Was is China?

Was is China?

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Its what the evil white goyim

Come on man, everyone knows it was the zionist cabal

Yes, China absolutely brought down the twin towers on September 11th, 2001.
Fuck China.
Fuck the chinks.
Every Chinese person out to be genocided.

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So who did corona? That can't possibly kikes, r-r-right...?

Nope. It was the the Chinese government who made it look like a bunch of Muslins did it, but the Chinese government was controlling the sandniggers

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It's always China.

Rockefellers, Bill and Melinda Gates, and some people in US military intelligence in Fort Detrick collaborated with a few Chinese bros to create COVID-19. It was an effort that shows the power of international teamwork in creating eugenic bioweapons

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Nope. It was the chinks

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The chinese are goyim gentiles just like everyone else....

The jews Are pitting whites against chinese... hoping american gentiles will fight their chinese gentile counterparts offf... while israel continues to steal all of the US tax revenue

Ah it was china then
Nuke them

go fuck yourself chang, time to burn

>don't you hate the chinese goy??

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The jews enslaved blacks... and sold them...
The jews enslaved whites and sold them...
The whites demanded the jew stop
The jew fights to keep their slaves by starting the kkk
The jews abscond with all of their slavery profits to create Israel... a sovereign nation where the banks cannot be levy’ed against by white and black slaves seeking reparations from the jews...
MGM (metrogoldwyn mayer) makes a fake movie about the KKK shifting it on to white trash, pitting white trash against blacks... even though they’re all gentiles who are broke and oppressed by jews...

The jews pit the UK against Germany
The jews pit Russia against germany
The jews abscond with the German economy
The jews take their slavery blood money and WWII stolen money and put it in the banks in Israel...

The jews align with blacks in the civil rights movement, pretending the jews are somehow “oppressed” by “whites”.... and pit “whites” against “blacks..”

Blacks catch on to the scheme (see farakan)

White people are still waking up to the fact that they’re being blamed for jewish crimes....

Now, chinese slaves are breaking their chains and the jews owe billions in debt to china, now the jews want their gentile american goy to fight their chinese slaves to eradict jewish debt...

Is was israel

It was Israel. They manipulated the United States into killing thousands of their enemies. They're still trying to goad us into pulverizing Iran.

But chinese are literal subhuman uncultured trash. They're the niggers of Asia.

It was Ragu, they did it to sell sauce.

Israel makes out palestine and arabs to be some kind of enemy... but palestinians are just one in the same as any peckerhead from alabama... they’re all goyim gentiles who are being oppressed by the jews who own the entire legal system, all the weapons stock, the white house, congress, both partys, and enslave the entire world still... while they launder money through their synagogues... it’s all bullshit... they control everyones education too

I’m white... I don’t use the “N” word because that’s a jewish supremacy term, that’s what the jews called their slaves, you know, the people they abdcted from Africa and brought to their jewish plantations throughout the souther united states, the bahamas, caymans, and all the way down to the jewish plantations across south america...

White people who use the “N” word are morons who got tricked by Jews (yet again) into hating another group....

The confederate flag, the kkk, and white supremacy = Zioism

Newsmax.com, for almost 20 years, has been saying this. They had a book for sale, possibly before 9/11, illustrating chinese military papers and discussions by generals. One plan was to attack skyscrapers with airplanes.



That's my OC from like two years ago, nigga.

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china is on the eastern Mediterranean?

If you’re white and racist it’s because the jews tricked you into doing their dirty work


China has no reason to destroy the number one market for their goods....

Only the jew wants to destroy china

Those glowniggers throwing out the soviets weren't just on american payroll. Other parties stood to gain.


The trade towers were blown up by a radical group of Bin Laden followers because Israel and the US had been killing for 3 decades a bunch of poor people in the sand... (so that lockheed martin and boeing and the jews could profit billions of dollars by selling weapons to dumbass american tax payers). In the meantime, the jewish controlled media just sells dumbass white viewers fear of brown people who can’t afford electricity.... the jews are responsible for the twin towers going down, look what they did to Lebanon

There’s no conspiracy about the fact that Bin Laden wrote a manifesto and took credit for bombing the twin towers, and he explains in detail why he did it... because he hates jews who have destroyed his people for a century.... just read his manifesto...

The only conspiracy that could be there is that the jews probably paid bin laden to do it....

Bin Laden did not take credit.


*mutilates penis*

>Why do people hate the jews?

So quickly fox news and republicans forget that Reagan and Oliver North stole millions of military weapons from the US and sold them to Iran.... (indirectly of course... through Israel) Isreal brokered the entire deal... it’s called the Iran Contra Affair... remember that time, kids? When the Jews sold US weapons to Iran, and then the Jews pitted Iran against the US? The only people who died were innocent Iranian and US gentiles, fighting for the the propoganda their jewish leaders (on both sides) have manipulated them into believing... sorry soldiers... it’s just the truth, wizard of oz shit... you’re all just fighting each other because the Zionists hate you and trick you

Bin laden did take credit, who wrote the manifesto, you should read it... for your own edification, unless of course you’re saying it’s a fake

Harley Guy on Youtube knows who brought them down.

Two words retard:

War Games.

You’re right... bin laden didn’t admit it...
I retract ....

why are you posting that lady? really. why.

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Beavis and butthead = jews

Jewish mtv, jewish cartoonist, corrupting dumbass white teenagers across america.... nice

Look up Mark Rosinni and CIA Alec Station and ignore everything else. They let it happen and got away with it. A massive disinformation campaign followed to cover everything up and make the truthers follow wrong leads.

So wait, what’s the main conspiracy theory behind 9/11? (Concerning the jews)

Is that what Fairuza Balk turned into after hitting the british wall?