What is with white people and killing themselves?

You just don’t see numbers like this from any other ethnic group! How can one race be so undisputedly on top, yet they’re offing themselves in record numbers? Have these people not seen the rise in the stock market?

Attached: 7A9642DD-F897-450E-971C-ABA9CAE746C5.jpg (643x482, 60.76K)

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White people have guns which are 90 percent lethal as opposed to the other method of suicide which succeed far less

>Have these people not seen the rise in the stock market?

Attached: ayyy.jpg (496x420, 13.63K)

Blacks and Latinos don’t have guns?

Attached: 3F441C1E-508A-4E15-840E-6AEE4E750D87.jpg (1280x720, 125.1K)

>You just don’t see numbers like this from any other ethnic group!

A jet just flew into your argument

Attached: a04a6d6ff2fdf7d2c646472015223afd.jpg (480x480, 55.08K)

>A jet just flew into your argument
Kamikaze pilots from WWII? The war 80 years ago?

Smartest people suffer the most in this world.

Same reason other animals don't usually kill themselves. They lack the intellectual capability required to even consider it.

Industrialised society and its consequences

would rather not deal with jews and nigs

White mans burden.

They realize the inevitability of mongoloids ruining everytjing.

Imagine being part of the greatest race on Earth, and being suppressed by your betters in said race just for being part of it. That's why white men are killing themselves. They see that the past was so much better for them and that the future will just be an endless stream of colored people, Jews and white race-traitors hating them for it. It's surprising that more don't kill themselves.

East Asians kill themselves like crazy.
You can’t walk 15 feet in Korea without someone crashing through your umbrella.

>animals don't usually kill themselves

Attached: walrus.webm (1280x720, 1.42M)

not suicide retard; they were fleeing from polar bears but the camera didn't show it because propaganda

I feel like they also do the car in the garage thing a lot too, same with asians.


>not suicide retard
I know that you mong
>they were fleeing from polar bears but the camera didn't show it because propaganda

Suicide is associated with High IQ and nature selects against this.

>You just don’t see numbers like this from any other ethnic group!
Pretty sure it's a reaction to being conquered.

Attached: Slide20.png (960x720, 49.05K)

They're the only ones smart enough to know how fucked the world truly is.

Attached: badthings.png (1200x1401, 1.9M)

The average country has 55 suicides per day, that makes it 385 suicides a week and 1,540 suicides a month. That means the average country has 18,480 suicides a year.

You don't say?

Attached: 1583034324343423.png (600x800, 120.09K)

>white man's burden.

Intelligent animals have been known to commit suicide.

White culture is different than other races/cultures in that we actually do a very poor job of supporting our own people. While we excel at 'going through the world alone and independently,' with that advantage also comes negatives, one being that Whites who are suffering often suffer alone, contrary to the social structures of other races/cultures.


They’re too stupid/lack the ability of long term planning to ever kill themselves out of despair.

>he actually provided proofs

if we become racists again, this shit will stop

You'll notice it's high in native Americans and Inuit too. I think it's an evolved trait from living in cold climates. When supplies get low the old folks saved their families by wandering off into the snow and letting Nanook take them. Their genes pass on because of this.