is it true that racism gives you special powers?
Is it true that racism gives you special powers?
cringe leftist comic thread.
post your cringe.
i know it gave me a huge dick
racism is the only tool left to defend the west every other tool has been dismantled and systematically destroyed by the left.
Yes, i became an Italian-American through racism. I am stronger than you could ever imagine and have reached the next stage of consciousness.
Yeah, it lets me see through walls.
Statistically it lowers the odds you will become a statistic so ACKSHUALLY yes. Yes it does.
>black haired and long nosed man is jealous of blonde man getting the women
Theres always a grain of truth in these leftist comics. Its like they subconsciously do it without realizing it.
as soon as I became a nazi my dick grew 6 inches.
are you saying if I keep going to Yas Forums, I'll get sweet gains, and men with weak chins will get chad jaws? this place is awesome.
I just feel bad for the guy.
Sad. Many such cases.
Kek, can someone shop it? Make the right guy an GI and the left one is a kike
Ugly swastika? Awwwwwboi I think it's a jew!
yes i have noticed that the more strongly and viscerally i have come to hate niggers the more keen my vision has become, my lat spread has increased by six inches and i no longer need to blink (i still do though just out of habit)
Yeah it makes retards try to debate you before doing their homework.
Is this loss?
ID: anus
Dont you dare mention that again
Yes, watch this:
>fuck niggers
>fuck kikes
>fuck trannies
>and faggots too
I don't think jewdar is a special power. But the sense is tingling.
anus n nye. Seems like a message
I can sense a jew from 300 yards. I call it echo-location.
Lmao is Pepe actually seen as a symbol of racism and extremism? I thought that was a joke.
This is more obnoxious than the guy who works out at the library.
dude was probably so proud when he made that comic
Holy fucking cringe
It was a "joke" in the sense that normies were taking pepe away, so by nazifying pepe, Yas Forums made pepe radioactive.
Then claiming the okay hand sign meant White Power, and people took it seriously.
Plot twist, Tom is /ourguy/ and in the next panel explains how he refuses to vote for a President who refers to himself as the King of Israel.
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