Where did white people come from?

1.the sun is constantly trying to give them cancer.
2.they are anti nature, in the sense that they can't naturally survive in their enviorment.
3.no culture?
4.not 100% homo sapien

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god damn youre dumb.

Niggers are baboons indigenous to Harlem.

White people come from God as his chosen people. Everyone else comes from Satan.

have you ever seen a 50 year old nigger in Europe that isn't obese and riddled with health problems? vitamin D deficiency in a cold climate is brutal, thank god my white skin helps prevent that


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4/10 made me reply


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And yet none whites are literally dying to live in proximity of us. Why is that? No need to answer.

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How do they unnaturally survive?

That's not true.

Are you like actually retarded? Or just baiting.

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Niggers kill each other by the hundreds each and every day on multiple continents, my Paki friend.

>4.not 100% homo sapien
>widely understood by the most powerful white people on Earth.
This is a sub 100 IQ post. Do some homework, please. These books will improve your vocabulary:
1) ebay.com/p/382682
2) ebay.com/itm/Everything-You-Know-Is-Wrong-Human-Origins-Pye-Lloyd/392713834317?epid=879943&hash=item5b6f918f4d:g:jMEAAOSw6Q1ZtP68
3) ebay.com/itm/The-Lost-Book-of-Enki-Memoirs-and-Prophecies-of-an-Extraterrestrial-God-by-Zech/333303385146?epid=30785380&hash=item4d9a6e0c3a:g:phwAAOSwPKReZrQ3

god damn youre dumb.

I'm bored so I guess I'll bite.
1) niggers can get skin cancer too
2) I have no idea what the fuck you mean by this, plenty of white people enjoy bushcraft camping where you go out with a knife or sometimes nothing and go life in nature for a week or more. Are you saying this because the only kinds of people who haven't been able to get further than the bronze age are just tribes of niggers?
3) Have you really never heard of Europe? Plenty of culture that is also extremely varied from France and Spain to Germany and Russia. Many culturally specific things you will not find anywhere else in the world.
4) you realize more or less everyone has neanderthal in their genes right?

And I'll add one
5) You're a stupid nigger.

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when he says white people, i think he means jews.

Whites have lived for 400 years in South Africa.
See how well blacks do in Alpine areas, where their melanated skin blocks the little bit of sun available.

White people are the result of savage homosapiens(niggers) raiding and raping the more intellectual neanderthals in Europe. History repeats itself I guess. Trace amounts of neanderthal and denisovan DNA is what separates other races from the inferior Africans.

Okay, then leave us alone. I don't see too many whites literally dying to get into black countries, so just stay there.


Niggers aren't even 40% homo sapien.

I will bang white girls and there nothing any of you can do about it.

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Never understood why black men are so infatuated with spotting up their children and killing their race like that.

I can beat the shit out of you

Be in England
.they are anti nature, in the sense that they can't naturally survive in their enviorment.

how can you be so retarded yet so brave?

test is a test

test is a test

Once they're mixed they're still a nigger, they just get called lightskin or some shit, they even retain the nigger word pass.

god damn you're based