Is Wim Hof Safe?

Not physically, its just breathing I cant imagine it being dangerous.

I mean from a Catholic perspective, is it considered dangerous or sinful behavior? Help me our here Catholic (or other Christian) anons. I don't want to be possessed but it seems like a great thing to try out or master.

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I can't imagine how breathing would be sinful

What does he do? Just breath?

It isn't just breathing it is a meditative practice that affects you spiritually as well. It activated my pineal gland when I gave it a shot, as he said it would.

If your religion finds breathing wrong, then you need to find a new religion.

Certain kind of breathing in certain intervals that causes changes in your body and yields certain positive results. That is the best I can provide at the moment as all I have done is one quick guided video.

>I don't want to be possessed

Jesus, imagine thinking breathing gets you possessed, holy shit that's why I don't follow any religion.

He claims his breathing techniques and cold exposure will improve your health and give you greater control of your mind, and he's right.

youre asking if oculticly influenced esotericism is sinful
stop asking for permission and realize youre looking for a strategy to endure a punishment of hidden origin

slip a steamy moist redpill about "wim hot" inside of me user

This sounds like fucking JoJo

When I took this pic it was about 75 degrees. You actually get snow reflection burns under your chin and your legs. That's just leftover winter snow.

Attached: DSCN3849.jpg (3264x2448, 1.54M)

>is breathing a certain way demonic
What the fuck is wrong with you christfags?

The purpose of yoga is to bring you to the transcendental platform so that you can understand God.

Just do the breathing routine. I've done it daily for 1.5 years now and now I never get stuffy noses and I have better stamina and quicker recovery times after sprinting and doing heavy cardio. It takes less than 15 minutes out of your day.

Finally some substance, okay so can you quickly run down how this is "occultly influenced esotericism"?

Also by punishment of hidden origin do you mean I am trying to bypass certain hardships of life? That seems strange though because what other things can you put in that category (ex. working out)?

What does activating your pineal gland do?

The man tapped into his Aryan genetic memory to rediscover the technique.

If your religion says the Aryan ways are demonic, it's your desert death cult that worships demons.

I agree it seems very useful, that is not what I am worried about.
I would pose the same question to you about yoga then that I asked about Wim Hof.
It is believed to be the gateway between the material and immaterial I think. It is the gland that can release the same chemical psychedelics release, again, I think.

The chlorinated water is more helpful to a healthy mind than how to breath in the fuckin cold.
Vacuum your floor, wash your dishes, study a trade, and get a fuckin life.

>for my first wish i want to be immune to frost bite
>for my second wish i want more wishes
>for my last wish to see all of my other wishes burn

>release the same chemical psychedelics release
That's not how drugs work.

Runes came from semitic scriptd.
Are they demonic too?

I lost interest in wim when it turned out his higher level paid teachings were focused on prostate stimulation for men. Kinda gay, thankfully i quit before then, having another dude stick ice in my ass wasnt for me.

The end goal of yoga is Bhakti, a loving relationship with God.
Various forms of yoga are recommended for different persons, depending on your level of spiritual understanding and what kinds of tapas you are able to endure.
You won't end up becoming or being posessed by a demon if you follow the proper regulations, and don't misuse the power you gain.

When your advice for self improvement is to do basic chores and make money you should shut up and read up.
Precision about the exact internal processes is not the point chemist boy.

Is there anybody has gathered materials on breathing techniques? I have heard systema but looked like it was some meme shit

You have your answer OP

In this case it is.

Meditation as a technique is not evil.
Many monks practice by constantly repeating to themselves "forgive me god i repent". Or in other forms.
It is nothing the least a technique. Just like learning, studying and practicing.
The evil part comes when using this people incorporate false claims trying to incorporate in them some forms of indoctrination or spirituality.

This guy is a sham. He took a shit ton of DNP and claims to know the secrets of the universe because he can survive in the cold.

Truth is, he's probably just genetically superior, but he attributes it to his breathing.

>Not physically, its just breathing I cant imagine it being dangerous.

It can be because you can pass out. Only using his breathing exercises while sitting or lying down, and don't try it in the water. Several people have died (due to drowning) while trying it in a pool.

It's cool, just make sure to wear sunglasses at all times to make sure the demons don't get in through your eyes. That's how they get to you.

LOL! I can not deny this reality. Thank you my friend thread closed.
No, it isn't. Use your critical thinking.
I'll have to pass on Asian spiritual practices, thanks for your time though.
Seriously? Why was that the focus?

There seems to be some truth in your post, but they are just repeating prayer like things in their mind, not trying to cause a change in their body, they also probably knew what was and was not allowed / dangerous.