What's the status of the Groyper Wars? Are they over? Who won?
Groyper Wars
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any real momentum AF could've had is gone with his removal from YT
Everyone lost.
Nobody gives a fuck.
charlie kirk did a 180 on legal migration. so i'd say Nick won
he's flipped back and forth many times. his true self wants open borders, just like his masters tell him.
I saw Charlie Kirk on cable news yesterday and I don't even know who Nick Fuentes is.
Nick won, but spencerpedes got really angry about it and tried to shit on the victory party.
I have literally never heard the name Nick Fuentes and have never seen and am not aware of any such show called America First.
I am, however, aware of the super star future president Charlie Kirk, so uh yeah, I guess you could say Charlie Kirk won
People realized that groyper was just pepe and that nick was a milo reskin
It doesn't even matter who one because everyone stopped caring about a month after it ended. It turned out to not really be relevant at all and it didn't really affect anything.
Catbois won.
Nick won, he's king of the ashes of the Alt-Right.
Wheat did they accomplish really? Israel still owns the usa
Groyper Wars ended last year. While Nick might have embarrassed Charlie Kirk, the latter is rubbing shoulders with Trump and getting retweeted by him for his new book.
Everyone online agreed that Nick's views were correct, and then nothing matter because nobody with actual power in the republican party gives a shit what people online think.
Based and redpilled
Organic posters
Totally representative of the
State of mind
The last battle of the groyper wars ended with Charlie Kirk virgin walking off campus while a crowd followed him chanting “America First”, so I would say Nick won.
>Wheat did they accomplish really?
eceleb got subscribers whee
based chad cringe based based
Here's some footage of Nick celebrating victory with catboi and milo.
Richard Spencer is a cynical and jaded douchebag obsessed with infighting.
Nick Fuentes is a jerk and was high on his own supply during the Groyper Wars. He fell real quick after the CatBoy stuff and his failure to go mainstream and get a debate with Kirk or Shapiro. Fuentes is also obsessed with infighting and toxic for the movement.
I feel like TRS is a good organization. There are also other people doing good stuff. I wouldn’t back Fuentes though. He has a die hard audience of young, weak Paleocon types who will stick with him through thick and thin. But that’s not for me
White people haven't won anything since the 70s
>What's the status of the Groyper Wars? Are they over?
Zion Don couldn't allow them to continue after his son got laughed off the stage
I prefer TRS but I used to defend Fuentes alot. I thought he matured but he is as bad as ever lately.
i don't understand how these shills have been here so long and still don't get it. is it just a bot of some sort?
the what?
>trs is a good organization
nope, too boomer and too much of the "hate bus"/wn1.0 baggage.
That just means Kirk made Nick obsolete
>too much of the "hate bus"/wn1.0 baggage.
fuck off optics faggot
>1 post by this ID
by conceding.
>lmao you dummies got everything you wanted!
>now your movement is obsolete!
are there really people who think this way?
Imagine following e-drama
>I feel like TRS is a good organization.
TRS became a laughingstock, every show is unlistenable.
who's this fag?
Are there any people in this thread?
Ted Kaczynski
Yes by conceding because now Nick is even less relevant, why go to Nick for his luke warm takes when you have Kirk being promoted in the media with the same thing? Nick is an optics cuck that everyone who sees him is repulsed by, he will never break into a mainstream audience despite craving it so bad. His best hope at any of the shit he wants was dashed the moment he became redpilled on jews
Yes, but I'm just as disgusted as you are.