Aus/pol/ - Cops can get fucked edition

>"If you don’t have an excuse to travel you will be issued with a $1000 fine," he said.

>Can I visit my family over Easter?: No
>You have a friend at your house? On the spot fine
>Getting a root? On the spot fine

Cops have become public enemy number 1, i have never hated cops before but i am at that stage right now, something needs to be done about these cunts.

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first for fuck chinks


must suck not having a bill of rights lmao

fuck strawberry farmers
fuck servo chicks that give you throat infections

Praise him

Don't worry everything will go back to normal soon BUT from then on everything you do and say will be monitored and checked at every state boarder and street corner from every phone and eventually every microchip or citizen card with built-in GPS. All for your safety (they) will say.

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Fuck australia, bunch of useless cunts.

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Cityfags btfo, only fine that's been handed out here was to one Sri Lankan family that runs a cafe and refused to put their seating out the front away and then went and hid a dine-in area out the back of the shop.

Thread theme


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visited australia for a week in january. loved the country, very pretty (except for the smoke but what can you do).

gonna go kick a footy with the lads soon, will i get fined?

Quarantine is when you restrict the movement of sick people
Tyranny is when you restrict the movement of healthy people
Stupidity is when you can’t tell the difference.

You shouldn't fuck servo chicks as a rule. t. former pump jockey

live and learn hey

If you've never hated cops it just shows you haven't interacted with them much.

Any interactions i have had in them in the past has just been license checks and what not. Highway patrol have always been cunts but they aren't real cops either.

Armour user here, chainmail does NOT stop tasers. I repeat they dont stop tasers
>Source: got zapped while wearing some
>not realizing metal is a conductor.
More like thinking the gambeson+mail under could be a big enough buffer to stop the taser probs from hitting skin

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Fuck cops. Useless fine cunts.

womp womp

What's for lunch?
Not long now and it'll be "nothing"

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You need a full body chainmail with no holes to break conductivity for it to act as a faraday suit

What have you got against strawberry farmers? You're not antisemitic are you?

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how do you tell if someone is sick if they're asymptomatic user?

Nah just punch the cops in the mouth and run away when they try fine you you'll be right lad

Chur cuzzie

Wear rubber boots with a grounding spike and bam no more zappy, the tazer will only make you more powerful as you gain the ability to shock those who touch you.

tunes for the boys

>Faraday suit
>Chainmail constantly touching your skin
Wear some mail user dont faraday me with that gay shit, you'll be touching mail no matter what so its going to nuke you when hit by tasers

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Drop the shoulder

This cunt is glowing so hard.
It's literally a Faraday cage. Go glow somewhere else.
>if you're super worried, weave copper wire into the maille and have it run to the bottom of your boot to ground it.

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>Coppaz Coppas punch em in the face

>implying we aren't going to see this and worse in the US after (((they))) confiscate our guns in a few months

I had to get a pilonidal sinus surgically removed once. I think our public medical system is about average

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Is that like being blind whilst being able to see?

Isn't it strange how gun shops have been closed in Australia while sex shops stay open?

RIP Trent

Is that a fancy way of saying a big arse pimple?
Because your picture shows a large pimple of the anus.

Fuckin high school memories hahah good shit

I ate too much chocolate yesterday.

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as far as i can tell food will go back up in new harvests? Why do you keep shilling this shit every thread

Nah mate you want to be fried like KFC right?

he died cunt? what happened to the madlad

it's all about control
>no one needs to buy a gun when they're being accosted daily by cops on a power trip
>but we can't limit access to 14" black rubber dildos for tranny story hour

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>i have never hated cops before but i am at that stage right now, something
>t. prison people
going back to your root, huh? ya cunt

he never died i don't think he could die

>Home and Away goes on for nearly 60 years
I have never seen grannies enjoy watching Harlotry, pooftery, and literal shit on such a wide scale.

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