just fucking nuke us already i cant take it anymore
Canada hate thread
I heard injuns had taken over or something up there.
Enemy located, a xir on a moped
were just fucked all across the board. the only redemption is gonna be the sweet release of death
It's more like fat camp than an actual army let's he honest here lads. They all have tits I can see the confusion.
dump it
gender based anal
Looks like ol fat Phil Collins
I'm still convinced that we need to invade and liberate the Canadian people. We won't grant you statehood or citizenship though. It will take time to reeducation your people before we can risk integrating them further.
>Canada Hate Thread
Hating faggotry never changed a thing.
Fucking nuke us already.
>"Even if what you're saying is true, we're going to remove your freedom to say it in order to preserve your freedom to say it."
Uh, what?
Everytime I think about Canada all it comes to my mind is fucking beavers.
All canadians must be really beavers. Playing hockey and building dams. Shitposting on Yas Forums. Having buttsex by inserting their tails into each other's asses, the same tails they clap into those dams.
But why are they so cucked? Why is their flag a fucking leaf? Why is it so gay? Why are the food prices going up? Why is Trudeau such a faggot? Why won't the beavers do something about Trudeau? Is Trudeau secretly a beaver or just a faggot from SA that got propped up? Will Canada have relevance in the world one day? Are the beavers going to take over? Are jews afraid of beavers? Are beavers kosher?
Anyways, these are some of the things I think about when I'm not thinking about beavers, and how canadian they are, and how every canadian must be beaver.
Today I thought long and hard about it and came to the conclusion we should get rid of all the beavers so that the innuits and the quebecoise would take over. Quebec may have a lot of baguette but at least there won't be beavers anymore.
Post your Canada hate or the beavers will kill your mother in her sleep.
remember in the 90's when we just ignored and laughed at politically correct people lol just dont buy into their and ignore them.
I thought this was a joke.
Because this is what a funny joke would sound like.
Are you telling me this is not a joke?
>Section 1 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms is the section that confirms that the rights listed in the Charter are guaranteed. The section is also known as the reasonable limits clause or limitations clause, as it legally allows the government to limit an individual's Charter rights. This limitation on rights has been used in the last twenty years to prevent a variety of objectionable conduct such as hate speech (e.g., in R v Keegstra)
So what is a rifleman called now? A rifleperson? riflexyr?
reminder that Canada spent the same amount of money just on paying off interest on debt as they did paying for CPP in 2016/17
Explain to a fat mutt why you are sticking your tails into each other's asses. All the other faggotry can be explained by the anti white agenda but this beaver shit is baffling.
But I don't hate Leafs.
>not all truthful statements must be free from restriction
Kek what could go wrong
So what happens if they say she or him in a fire exchange?
Reminder that in places where white european canadians are the minority they are still subject to Employment Equity (leaf affirmative action) where if a white and a nonwhite are equally qualified for a job the employer is legally obligated to hire the nonwhite.
> Judges McLachlin, Beverley; LeBel, Louis; Fish, Morris J.; Abella, Rosalie Silberman; Rothstein, Marshall; Cromwell, Thomas Albert
>CCP Virus hits Canada
>Many out of a job
>Many quarantined
>Cucked ass Trudeau takes in Wuhan refugees early into the year
>Now we have many infected
>Relief package to those who lost their jobs or hours off
>It's fucking nothing because rent and mortgages are already FUCKED AND CRANKED TO INFLATE FURTHER
>Suddenly, the economy is fucking crashing
>Bubble bursts with the most fucking abrupt change brought about by a virus
>Damage is fucking done
>Nobody buying new houses
>Nobody investing anymore
>Stock prices are fucking tanked
After this all blows over, the real fucking problems are going to begin when the economy doesn't reach the bottom for the next 70 years at least.
Look ahead and rejoice because Canada's housing market is fucking crashing.
>no house
>no job
>no gf
this place sucks
Abella is a piece of work. The whole reason exists is because she made the Abella commission to create employment equity. Literally nobody in Canada wanted affirmative action so they called it employment equity so as not to rouse the public.
Nevermind the fact that jews will always say they are non-white in job applications and benefit from affirmative action. (people will say they dont but they do)
the supreme court in Canada has been used so many times to force a liberal social agenda down our throat