Why don't Americans have a working healthcare system?

Why don't Americans have a working healthcare system?

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why don't you?

American hospitals are luxury hotels providing painkillers to drug-seekers.

I do though. You don't.

Works better than gook medicinr.
Paid for by the taxpayer.

We do, the only people who bitch about it are the poorfags who are either drug addicted or lazy.

>I do though

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They do tho. We don't.

By "we" I mean USA and Russia

ive never had an issue with it. only freeloaders complain about it being "broken"


I agree with you

but we do have a working healthcare system

I would not let that psycho stick any needles in me or draw blood.

We do, but it's primarily employment based, so it doesn't help NEETs or dirtbags.


We have a working healthcare system. Look at the deaths per 1M with respect to infections per 1M with consideration to localization. Oh you didn't do that? What a surprise.

It works even if you can't afford to use it.

Because fuckers like you keep coming here

You get free healthcare if you are a NEET.

>employment based
Which doesn't work if you get sick and lose your job because you can't work.
Americans pay so much in taxes and yet get so little out of them. You're basically paying to chip in for pizza only to have Israel eat every single slice, and you're so cucked that you even defend Israelis fucking you up your ass. It's pathetic.


kek actually true

We also need to remove the thousands of troops from the border with North Korea so there's no longer a Paragon Power's soldiers there being held hostage as a tripwire force and Seoul can get shelled into the stone age.

>Why don't Americans have a working healthcare system?
We're spending all our money on your national defense

>Americans pay so much in taxes
No we don’t
Your country wouldn’t even exist without our tax dollars working for you anyway you dumbass chink. Next time stop the communism yourself you shitkicker ricer.

The amount of aid sent to Israel is equal to one single day of government spending per year. While that's still too much, the concept is massively overblown on this retarded board.

why do non Americans act like they know shit about our country?
Further more, why do they care?
It feels like these retards think America is a consistent space from coast to coast.
A place where everything is the same.
Not realizing that it's 50 states, most states bigger than euro-poor countries, and each on has different laws, and methods of handling things like medical care.
if you want good medical care in America, quit your job, have 4 kids, and go on welfare.
The medical care for them is arguably better than any non-American healthcare.
The reason is Obama care, it's great for anybody that doesn't pay their own Bill's.
It is a type of universal health care, and it's the reason my fucking insurance costs $1200 a month.
The only thing univ9health care is capable of is turning every state into a welfare state, and giving the government control over your fucking health.
Can't wait for my government handler to call me up and tell me I need to take more vitamin D or they're cutting my health care off completely.

Too many people who take out far more than they put in, regulations that create monopolies in technology and pharmaceuticals, and pic related

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What happened in '91/'92?

because your pic related. it actually works though when you have lots of money. capitalism baby.

We don't tho. They do.

Probably fall of Blue Cross/Blue Shield and rise of for profit insurance, after effects of Reagan's redefining "non-profit" rules for insurance.
