What is the truth about China?
Are the Chinese evil?
What is the truth about China?
Are the Chinese evil?
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Considering the whore of babylon rides on the back of a dragon idk china needs to go
Insectoids can't be evil
china's gonna collapse soon, don't worry
The last good doctor in China was Shennong
Chinese are Americans truest enemy and all of Europe, they despise us and all of the west. They want us to be dependent on them. They created the coronavirus to cripple our economies and rely on them for pharmaceutical needs and respirators etc. China has such a large population they don’t care about installing a little polulation control in their homeland, it won’t even phase them and they will lie about the numbers and move on and not stop their economy while the west freaks out closes everything down and doesn’t know how to handle it.
"Evil" only applies to people who are also capable of good.
The cultural devolution
The great leap backward
Every ounce of humanity they once had was systematically and methodically stripped from them
They are brainwashed hivemind CCP drones now
Do not feel for them when they’re under your boot, you’re doing them a favor
A country on the way up. This makes the one going down seethe, ergo threads like this.
The rest of us don't care.
The Chineese Communist Party needs to be schwarzeneggerd
they don't have souls
They're based and Aryan, and one of the most powerful groups that has a chance to defeat jewry
No theyre great people and constantly seek to help other countries
China lies and people die never trust
>Are the Chinese evil?
That's what your government wants you to think. In reality, the Chinese are the good guys. the US are the baddies.
>as he says nervously for the 84th time.
No, the civic nationalists who inhabit this board instinctively fear the power of a nation fueled by ethnonationalism. Just look at how far even the soulless chink has come with a love for his people in his heart, even the lowest people united stand stronger than a mongrel mess like America. Just imagine what could be if we had this kind of ethnonationalism in our own nations.
I read some pasta somewhere that says China bad and some TV show said China bad. Coincidence? I think not. China will collapse any moment!
Visited a few years ago, was very impressed. Now I work with a bunch of Chinese immigrants and see how much more intelligent they are than whites. The US is on its way down, China on the way up. China realized a long time ago they must change to improve society, something Americans have trouble with
We've been waiting for a while and at this point, the CCP is winning. End of history is dumb liberal bullshit
Kys mutt filth
The ones born in china can't be trusted but second generation begin to get their humanity back a little once exposed to humans
China will at some point they keep saying everything is growing and getting better but it’s only to look good on the world stage the infrastructure is a joke it looks good but just like most things in China it looks good but breaks like wet paper in a tornado
least personable people on the earth. i dislike them on a personal level and if i never see another chinese person as long as i live that would be just swell
>Immigrants are indicative of a whole country
This is pure survivorship bias, most legal immigrants are hard-working because getting USA citizenship is hard. You don’t see Uncle Bumfuck who drinks rice alcohol and can’t spell because he couldn’t be arsed (or qualified) to come to the USA. Most of China is rural super-hicks who are some of the stupidest people on earth, on par with Indian street urchins.
Bad chink comrade
i work with one whos born here in nz but still a dumbass and a ccp shill
The PRC is waging information warfare against the GOP and USA in support of DNC given that none of their candidates proved popular. All of this is an effort to restore the treason that was happening at the behest of China under the Obama-Biden administration.
Europeans depend heavily on Russian oil / gas. They do not like Russia having a lot of leverage over them in this way. Poland / Ukraine are the eastern border of Europe as far as Western Europeans are concerned, so they want NATO running a defensive corridor there.
The Middle East primarily sells oil / gas to China. They do not have pipeline access to Europe, and the United States blocks pipeline access to China via Afghanistan (which we occupy, for this exact reason).
In the middle of the Obama regime, they toppled Egypt / Libya, specifically by supporting rebels in eastern Libya. You probably don't know this, but eastern Libya is the highest per capita recruiting grounds for al-Qaeda anywhere in the world. They are the ones who were largely responsible for building IEDs that killed most of our troops in Iraq. Lots and lots of American blood on their hands. These are the people Obama supported against Gaddafi however.
Why? Libyan weapons stockpiles were shipped to Syria. The plan was to overthrow Syria and then Turkey. The intention here was to open a pipeline path from Saudi Arabia to Europe. The easiest way to do this is Jordan / western Iraq > Syria > Turkey > Europe
The fallout of such a pipeline opening up goes like this: Saudi energy becomes cheaper than Russian (easier to extract than Russian, but comparable delivery prices once a pipeline is available from Saudi Arabia to Europe). Europe switches to ME energy. Russia then has to switch to selling to China. Afghanistan is no longer valuable real estate in controlling Chinese energy sovereignty. The West has no controllable territory between Russia and China to cut supplies > China obtains effective energy independence, superpower status
piss on that. why even encourage them? they're terrible people and i don't want them here.
The CCP are pure evil and the chinese people are insect without souls and morales.
this is a shill/slide thread
>OP ask retarded question you'd ask a five year old
Why are there lately so many communist Indians on Yas Forums hating on Americans and white people?
Nah even the people who let their kids shit in the street are smarter than Americans on average I swear
Are bugs evil? When a tiger mauls a person, do you blame the tiger? No of course not, the tiger was just doing what tigers do. It was following it nature. Only people, humans, are able to go against their nature, programming, and act civilized. Chinese aren't evil, they've just adopted a bug like mentality that if left unchecked will run over the entire world.
You already know the truth. Der fuhrer anoint my steel
>Plan to overthrow turkey
That’s so retarded even glowniggers wouldn’t bother. Turkey is corrupt but nowhere near enough for a revolution
10 points have been added to your social credit score.
>actually believing Gordon Chang
Dude has been saying that two decades now
Every chink girl should be breeding stock and men get turned into cum flavored onions guzzling sissy maids to week to do anything aside from serving tea and cleaning homes
ten yuan deposit in account
good job zhang you next on list for promotion
Here it is OP
It's a negative selection bias. Why would any rational person leave their natsoc ethnostate to live with spics, jews, fags, and niggers? The top tier chinks all stay in their homeland
1 chink, 4 virtual machines.
Speak english, Chink.
Required reading.
Gonna disagree. Most Americans are lazy overweight pricks but not terminally stupid (at least compared to rural China/India)
China is run by a dick sucking faggot who eats dead babies and takes it up the ass from his North Korean lover.
Kill yourself Leaf. Canada is Chinese land.
50 cent army
literally ccp chinks paid to shitpost
Korea is the only country in the world you WANT to live in desu, don't let hell joseon meme fool you
another dick sucking nigger faggot found.
Hes right you know? Any moment
Good read, wish the author had actually visited China at least once in his life.
of course, just like how soviet russia is still going strong.
>oh wait
*onions not onions
Because most of them aren’t Yas Forumstards and would rather live in the less corrupt USA than whatever government junta shithole they crawled out of. For instance Pakistan literally beats its doctors for going on strike and we’re attacked by lawyers and the police let them because the lawyers are also the politicians.
They are very sweet and patient. My gf and her family are some of the nicest people ive met. Maybe its different in the mainland but they dont really talk about what goes on over there much. Id say we give the people a chance if not the country as a whole. There is a lot of opportunity for understanding and togetherness there.
Onions* fuck
You're time will come soon
China is a piece of shit country run by dick sucking faggot chinks who eat bats and take it up the ass from niggers.
unfortunately they are here, thanks to Obama, turning a blind eye while they came here illegally in droves by the container ship full. not much we can do now
Isnt your currency in India rupees and your party called cpi?
are you fucking retarded? i clearly said DO NOT REPLY TO CHINKS. and you're shilling some fucking post from a bot. good job there Changberg.
Nah they do it because they think white people are stupid and they'll make more money because they have better qualifications than all the Americans
>Are the Chinese evil?
nobody has to like them.
>less "corrupt"
>t. government, media, schools, and all state institutions run by a psychotic outside ethnic group that consciously seeks to destroy your race
>muh Pakistan
cope harder, boomer
Yea this is the reality most people don’t accept. Legal immigrants that cone based on their ability and not riding white dick typically have to overcome to big hurdles and are an economical positive. Even fucking Nigerians- although their Americanized kids are questionable
Cope harder. Xi Jinping himself will personally come to your pathetic excuse of a home and rape your unwashed ass with his BYC until you accept Chinese superiority and agree to buy Chinese consumer goods for another 100 years.
>Are the Chinese evil?
The country and government of China are pure evil. The people are just self-interested, scared drones.
The difference is they won’t literally kick your door down in the USA and literally beat you for creating your own radio station. Not so I’m China or Pakistan. Cry more about how corrupt the USA is but compared to these dumps it’s truly the land of the free