Post Christ-pills please

I just did something really fucking disgusting and I need to cope.

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Download a Bible app. There’s plenty you can choose from.

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What did you do? I'll let you know if God will forgive you.

What did you do?

What did you do OP? Confess.

No you won’t. God forgives anyone willing to repent and atone for their sins. You are not God and you are not his prophet.

I haven't even read the bible fully but I know you're full of shit. Earth is hell. We'll stay here forever until we're ready for what's beyond.

>and I need to cope.
or you know you could just go past denial and into acceptance

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You are not God and you are not His prophet. Stop saying stupid shit. I bet you’re a 4/10 low self esteem fatass addicted to porn and that’s why you believe we’re in hell. Go outside for once.

He made atonement....I can’t do that lol

>just accept you did wrong lol dont worry about it
God has suffering beyond comprehension for you when you die. Life is short, but death is eternal. Think about it.

>God forgives anyone


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God is the saviour of all humanity.

1 timothy 4:10
therefore we labour and strife because we have put our hopes in the living God, who is the saviour of all humanity, escpecially believers

The eternal torment doctrine comes from mistranslated words in the bible. Christians use the words "Eternal, eternaly, forever and ever" to justify eternal torment. There are the words that leads one to believe that doctrine.
But they are wrongly translated. The correct translation is "EON" which means a period of time. Here is an example from two KJV verses.

rev 11:15
“The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ, and He will reign forever and ever.”

1 cor 15
25For He must reign until He has put all His enemies under His feet. 26

if you replace the word "forever and ever" with Aionian(eon) it makes sense. He reign aionian(period of time) UNTIL he gives it up to the father as shown in rev 11:15.
Watch video for more proof that the words are wrongly translated.


I got really drunk last night and somehow ended up fucking my faggot roommate.

I’ve had literally ZERO urges like this before and still don’t so I don’t know how the fuck this shit could have happened

The christ pill can be used for women but the Chad honor ethic should be used between gentlemen

>God forgives anyone
...who repents and atones for their sins. You are not God and you are not His prophet. Read the Bible.

Stop fear mongering. God is just and Good and would never eternaly torment someone for eternity for FINITE sins. See my post

dude, how does that even happen

>God has suffering beyond comprehension for you when you die.
he sounds like a nice dude, you still dont have any proof he exists beyond some hebrew book from a few thousand years ago though?

nah I didnt think so

I mean good on you for telling op to worship a dead jew instead of fixing his shit and making things right, you re clearly the moral superior of the situation here

Happens, dude. Still wrong, if you're actually straight you shouldn't have an issue steering clear of that sort of in the future.

God's seen worse. Just repent and let it go

I am not religious, but an angel came to me once. Seek forgiveness, and you will receive it. God exists.

Apathy and tolerance is how things get worse.

It starts small, but you’re fine with it, so in a few weeks you’re fine with another sin even worse, because god would neeeeever punish anyone, right? ;^)

If you posted your chin and jawline we would know why you would say this.

>look how disgusting I am, I want someone to forgive me for being such a miserable slob because I'm too weak to be any better
The state of christfags. Disgraceful.

blasphemy against the holy spirit is will not be forgiven.

I'd say I'm about a 7/10, not fat at all. Don't watch porn often. Earth is hell, you'll find out some day.

judas isn't in hell for those 30 pieces of silver. Judas is in hell because he killed himself. He knew what he did was wrong and chose justice when he should have chosen Christ. Absolution. What is right is harder than what is just. faggot.

Christ forgives you, fren.

Imagine following any organized religion. Imagine being a pagan or atheist retard. If you're not a deist you don't deserve rights.

>having a faggot roommate
Seriously user. Your actions put you in this situation. if you want to repent, you need to stop drinking and find another roommate

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Your retarded

Post your chin and jawline with a timestamp.

>imagine being exposed to existential evil and not believing in existential good

retarded frog

I put my dick in my ass just to see if i could, we all make mistakes user.
Repent and Christ will forgive you, but this will be in the back of your mind as the demons remind you of what you did.

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>blasphemy against the holy spirit is will not be forgiven.
that's literally what unrepentance is

>If you posted your chin and jawline we would know why you would say this.
well that came out of nowhere

fyi my jaws could cut diamonds, imagine being a chinlet who randomly starts talking about his chin to derail conversations
wait you dont have to

No it doesn’t, I mean I’ve done some thangs, I too scratch my head over, even years later.
But inadvertently banging a gay roomate is not one of them.
Sounds like cope.

But how does it make you feel? What have your feelings toward your roommate been in the past? How about now?

If your jaw could cut diamonds, post it. If you don’t post it it means you lowkey are embarassed to do so, because you know you’re ugly. Go on. Do it.

was he cute at least?
btw if that's the worst thing you've ever done sexually then man you are doing way better than i am, i've done stuff i couldn't even talk to a psychiatrist about
if i thought it would work i would get on my knees and beg god for that to be the worst thing i'd ever done

>Apathy and tolerance is how things get worse
you forgot your pic user

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OH NO NO........