But notice the outrage made this go away? and they announced they will no longer demand it.
At least since we have guns the Gov't has to pretend to give a fuck.
Your little EU imported rapists. 82% of the gang rapes in Sweden are foreign born.
Why can't niggers just obey the law? What's so hard about wearing a mask?
Free to get coofed on a die, although i do hope Tokyo makes NY seem like a joke when it comes to covid numbers.
Nice cope. The guy is black and we all know what black people do. Every single time I see a cop fighting or killing a black it's for good reasons.
>we have guns
not for long lol
your republicunts will get wiped in the senate and all your shitty guns racism and homophobia will be swept away
t. Japanese incel
At least they have the constitution
>when a nothingburgerfag decides to take break quarantine
Masks aren’t exactly easy to find. If they want to mandate masks than the city or transit authority should provide masks either free or at cost to riders.
Literally wrap a sock around your head or tie a bandana.
Fuck people who think the rules don't apply to them.
Several men in the video had their faces covered. Officer dick head — whose face wasn’t covered btw — didn’t think it was good enough. I hope he gets sued for his entire fucking pension.
>I hate having rights
I look forward to putting your kind in the mass graves
All it takes is one man to change history
It's a flu, you fucking retard. You gullible people are what's wrong with the word
courts are going to be swamped as soon as they reopen and jew-lawyers are going to make a killing with all these civil liberties violations. How can cops give out fines when at the same time Fed Gov't is issuing paychecks to help with no work and loss of production?! Ohh hey, I am gettin $1200 from Trump but now I have to pay $12000 because I was caught twice outside without a mask and once at a car wash at 2am all by myself
I wonder if this is a case of misdirected aggression.
>cops try to break up massive Hasidic gathering
>get spit/coofed on and called Nazis
>don’t do shit for fear of being sued and transferred to nigger shithole ghetto
>fuck with some non threatening black guy on his way to work doing his best to cover up
that can't be true
Oh he will just be sued for our pension. His will be fine
quit the tough guy acts
you will be a lone weirdo arrested for a mass shooting attack when no one comes for you right wing deathsquad larp
Hopefully the guy gets turbokike ambulance chaser 3000 as a lawyer and they sue the cop personally instead of just suing the city.
>turbokike ambulance chaser 3000
did somebody call my name?
>At least since we have guns the Gov't has to pretend to give a fuck.
They don't and they haven't since the 1960s. Good job, you still have your guns. That hasn't stopped your government from discriminating against you
How else are they going to drag the fucker off the bus, mentally?
Bundy ranch, Schizo.
>an irrelevant ranch in a flyover shithole
Call me back when your guns prevent schools from indoctrinating the kids of the elite
>he doesn't know
>Winning a legal case when you use large firearms against federal personnel and law enforcement to protect your rights
"But.. muh indoctrinated schools!"
The internet exists. If people were really being indoctrinated, Nazism wouldn't be popular. The right still fucking exists, Schizo. Not everything on the planet is out to get you
With or without covid numbers NY is a joke. Even without the pay toilets, micro pod hotels and used panty vending machines
What meaningful victory have having guns caused? As Ted K would say it's a surrogate activity for the ineffectual and idiotic American right to distract from the fact that they have no real power
Can confirm. PA resident. NY is filled with PC tech startups and rich guys. Only good part is drumpf
Imagine being un-informed
The American revolution was caused by the peoples right to own guns. Instead of whining about government oppression on a fucking message board, go outside and organize. Google the three percenters for reference. Google open carry Texas. An armed citizenry has real power.
>Real power
If they had real power they wouldn't be losing on every front. If you want to change things, gain power yourself. Go run for office or join a newspaper instead of stockpiling ammunition
Office? The office is corrupted and held by lobbyists. News has been bought out aswell. The only way to fix this is with the rising of a citizenry.
lol enjoy getting shot by the FBI
the only way to power is to do what the leftists did. Look up the long march through the institutions
>Go run for office or join a newspaper instead of stockpiling ammunition
This is what I tell my left mom every time she complains about the Jews
Leaf butthurt that he has to pay annual fees for his guns?
home of the slave.
You're not even testing for it.