Is there a chance the confederacy could reform? If our economy keeps going the way it is and collapses...

Is there a chance the confederacy could reform? If our economy keeps going the way it is and collapses, this may be the perfect timing for reform the old confederacy! Imagine not having liberal proposed pushed down your throat everyday and no trannies and gay rights, everyone is a Christian etc.

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Other urls found in this thread:

The slave trade was a jewish enterprise.
>711 AD - Jews help Moors take over Iberia
>711-1400 - Jews run all the vice in the Mediterranean, including the slave trade and even child slavery
>1492 - the year Jews were finally expelled from Spain
>1492 - the year Columbus discovers America
>1492 - the beginning of the rise of the Atlantic slave trade
>most of the Spanish merchants, traders and explorers were jews evading the inquisition

The slave trade, cotton plantations and sugar plantations etc. were utterly run by jews. See this thread for much more:

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Who gives a fuck? We aren’t talking about the slave trade or your weird Jew fantasies.

I knew it...

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I really don't see the South resurrecting the kind of solidarity it had when they all shared the slave trade and plantations.

How many of those areas are primarily Hispanic now?

Been to the south a few times. They'd know how to field strip any weapon and put it back in working order every time. Given that, they aren't much more intelligent than required to install a bumper sticker.
Combined with all the slow degradation from years of inbreeding, I doubt they could amass a militia capable of defending anything.

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Yes, but only with the aid of fertilizer and Ryder rental trucks

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we can all hope, OP

Confederates save Anne Frank

Stay mad nigger-loving Y*nkoids

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Most inbreeding occurs in the north, primarily Michigan. Alabama produces more engineers than any other state. Florida has more militia men than the army has soldiers. All of them are trained by former military or N.R.A.

Show me where the Jew touched you gay boy

Not much of a chance. Virginia likely wouldn't secede again, given its reliance on Washington economically. Speaking of, most of the CSA would be an economic burden, with Texas, Georgia and maybe North Carolina dragging the rest of the states along. Louisiana can probably hold its own.

And that's assuming the US lets it happen. If it doesn't, well...Georgia delenda est.

Imagine being able to

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man, there's not a single good state down there. go on and try it, you have my blessing.

Demographics have changed too much. Look at the anti gun BS going on in VA. GA, FL, pretty much every metropolitan area in the old South is all fucked now. There's no going back.

>Alabama produces more engineers than any other state.
Alabama employs more engineers per capita, mostly because of the NASA presence. Production is another story, with Pennsylvania and Indiana beating almost every state in the old Confederacy. Maryland is really strong too.

Couldn't find that stat in regards to engineering. I found this to be more accurate. In order, by capita
1. South Dakota
2. Montana
3. Maryland
4. North Dakota
5. Vermont

Cursory google search showed all the southern states top the inbreeding chart most of the time.

The new south doesn’t include just whites, i believe blacks will be down for the cause as well Down here. Most blacks are extremely religious and anti gay and anti most all liberal policies also anti government. We can get them on our side if it came down to it.

Yes based blacks are our lifeblood in Dixie.

If we leave, the US is fucked (and I hope it happens).

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Not our lifeblood, but good to get them
On our side so we aren’t fighting amongst ourselves.

I'm mad a thread got archived before I could post this, so I'm putting this here as a bump:

To give you a rundown, the war started over a lot of reasons, including tariffs and slavery (slavery was declared a big cause of secession in documents). The civil war was basically inevitable, but people just kept kicking the issues on for many years. Take Texas as an example of the divide between North and South, the union was reluctant to annex Texas because it would mean an extra slave state, which would upset the balance of power, since there was supposed to be an equal number of free and slave states.

An incident in Kansas got the North and South to really resent each other though, known as bleeding kansas. The idea was that the to-be state of Kansas would have its citizens vote themselves if they wanted to allow slavery or not, but thousands of Northerners and Southerners from other areas of the country flocked to Kansas to vote for their interests. This caused lots of violence, and things would get more complicated as other territories wanted to be states.

Then fast forwarding to Southern secession, Lincoln wanted to supply the Fort Sumter in South Carolina, which was federal property, but South Carolinians claimed it as theirs. Lincoln sent ships to supply the fort anyway, as he didn't recognize or want to recognize the South's secession as legal. Thus, the South attacked fort Sumter, and war was declared.

I'd say the mainstream narrative about the South, when it comes to secession over slavery, is corect. States rights are really just the right to own slaves, and the South did secede over slavery. Albeit, the union wasn't fighting to liberate slaves, at least not until Lincoln ordered all slaves free (though he freed them largely because Britain wouldn't want to join a war that would support slavery.)

There's a lot that goes on during the actual war, but I know a good documentary on General Sherman on youtube, and I'm sure there's tons on the eastern front.

Monkeys can't be trusted

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No. The descendants of the confederacy are dimwitted, fat, and above all else lazy.

Only two states that I count mention slavery explicitly, but almost all of them mention the fugitive slave act. Most of them were angry about northern states ignoring the law openly. I think the south wanted the same ability in regard to slavery. i.e. the south wanted to protect the institution of slavery by virtue of the north not practicing it. wild stuff

dreamy.....that would be heaven...

no way - the South is very weak and reliant on the feds to upkeep basic public utilities like roads, education, healthcare, etc. The South today excludes N Virginia, S Florida, and TX would remain an independent Republic. The South can never rise again without a fragmentation of the Union to include the Denver region and formation of Cascadia. The United States - in this scenario - would exceed from Chicago in the west to NYC in the east, with Maine, Vermont, and New Hampshire aligning with Canadian protection (much like how Turkey protects Idlib in Syria today).

It's very unlikely, and we'd be better off without it.

>The South can never rise again without a fragmentation of the Union
>implying that's not the point

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