Has Q ever been correct about anything?

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Do anti-Qtards ever actually address anything Q said themselves, or just the stupid shit his followers come up with?

Only when he said u gay

>Do anti-Qtards ever actually address anything Q said themselves
but he has never actually said anything substantial, how can you argue against it? it's literally designed to be as vague as possible, he literally speaks in fucking codes for fuck's sake
no, just keep believing, i'm sure whatever you're expecting to get out of him will happen Soon(tm) :^) any day now!

Yes. Otherwise he wouldn't have a legion.

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>Has Q ever been correct about anything?

Not even once. That's why I had to jump off the Q-train and save my sanity. I've even been on eight-chins when Q posted things so egregiously wrong and stupid that they had to be deleted asap to maintain the facade.

The biggest and most continuous LIE is that "patriots are in control" ---- fuck, they couldn't even protect a man who was under 24-hour observation.

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someone post the james corney / james comey

Haha. Cute tactics

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>Something happens... Q was right.
>Nothing happens... Disinfo is necessary.
Fake and gay.

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No glp tier garbage

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>Has Q ever been correct about anything?
If you're talking about proof, the pictures Q has posted are a lot more compelling. for example Q posted this picture on July 29,2018

the next day, Avenatti posted the same picture on twitter wanting to know who it was because they were at his office.


plus the pictures from inside air force one and marine one, etc.

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Lots of false flags and mass shootings.

my god, that is proof!!!!

as usual
>look at this unrelated vague infographic
>cant believe you plebs dont believe in Q like a refined individual such as myself

>Travis View

Travis View is a Washington Post contributor who set up an anti-Q podcast that is only listened to by commies, anti-fa, DSA, Fake-MAGA people linked to Microchip, Baked Alaska, other lefty news outlets, media matters, shareblue and literal discord trannies.

Here are some of their twitter accounts.

Here is their twitch account. twitch.tv/qanonanonymous

OP is definitely a massive lefty faggot and has pronouns in bio.

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>hes now spamming facebooker boomer memes

you'll continue to ignore failed predictions and failed timelines

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I think it's just boomers who genuinely believe in this shit because of their boner for the cold war-esque 007 speaking in code kinda thing and thinking they're in on something top secret. In a way, they're bigger autists and schizos than the people on /x/ who think they've seen skinwalkers and can summon niggers from the shadow realm.
There are also some anons out there who're pretty fucked up over Trump not being anything like the Aryan god emperor they (and all of Yas Forums) imagined and just use believing in some vague LARP as some last ditch effort to maybe prove they were right as a coping mechanism

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fuck off back to facebook retarded q boomer

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it's a psyop dude

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Personally, I trust Sessions. There's gotta be a Sessions redemption arc for next season. He's going to come back in Trumps second term with passion, Mark my words. Q predicted it

Maybe. Maybe just a LARP too. The sad part is people genuinely believe in it, and the only ones rallying to defend their WWG1GGWLGB13 overlords are literal phoneposters.

why are you just spamming random shit now?

stop, stop being a fucking mindless qtard and either flesh out some ideas about Q or fuck off holy shit, you're acting like a 16 year old on facebook trying to get everyone "woke"

>Q is so wrong thar massive amounts of money is spent on propaganda against him
How sad.

>qtard psyop is still a thing

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id like to see any evidence of ANY money being spent on propaganda "against Q"

kek, its a fringe enough idea that even if it was true they wouldn't need to spend much, as even by qtard standards theyre "making it vague on purpose so they can remain undetected and remove the elite stealthily"

why not just stop and look critically at your beliefs your hold regarding this shit

I hate q because it bought so many normies and boomers here. Seriously pol has been ruined by civnat boomers with American flags. There's pol before early 2018 and pol after it.

The amount of anti-q threads has become so popular that it's obvious that the psyop at this point is pushing disinfo on it.

Anti-q shills act in the same manner they say Q followers act.

Oh you must be one of those people who Do It For Free. :^))

It wasnt literal darkness u retard

Based, ty user.

Didn't think about the fact 41020 is DJT. I still prefer 88

Yikes. You think 2018 was when pol went to shit?

Fuck off newfag.


the disconnect from what Q is to what a lot of Qtards think it is, is pretty wide. there are a lot of 'decoders' that push a lot of wild interpretations.

no, it's that you guys fucking annoyed everyone, now Qtards are all over Yas Forums spamming "coronohoax" shit to back up their retarded underground tunnel gimmick posting

Sorry I don't talk to leafs. As y'all have functionally proven to be a satellite chink nation or proxies for russians.

Fuck off little maple syrup.

you must have been one of the retards that bought into one of the many other LARPs that went across Yas Forums, /news/, and /x/

you're gullible, and nothing will happen, like it has continued to not happen for years now, and you'll continue to call me a shill even though you don't have the critical thinking power to discern a shill, and believe infographics over your own critical faculties

But user...
The Millennium artifacts are real.

>trust me

Q is a LARP and anyone who believes him is a LARP. He is deliberately vague and talks in movie quotes just to let others fill in the gaps for him

always an american flag qtard that refuses to try to argue their point and goes HURRR "FLAG" or some other bullshit civnat line you grabbed from a youtube pundit

get a fucking original thought in your head and i'll fuck off, m8

>nothing will happen

I'm glad you are running all of your responses. It's so practical to see with your small linguistic capabilities that you are a smoothbrain.

I can smell you, mutt. And you stink.

I haven't really been paying too much attn to Q but someone should put a collage or montage together of the shit Q has been right about.
It seems a lot like religion as an outsider.
~ it's ~ all ~ part ~ of ~ the ~ plan ~

with the absence of actual religion in our lives, the left has resorted to their socialism & PC cult religion and the right has resorted to Q as their religion

You can't even into american language.

Ching chong ching chong

Boomer dont know where to find good entertaiment so they resort to buy all of Q's retarded shit.

>I'm glad you are running all of your responses.
but you haven't argued anything besides

i don't need any response when you've provided nothing, you're just like Q

>1 post by this ID

WOW you really made me think hard.
You activated my almonds.

>this is the intelligence of qtards when theyre asked to provide ANYTHING Q has done

ouch, i'm guessing the word pundit or maybe civnat is what you didn't understand?

Not really, the idiot boomers that still believe need to get help.

Y’all are the anthesis of help for the cause


Wow, learn basic grammar before talking to a superior, mutt.

You didnt prove him wrong, in fact, you dont need shills to debunk you. Qtards are retarded enough to disprove themselves.

maybe you should start aggressively trying to insult him so he believes your naive gullible worldview too kek

first year on Yas Forums, eh champ?

>this is what Q has brought us

Isn't that the magic of Q? Write shit so cryptically any incorrect predictions are just misinterpretations?

To be fair, I've driven past that office a bunch of times and it's right next to a major shopping mall. It wouldn't be hard to take that picture.

I don't know about the other pictures, but I laughed pretty hard when I originally saw that.

What is there to believe when people circle jerk in a thread created by said people sitting in a discord server?