I have a newborn (white) son. We are basically confined to our house; family can't even visit

I have a newborn (white) son. We are basically confined to our house; family can't even visit.

But anyways, what tips do you have for raising a child in 2020 and beyond? Pandemic tips and general tips for life? Any other dads out there?

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I have a 5 year old boy
Kids are insane
Just be tolerant of their kid shit
show them the way
it's hard as hell
but then its also not
nothing anyone can say can prepare you
just gotta roll with it
congrats, user, you'll do well


fuck jews

Brain gym

Is it common to completely lose your mind when they are screaming and you can't find anything to placate them? I feel like it doesn't help that we can't really leave the house to go anywhere. We are kind of losing our minds being trapped here.

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Meal plans are essential during this time. Know what your going to feed your child on a schedule. You’ll mess up though, so have some ready made baby mre’s (oatmeal, carrots, etc) in the fridge so that you have something to fall back on when they get hungry.

Teach him as much of his people's history as possible and even if you never red pill him he will still end up next to impossible to subvert. It will inherently put group conflict in a rational and historic lens.

Camping and Woodcraft by Horace Kephart, and Zen And the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.
you can probably find them on PDF.
Teach your children lifeskills.

>feeding a newborn solid foods

What the fuck japan?

Anyways, we do breast milk as much as possible. But due to latching issues, we are unfortunately doing mostly formula. Does anyone have any formula recommendations?

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Just noticed the newborn part. Lots of diapers and wipes at the ready, lots of pre-measured formula/ milk.

Congrats user. We're actually scheduled to have our son tomorrow morning. God Bless you and your family.

I wish there were a good set of children's books that focused on European History and Mythology.

Congrats on the kid, user! Here's some tips:
>Humans give birth to premature young compared to other mammals. Your son will be the equivalent of a baby monkey when he's three months old. Right now he's still basically a fetus, so don't take it personally if he just cries, poops, and sleeps. He'll "wake up" within the next 100 days and it will be amazing when you see it start happening.
>If you ever feel like your going to go batshit crazy, put him in an open-top box (with nothing else in it) and walk away. Look up Finnish baby boxes for an example of what I mean.
>My dad always said "Babies aren't complicated. If they're crying, they're hungry, sleepy, or they feel bad." and he was right. 99% of baby fussing is covered by those three categories, but the last one is overlooked a lot. Sometimes all the baby needs is a new set of clothes. Wouldn't you feel bad if you had sweat through your shirt and felt all sticky?

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Thank you. Stay safe man. Are you able to be there for delivery? Or are you separated? Also, the hospital jewed us "oh he won't be born until 12 hours from now, don't get the epidural yet." Two hours later my wife is in agonizing pain and they do an emergency epidural and he is then born 20 minutes later.

Take advantage of their plastic brains and teach them a second or third language. Hire a tutor if necessary. Teach them chess at an early age and don’t be a lazy nigger.

Thanks user.

How do I find a caregiver that isn't Spanish to teach him? I don't want him speaking anything that isn't German or French, basically.

yes. very common. you sometimes gotta walk away and let them cry it out.
if youve tried the normal (food, gentle rocking, diaper check, burping) and baby is just going non-stop, you gotta just leave them in the crib to cry for a bit. it seems hard to do and mean, but it will usually result in baby giving up and you not throwing the cat.

I can't be there for the C Section (baby is breeched) due to lack of PPE, but I'll be allowed in the recovery room for the duration of the stay luckily.

Im jealous user, good luck to you and your family! happy easter.

8 year old son. Best advice is be/learn patience.

Most of people here are virgins ... you won't have great advice ... my wife is pregnant with our 2nd ... I say if you live in a city , you are fucked , you don't raise children in a city with POC everywhere ... you need a land .

Home school, or he will grow up to be a tranny.

Cartoon History of the Universe is pretty good, but you'll want to wait until they're at least preteens for that.
If your baby has a hard time eating fruits and veggies when you're trying to wean him, offer him meat and eggs. I stg. My first solid food was fish eggs that my dad offered me. I just started picking them up and popping them in instinctually.

well we now know why japanese kids are so effed up.
>you're a day old?
>that's ok. eat this carrot.

Baby needs mom.
They will work it out.
Lots of YouTube’s.
Hard to tell mom that but it’s best for the baby.
Chinks our lead in formula.
Moms milk will also turns moms prego bod into awesome breastfeeding mom bod.
The fat is there for a reason.
It transfers from mom to baby.
Fattest babies are breastfed.
Sorry if she really can’t do it.
It isn’t easy and every baby is different.
We have 2 older and one 5 month old.
Crazy time.
We use cloth diapers and since he is breastfed he doesn’t shit much. Maybe 1 every two weeks.
He is a back breaker.
Literally threw my back out Friday morning doing a morning shifty while mom slept. He wakes up earlier than I do.
Last peace of advice- do whatever the fuck you want and everyone else can fuck off. Everyone has their own way with their kids that works. Most people will tel you how to do something and not realize every kid is different. Same reason common core sucks. Good luck and teach him about the Bible. Breast milk is taste. Sweet.

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Idk man work on becoming self sufficient. That's my goal so if this shit gets worse I'm all good. Look at medicine kids need and maybe formula idk.

I don' t remember the name of the shit we used. It was organic because the mom is a nut.

This user touches on a good point. If baby won't latch, can the mom pump and you bottle feed? Breastmilk is best for baby AND mother. Don't believe the lies that say otherwise.

This holds true. Sometimes they just need to scream and if nothing is working, leave them be. No need to run to the emergency room.

I made sure all the Drs and nurses knew so there wouldn't be any (((accidents)))

Congrats. One handed phone posting before mom feeds. Baby is new born son. Don't have good advice except be present for your kids, the idea is to raise them to be good adults. Some kids are tough but mature out of it but around me I see a bunch of man children who didn't get enough support from dad. You have to inculcate values and principles or else the world will do it for you.