Why do good girls like bad guys? I’ve had this question for a real long time. I’m a bad guy and it’s plain to see...

Why do good girls like bad guys? I’ve had this question for a real long time. I’m a bad guy and it’s plain to see, so why do good girls fall in love with me?

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i hate this song so much

falling in reverse needs to go away

they just see fire that they want to include to balance. rebellious ways shows off it.

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girls don't like boys, girls like cars and money

They're all subs who want to be dominated.

they do it because they have low standards....they fuck niggers too.....

be glad....you don't have to up your game....

being a good guy takes restraint, honor, clarity.....

guys like you are like dogs who come up and sniff your crotch....a dime a dozen

Women are stupid whores.

Bad guys give them vagina tingles, it's like thinking with your dick except worse because they take everyone down with them.

Because they're not good girls. You just think they are because you put pussy on a pedestal. Girls fart and poop, get over it.

omg all the people responding. they're literally song lyrics


They’re not good girls, they’re girls with issues.

All women are either whores (/wives) or sluts (/girlfriends).

if you want a wife, you need cash and clout that she doesn't have. if she's got cash and clout, she goes for badboy feels and validation.

if you want your women to be wives, you need to cut off their artificial cash (makework jobs) and clout (the right to vote, a culture of being taken seriously). otherwise what else have they got to strive for?

Dark triad traits. It really is no joke the age old saying “nice guys finish last”. It’s blatantly obvious to everyone the type of man that succeeds and is selected by nature to spread their genes. Most people just cannot come to terms with the reality because it is harsh. What kinds of actions bring in the most protection, security, and resources for a woman an her children? High risk, violent, and brutal. So if your a man who makes a habit of practicing all of the above then your definitely going to be getting a lot of pussy thrown at you. Having a roided up bodybuilder physique is about the same effect. Even if you happen to be a “nice guy” who uses the juice.
It’s so simple, so widely known to all. But never blatantly called out anywhere except in small circles of men who know the truth or on the darker corners of the net like here. Books can be written on how this all works, but the mainstream would never allow you to publish it because no one wants to hear the black pill and most publishers would be worried about the ass hurt feminist backlash.

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Girls like certainty.

Confidence is more certain than doubt, money is more certain than doubt.

They are creatures of constant chaos and need and crave something that guides them towards a more centered path.

If a man is at it's best without doubt than women will flock to him, that's why bad guys get the girl, cause nice guys are to much like women. Nice guys are frail and treat them as men instead of women. They are cats or children.

>Girls like certainty.
Exactly. They are fools. The nature of reality is uncertain, random, and full of doubt and randomness. They can't handle reality.

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you are better than you give yourself credit for

Marcus Aurelius?

Women are hardwired to finding aggressive men attractive because that means protection for their offspring.

Whores want what’s unattainable and become obsessed with those who cannot be possessed by them. Once they have you they loose interest completely. They cannot control a “bad guy” so they love the chase.

Yep exactly why they love criminals, thugs, brutes, barbarians. Men that go against the grain and are defiant are the sexiest as they live the most risky life and need strongest genes to thrive

I'm saying it's most likely not a serious question

boys will laugh at girls when they're not funny

youre confusing good girls for damaged girls *daddy issues *Sexual assault victims

damaged girls think they can covert a bad guy into a good guy which will somehow cure their own issues.

women like men who have financial security and family stability

women biologically only like things that they see as superior to them. the best way to trick them into thinking that you are better than them is to

>treat them like shit
>not pay attention to them at all

this is why it appears that they want men that are either cruel or emotionally unavailable, when in reality they are just manipulated by their pursuit of best baby material. this is also why men that are sweet, stable, or emotionally available get cucked- the worst thing you can be to a woman is inferior, if you want sex or attention from her at least.

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Discord code: cT9RQj


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It all depends if they have a good father and respect him. If so she’s a good girl.

If not stay tf away.

good girls are the biggest sluts

t. former chad

A meek subservient man will cause a woman to have a few merk subservient sons.
An ambitious dgaf man who takes what he wants will cause a woman to have strong ambitious sons that will enthusiastically propagate her genetic code

based adam sandler reference

Nah, they just like tall and strong men. You can be a nice guy but if you are tall, strong, good looking they will fuck you.

Chad, you're not comprehending. If shes a slut shes not a good girl (pretty fucking obvious), again, that's damaged goods...

t. Alpha Chad

When they are old and used

I wouldn't know who are good or bad girls, because I haven't tried to get sex from them. I am saving myself for marriage.

t. Giga Chad

men who don't give a fuck are losers.... wtf you talking about?

Ambitious or DGAF fucking chose one loser.

And when you marry one you sure the beast?


Oh, I will give her the mark of the beast alright.

Not one of these posters is female.

and every now and then one rises above the ruble.

Carry on.

>Why do good girls like bad guys?
kys nazi


Essentially, bad guys go and hit on every girl. Normal guys think good girls don't like them even if they do because of a lack of signals, but bad guys assume every girl likes them.

leave the boy alone. he obviously needs hope LMFAO