/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3163 - Weekend Data Editions

► Detected: 1,853,155 (+930) ► Died: 114,247 (+53) ► Day: 95 (-22:51:12)

— 4.7 billion people under lockdown —
— 215 countries and territories infected —
— 6.2x more confirmed deaths than swine flu —
— 62 vaccines and 244 treatments announced —
— 3,457 strains have been sequenced —


Data from Europe indicates 32% of cases require hospitalization

Shortages of chemicals for testing begin again in the US

Israel places Orthodox Jews into lockdown to stop spread

1 killed, 45 arrested after coronavirus riot in Brussels

Ebola kills second in Congo, over 200 people being traced

12 year old without conditions dies in Belgium

N95 masks can be reused if dry heated at 70 °C for 30 minutes

Texan tests negative twice, then positive

Virus causes damage to heart, kidneys and liver

At least 54 patients under 30 have died in the US

NYC official says deaths at home have multiplied by 10

DOW tanks 3000 points or 13%, worst day in history

US underreports amount of deaths, investigation confirms

White House admits they lack tests

Mayor in Italy says death toll 4 times higher than detected

00:24: 442 new cases and 23 new deaths in Mexico
00:20: 212 new cases and 38 new deaths in Germany
00:13: 704 new cases and 96 new deaths in Spain
23:46: 98 new cases and 9 new deaths in Georgia
23:45: 82 new cases and 4 new deaths in Alberta, Canada
23:40: 67 new cases and 9 new deaths in Colombia


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Other urls found in this thread:


>tfw no mommywife to quarantine with
its not fair bros

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Manaus healthcare system is collapsing with just 1,000 cases, not enough ICUs.
There are over 2 million people there.

Also it's one of the hottest places I ever been to, 35ºC at noon year-round.

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>´Mexico and Brazil will be the epicenter of COVID-19´
>President Nayib Bukele said that both countries have taken few measures in the face of the pandemic

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kek sorry lads i just can’t get over this tiny death rate. it’s so fucking small and unlikely that anyone dies from this under the age of 50.

i truly can’t get over it . it’s hilarious.
especially with all the garbage in OP i mean it seems really bad then you take a look at the actual stats and you realize how fucking weak the virus is and how unlikely it is to die holy shit
i just keep laughing to myself alone in my bedroom i really can’t stop

and all you cvg faggots keep posting about how scary it is

fucking under .1 percent for people 30 and younger and under .2 percent for people fifty and younger ..but still these threads hjahahaha

fucking kek death rate for south korea barley .1 percent for people under 50 all cvg fags on suicide watch.

threadly reminder that death rate is between .2% and .4% for anyone under 60 and if your under 30 it’s basically .1% or less. once you factor in unreported recovered cases death rate plummets to .05% .

reminder that everyone in cvg are loser queer’s and faggot doom shills. they are hopeless r9k losers and not polacks. they have miserable lives with no meaning so they hope that the virus will destroy everyone else’s life. they also feel special for posting on Yas Forums (any monkey can do that) and think they are “hip and ahead of the curve”.

in reality they are a bunch of brainless doomer idiots and nobody loves them.

also reminder that the cvg narrative now matches the msm narrative. so no need to really go on cvg just watch msm faggots.
cvg is cancer death rate is .2% kys.

these threads should be on bant. cvg is a little autistic cult at this point screeching at each other.

OP had tons of garbage tabloid info just to catch people’s attention. mommy’s so proud that he runs cvg though i’m sure. op just screaming for mommy’s attention.

>look mom i accomplished something i run cvg on Yas Forums arnt you proud

>waah he’s ruining our cringe larp please make him stop even tho the virus only kills if you were in world war 2 wahh
reminder not a single person in this thread will present any info to counter the abysmal low death rate
also reminder that the argie op is some cringe faggot who s entire life and day revolves around posting these fucking threads and updating the Op with more hyperbole and unsubstantiated tabloid cringe. imagine for a second that it’s your entire life. that’s op kek

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>110K Dead in 5 months

• 151,600 people die each day

• 6,316 people die each hour

• 105 people die each minute

• Nearly two people die each second

• 55.3 million people die each year


How do you cope with this being the most boring happening in the history of happenings?

Hey /cvg/, it's the guy that posted a couple hours ago about if I should go to work or not. So for the ones that missed it, theres been 6 diagnosed cases in my town now which means theres probably a lot more undocumented. I was given the chance to telework (with a slow connection) or go in.

Well it appears that everyone on my team has also gotten nervous and decided to forgo going in. Now my dumbass boss is saying we have to be in at least half the time. So he's put us on a retarded schedule of half the team working at home and rotating back to work the other half of the time. There's about 70 people I will be in contact with.

Should I just burn my PTO or risk going in. What are the odds of one of those 70 people catching it when a the small town has 6 cases total?

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nice, but i like THIS

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>0.2% for under 50

what's the overall flu death rate again? 0.005%? And that's counting old people?


you fucking retard the death rate is less than .1 percent is .04 or less for anyone under 50 . it’s the same as the flu.

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>Daily reminder there's no actual evidence for this supposed virus. And none of the Feds in this thread will have a valid response to the points made in this video.


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Who cumfy?

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anyone else notice how normy awareness rises on par with qtard /x/ posters in cvg

And this is why it won't go away


Is Beastars any good? I've seen people raving about it but never got round to checking it out myself.

the deathrate rate for this is .05 as well retard once you factor in unreported and asymptomatic (millions of these)

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The flu and Coronavirus have the exact same genome.

Prove me wrong.

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How are your stonks doing, Bill?

You'll be fine.

this is a hell of a flu season then

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#1 United States 560,433 (22,115) #2 Spain 166,831 (17,209) #3 Italy 156,363 (19,899) #4 France 132,591 (14,393) #5 Germany 127,854 (3,022) #6 United Kingdom 84,279 (10,612) #7 China 82,160 (3,341) #8 Iran 71,686 (4,474) #9 Turkey 56,956 (1,198) #10 Belgium 29,647 (3,600) #11 Netherlands 25,587 (2,737) #12 Switzerland 25,415 (1,106) #13 Canada 24,383 (717) #14 Brazil 22,318 (1,230) #15 Portugal 16,585 (504) #16 Russia 15,770 (130) #17 Austria 13,945 (350) #18 Israel 11,145 (103) #19 South Korea 10,537 (217) #20 Sweden 10,483 (899) #21 Ireland 9,655 (334) #22 India 9,205 (331) #23 Peru 7,519 (193) #24 Ecuador 7,466 (333) #25 Japan 7,370 (123) #26 Chile 7,213 (80) #27 Poland 6,674 (232) #28 Norway 6,525 (128) #29 Australia 6,322 (61) #30 Romania 6,300 (316) #31 Denmark 6,174 (273) #32 Czech Republic 5,991 (138) #33 Pakistan 5,230 (91) #34 Malaysia 4,683 (76) #35 Mexico 4,661 (296)…

#1 United States +133 (+10) #2 China +108 (+2) #3 Brazil +126 (+7) #4 South Korea +25 (+3) #5 Australia +9 (+2) #6 Mexico +442 (+23) #7 Argentina +66 (+5) #8 New Zealand +19 (+1) #9 Montserrat +2…

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He fag that only looks at South Korea, are you just losing your mind or are you getting paid to spam this shit?

it's just 2 911s bro
go to work

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Yes, it's Jewish Power. You're on Yas Forums you dirty fucking kosher shill. You want us confused and muddled. You want us blaming China and myths rather than poiinting out real power, real responsibility and attacking liberalism. Look at what you promote: more markets, more liberalism. Look at what your bullshit NWO myth promotes: death camps. NWO conspiracy promotes Nazis secretly taking power. It's founded on the holocaust mythology. There were no death camps, the holocaust is a lie, and so is the NWO myth it's based upon.

NWO is anti-Nazi propaganda for a conservative audience. It's a facade to hide the truth power of Jewish Supremacy. GO fuck yourself Moshe.

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sys.Yas Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.bloomberg.com%2Fnews%2Farticles%2F2020-04-10%2Fworsening-outbreak-at-colorado-meat-plant-impacts-as-many-as-300

here’s been a spike in coronavirus cases at meat plants in the U.S.


Pork too

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yeah dumbass there is a death spike because nobody has any immunity. so it’s hitting everyone at the exact same time. compared to the flu which many people are completely immune to especially factoring vaccine.

So Taiwan has
>survived the pandemic with far less deaths than any western superpower
>helped hundreds of other countries despite suffering greatly themselves... very selfless act!
>restarted it's economy and is up and roaring carrying the world
>still managed to resist western changes to corrupt itself and continue with the old way and new ways of modern Taiwanese Life
>lastly and greatly, blew the fuck out of China

Dam, where can I sign up for this government here?

Attached: taiwan number 1.webm (1920x1080, 2.97M)

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Uh, bros...
I'm counting at least 126 of them. It's going down soon in NY. NY bros, I hope you motherfuckers bought some god damn beans, because you're not gonna wanna leave your rooms for a while.

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>sick from corona-chan
>sent to intensive care
>surrounded by dying patients
>receiving a severe viral load of the virus from these people
>trying to survive