When did you realize coronavirus was a hoax?

when did you realize coronavirus was a hoax?

Attached: Screenshot from 2020-04-12 23-03-35.png (779x1153, 429.82K)

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I’m actually shocked a bluecheck had the balls to call these nurses out. Good for him, regardless of his political views.

Nobody I know has it.

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this one looks really stupid - link?

not until
>film your hospital

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I don't have it therefore it's not real

*pensively ignores rising death tolls*

This is all so the economy and government will shut down, fucking over literally everyone and everything except hand sanitizer producers.

Clearly a grand hoax created to sell antiseptics.

another thread for mutts to post

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>predicting "something" will happen for 32 years

Yes, it's almost like neutering the systems to keep this from happening means shit like this will happen, amazing

when people started banging on pots and whistling every night. SHUT THE FUCK UP NORMIES!!!

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Who gets to count the death tolls?
Who decides what is a death caused by Covid, and what isn't?

I don't have an answer on what is really going on, but I know that it smells fishy.

Retard outbreaks aren't uncommon, one on this scale is however.

We need to find these people and get them fired. It's unprofessional. It's in poor taste. Just listen to CNN and this is how they are acting. Might as well be River dancing at a covid19 patient's funeral

After seeing the mismatch between data from the diamond princess cruise ship and government measures.

The virus is real, but isn't as bad as the rapid adoption of authoritarianism and women seeking validation in new ways.

Just wait for the second wave

the amount of ppe they wasted for this skit would be infuriating if the controla virus wasn't a hoax

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christ i just want an actual apocalyptic happening and it never happens




relevant to your interests

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The more important point is that Tik-tok is making a moron out of every woman with a smart phone in the Western world.

>two more weeks
2 more weeks
>two more weeks

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second wave of nothing, can't wait

wow the deaths sure are off the chart, kek it means absolutely nothing. let me know when the bodies actually START piling on the streets.


The videos from Ecuador two weeks ago, something that scared the Normies made me understand that what is collapsing the health systems and the morgues is not a virus, is the panic.

When they said it came from eating bats.

Only morons like Trump believe it’s a hoax. Take a biology class.


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Don't worry, he'll be banned soon

When I been walking outside with zero protection ever since this quarentine and have zero symptoms

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>just wait 2 weeks
Is transforming into
>wait til the next wave!
You're pathetic.

No one knows anyone who has it

This. And the "second wave" will kill the world for good.

>*pensively ignores rising death tolls*
Total estimates keep going down
Imagine being a grown man that is afraid of the flu

>take a biology class

Tell that to those who have done these studies, articles, interviews saying that there is no evidence that this virus is worse than others that also produce respiratory infections


still nothing i guess

why do migatards keep spamming that the virus is a hoax? What is the reasoning behind this? I don't get it.

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> Hoax
Yes, yes, keep believing this. You are the ones to be culled.

The virus is real, I live in a hot spot, haven't left my town in about a month. We know people who have it to varying degrees. It ain't the flu, it's something entirely new. It is very terrifying, works efficiently, stealthily.

The accidental Wuhan Institute of Virology leak is a good opportunity to reboot a fucked up world economy, and engage in a little population control. If I were Bill Gates, etc, I'd pay people to say the virus is fake. We'd form the message in such a way as to be attractive to the idiots I want to get rid of by, for example, posting an image of nurses twerking. Then we'll schedule a too-early lifting of the lockdown so all these stupid people would go outside, celebrate, then reinfect each other, while the "smart" people we want to keep alive stay indoors for quite a while. We need a few bright people to make and fix the new robots.

We don't need the dumb masses anymore. We need to replace them with robots, but we have to get rid of them first. The virus is a perfect tool for this, and telling people it is fake will make a significant number of them fall for it. As good ol' Vlad Lenin once said,
> The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves
What a brilliant plan. Like some politician once said,
> Never let a good crisis go to waste

Go outside, lick some doorknobs to show how cool and unafraid you are, then die a horrible death. Because nurses are twerking. Bravo!

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why are redditors so afraid of the flu?

>I live in a hot spot,
kike detected

At the rate things are going, in two weeks they'll be admitting that they used an overly generous standard to classify corona deaths and the number will start to get revised downward.

Didnt we have the same thread with mostly the same responses last night or.am.i trippin

>BRO /CVG/ is full of anti trumptards!
>look in there
>always watching briefings with trump where he says its gonna get worse everyweek

he's getting destroyed in the replies. people comparing nurses having fun to slaves singing and having fun.

I hate this gay earth. I fucking hate normies. I hate that this faggot ass virus didn't kill more people and was a big fat nothing burger. 60k deaths. at most. 60k.

fucking gay shit. 60k deaths. "pandemic".


>its just the flu bro

did donald kike trump tell you that?

Where are the millions dead you faggots were screaming about a month ago?

one of my workers is from NYC and hes' already lost one of his cousins and the others are fighting for their life all because they went out to a birthday party.

within a week of /cvg/ existing

Yeah, lots of kikes live here, and visit. I like them. they spend money at the place I work. They like to ski. We get Tony Robbins and all his Chinese clients, and tourists from Seattle. Guess where I live.

>people comparing nurses having fun to slaves singing and having fun
And you aren’t kidding dude. Fuck this world. Social media has replaced every facet of our lives. I’m ready to go.

>jewyorks live like filthy animals
>surprised that they are dying from the flu

>or.am.i trippin
no, you're just starting to notice the patterns

114,000 people are already dead. Things are just going to get worse because the American government is incompetent when handling this. All because kike politicians were scared to shut anything down before it was too late because muh jew stock market

/cvg/ is basically /ptg/ but worse, actually almost made me think the apocalypse was here but yet once again was bullshit.

The second I realised that, here in Australia, we shut down everything for less than 100 deaths.

>/cvg/ is basically /ptg/ but worse
it's a consensus honeypot made by the same handlers

>114,000 people are already dead
only 20k in America
Cornakikes were saying it was going to be 2 million

When media started to use pandemic.

>114,000 people are already dead.
which is fucking nothing
156k+ die every single day normally

like holy shit, fucking niggers picking cotton and working the fields were doing mindless tasks without pay and singing actually kept their morale up and made them more productive. a clever slave owner wouldn't leave it alone.

nurses post their ugly buttfaces after a "16 hour shift" with bruising from the PPE, and lecture everybody about staying at home, this is an emergency, we are at war, we are at the frontline, it's a crisis om muh gerd, and then they put videos of themselves behaving like fucking strippers on tiktok for likes and retweets.

and I'm supposed to believe these stupid whores go back to doing their "jobs" and "caring" for patients? no they are going to be thinking about what kind of ass shaking video to make tomorrow, and how many more likes they will get.