You niggas realize this is the end of the US as we know it?

You niggas realize this is the end of the US as we know it?
We will see next week.
>17 million with no jobs
>31% cannot pay their rent
Where are we headed anons the US economy is collapsing before our eyes

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I really don't care, do u?

...and that's a good thing.

How do?


>Where are we headed
to war
are you of legal age for the draft? if you are you shouldn't be taking the situation so lightly.

You realize this is much bigger than that right? We're witnessing the beginning of the collapse of the global economy and trade. This virus isn't going away in the next year. Whether we stay inside or not there will be a collapse.

You say this like its bad. We need a catastrophe to happen so we can bring change. Corona will be our Weimar Republic.

Land lords are fucked lol

Why would you not care? You want to be in soup lines?

The absurd part about it is that we could end this all tomorrow with no effort at all, and go back to exactly the econoym that we had before. Who cares of 1% of people die of the coof? They were already going to die eventually.

Death is certain, but economic collapse is a choice.

No I’m old no one would want me as a soldier

>are you of legal age for the draft?
idk, I don't care
I have no problem sustaining myself with or without money, I am not dependent on society for wellbeing

yes we are very very fucked if normalcy isn't restored soon.

Trump is going to cancel the debt retard. He's going to bankrupt ((them)).

This is true. A lockdown for one more month will be the end of America.

kek with who? China? Based get drafted to be a commie insectoid exterminator

What planet you live on?

It’s true. It was probably coming sooner or later, but this outbreak has probably made it inevitable.

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This biowarfare will be used to control every aspect of our lives. Its over...and we rolled over so easily. You will have to have a saliva swab to work or travel. Your DNA is now your ID. And the people who deny this are already as demoralized as the Chinese.

the one where I spent almost a year of my life locked in a basement with cats and rats melting into the floor

Attached: longcatislong.jpg (354x640, 44.68K) can keep doing it.

Where user? What do you live on?

But at least it took slightly longer for all of us to catch a cold.

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you're right, I could, that's kind of my point
your worst case scenario is still a dream to me

Good. This shit hole deserves to burn to the ground for what we did to the German people and the entirety of Europe as a result. Good little goyim kike slaves, reap what you sow.

>military grade

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Don't forget the Confederacy. It's destroyed true freemasonry, the landed gentry, and America's true heritage.

>17 million people had jobs that were basically useless
>31%+ of people don't have any sort of savings

Can't wait. You really hate to fucking see it. Meanwhile I'll continue to live in my nice place, with my good job and continue to ride my $5k carbon road bike every day.

This is the future you choose, get fucked.

An economy shouldn't exist if it can't handle people not paying rent for one fucking month.


Fuck are we in Orwell’s 1984 already?


million people had jobs that were basically useless
>only people working are grocery store clerks, baristas and pizza delivery cucks

Sad to see how cucked this board has gotten

How are people unable to pay bills? The average fucking unemployed faggot is getting at least $850 a week in government funds.

If you need more to survive than that and you're without savings then you deserve your wretched fate. That's $21 an hour paycheck.

Don't forget Military, Doctors, nurses and millions of others. Sucks to see those fucking pet spas and mobile dog washes are closed, guess that's not essential huh?

Yeah, but only poorfags and niggers will suffer. This is why we amass wealth, so that we can weather times like these.

Tough shit wagies.



Out of the dark of the night a frog emerges...

My per week was $515, now I get another $600. No taxes taken out. I'll just assume 30%.

And that's a good thing

Never post this godforsaken comic again.

>implying the U.S wasn't already collapsing
Look around. Every U.S city is a crime ridden fuck hole of shit.
Our whole country is trillions of dollars in debt for no good reason.
The older generations put their own children into a system of debt slavery, despite being the most economically prosperous generation in history.
Fucking Corona is just a result of our globalized economy and country that can't even secure it's own borders.

We aren’t being locked down for one more month. Out by may. Screen cap this and digits will prove.

I fucking hope not, bro. I only moved here in September after a grueling 11 year quest.
What a lousy time to be alive.

City fag detected


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May 4th, tentatively?

I have my job and it's secure. I ordered a new computer with my Trump bux.

Fuck niggers who think being a barista at 30 is ok. Hipsters are going to move home or starve. Niggers are going to get laid off.

Such is life.

I believe a lot of borderline shit, but I didn’t believe in the whole gesara it gesara like thing.

However, if there truly is “a plan” besides the total enslavement of us, then basically a gesara like thing is the only option now. You can’t do anything else

>And that's a good thing
Exactly. Basic income is finally coming, wagies have been turned into overnight neets, it's amazing.

The only issue is those niggers will do nigger shit and riot and loot and everyone will be hurt becasue of it.

It's not 1% you stupid fuck it's a quarter of world population or more that will disappear

It's light that was recruited.

>We aren’t being locked down for one more month
You are right, it will be the whole summer if we're lucky.

If we are locked down until nigger you will be in the bread lines. Cap that

Good. I’m tired of other countries looking towards us. Save yourself, it’ll make you stronger.

lol let's overwhelm the medical system and certainly kill people rather than nationalize the country to smooth it all over
>weak minded capitalists are afraid

>It's not 1% you stupid fuck it's a quarter of world population or more that will disappear

lol wat

You're not realizing most people are expecting that to be their future regardless. This may be the one chance the average american person has at ACTUALLY participating in a market correction that makes their life better in the future. It will cost everything - but the world will reflect the reality of the situation for people who weren't given the winning lottery ticket of being born early. This is literally the best thing that could ever happen to millenials & zoomers in western countries. Quarantines have very little to do with the containment of the virus & EVERYTHING to do with preventing the organization of meaningful social movements during the coming economic crisis. The virus is a nothingburger, the economic shit storm though? Biblical.

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I didn't pick "godforsaken" to be cute. There is no light here.


>It's not 1% you stupid fuck it's a quarter of world population or more that will disappear
Imagine actually believing this.

Ive been thinking this for a while now. Just 3 weeks ago I told my wife that there would be a severe recession and she laughed at me.
>this is the habbening guise

I know :`(

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Draft? Pfft, who gives a fuck about some draft? Nobody can force anyone to fight for Israel.

Good. It will mean:
>People will be forced to deal with the nigger problem and get red pilled
>Niggers will get shot.

If you dont have a gun for protection you deserve to be mowed Down. We've been telling you liberals for decades and you called us crazy.

Fuuuck yyyyyoooouu

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There better be an actual virus heads will roll.

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