I've recently became a full blown Canadian nationalist/fascist

I've recently became a full blown Canadian nationalist/fascist
>3rd generation immigrant
>not aryan, but still white
>half greek, half italian
Am I retarted? Should I not be proud of being a Canadian? Am I actually canadian? My devotion is to canada and only canada and I'm willing to die to a cause for my country (joining the reserves in the summer). I am completely assimilated (don't speak either greek or italian). Should I not be a Canadian nationalist because I'm not of british decent from hundreds of years ago?

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As a Canadian that is of British descent from hundreds of years ago. Give up on this place - Canada no longer belongs to European identity. It's going to take the formation of something new and we can let the cancer continue to LARP as "Canada." But I think at the same time as people of the European diaspora we have to be Nationalists of convenience even if we're taking part in a fake national identity like Canadian - it's the only thing we have. It's a tough one.

Do you love maple syrup, Ice skating and clubbing seals?

>Should I not be a Canadian nationalist because I'm not of british decent from hundreds of years ago?
Ever since the flag went from the red ensign to the fucking leaf this country is not that Canada anymore. Its a post-national state, the leaf represents everyone and so it represents absolutely no-one, thats why its a fucking leaf.
The Canada today actively seeks to destroy the Canada that it once was.

Yes. Appreciation from your southern neighbor.

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John A MacDonald was nat soc before nat soc was a thing.

Bc canada is cucked, you have no rights and elected a fag to run your country. Its too late to be a nationalist because your country is doomed to a path of sjw autism for the rest of it's life while you angrily watch.

Nationalism is a garbage ideology and you gave the proof yourself. Jews promote it for their own ends.

i have a surprise for you user,

you are not a greek. you have the Turkish blood in your body. sorry.

If you dislike canada then fuck off back to Italy faggot. do you really thought this would be a good thread? Kys

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>My devotion is to canada and only canada and I'm willing to die to a cause for my country (joining the reserves in the summer). I am completely assimilated (don't speak either greek or italian).
Then you write this:
>Should I not be a Canadian nationalist because I'm not of british decent from hundreds of years ago?
Decide It for yourself

thats a weird thing to be

Honestly I’ve never met anyone especially patriotic to Canada, let alone nationalistic. We can’t join European heritage movements, b/c we’ll never be accepted back in our ancestors’ homelands. We’re stuck with no national identity. We’re all blank slates. Which can be a good thing, the global powers won’t be able to cloak themselves in a fake nationalism like they do in the states. But that also means no one even plays lip service to the idea of Canada as a people. But most of us will just get swept along with whatever the states is doing.

What exactly is there to be proud of? We live on stolen land and even if you don't give a fuck about the ethics of that, it's not like we're preserving some sort of culture or tradition by doing so unless you really wanna reach for some weirdo shit that alienates pretty much anyone that lives here. Really we have no real reason to exist so again I don't get where the pride is supposed to stem from here.

Then steal the land back.

eeeh it depends. canada hasn't been canada since 1971

>I've recently became a full blown Canadian nationalist/fascist
>Am I retarted?

As much as Ive given up hope that Canada could ever be a cool ass british colony, Im still god damn proud to be an aryan in a sea full of foreign rejects, bettering my small white comminty while places like toronto sink further into degenerate melting pot shitholes. Do yourself a favor: pick atown with no more than 100k people, and go to church even if you dont care about God. Thats where most of the decent white people are hiding. I haven't talked to a non white person in years. They're still around but they keep to their own cliques.

Canada as a nation is broken.
I just want to live and work in the US

>Stolen land
This meme will never die

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Not this time CSIS...

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I accept you .

nations gone pal,
spend 7 bucks on an American flag on Amazon an join a country that actually exists

no because your not white
hey there rabbi
your a fucking moron we were here before the yahoos look at the actual history read some hancock. and realize about the copper from Detroit ending up in Greece
go away Justin no one cares about you now that weeds legal

>I've recently became
So is this your coming out party until three months whenever you come out as a an Anarco primitivist

Anglos are the truest Canadians.

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German Canadian here. The true Canada was/is a place for all European peoples as long as they remained loyal to the Crown. Europeans are kin, we are brethren. That is why mass immigration during the late 1800's and early 1900's worked for Canada. We are all able to assimilate since despite some differences, as we have a similar cultural understanding and this is in our blood. Norwegians, Ukrainians, Irish etc. all made Canada better. During the Pearson and Trudeau eras, we lost this knowledge and embarked on a pathway of national destruction. So yes, you can be a Canadian nationalist, but it is life of heartbreak and sorrow.

yeah you're pretty retarded, if Canada is a white ethnostate, it's predominantly Anglo followed by Scottish and Irish. there is virtually no history of Greek or Italian influence on the culture there.

You're pure canadian, that's what you should be concerned about.
There is nothing retarded about standing your ground and demanding your home remains intact for another 3 generations.
Give em hell, scaryleaf.

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