two forms of government resistant to Jewish influence is monarchy (ensuring a consistent ethnic lineage in the top seat of government) and minarchy

Are those really the only two, user?

Individualism versus collectivism is a false dichotomy. Minarchy in the US led to where we are today. Time to looks towards something newer and better.

Man, you really have a racial soapbox to preach from?
>I'm black.

you're either a jew or underage

individualism and forcing your children to make themselves is molech worship

you wont convince any of these blind cultists to stop

Computer models show individualists will be BTFO by collective identitarians every time, no matter who they are.

Thankfully, America is not an atomized lolbertarian utopia. The nation has a shared identity most will fight for if they feel it's under threat, even if it means electing a cretin like Trump to do so.

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Neither. Guess again, homo.

>Computer models show individualists will be BTFO by collective identitarians every time, no matter who they are.
Which is why I always wonder why these threads even pop up.

I support the racial soul. We should group together based on race. On being white. Makes sense in this forced multiculturalism dividing all of us.

>Which is why I always wonder why these threads even pop up.

Insecure faggots who don't pay attention to the cycle of history.

We're literally reliving the period between 1977 and 1982 as we speak.

Democrats democrating, going full clown-world, encouraging race riots and turning criminals into the streets to the point it's total bedlam.

Sane people leaving the party en masse.

Next step is a massive pendulum swing toward "law and order" over the next couple electoral cycles.

Sadly this also means we're not going to see real populism: the DNC is too fucking insane to punish sell-out RINOS so we'll get "just enough" populism to quell the masses from the establishment arms.