why do anti Trump lib shills still come to pol ? we are MAGA2020 and nothing they say can stop that.
>most pro-white, anti-Israel president we've had in decades
Most of them are Chinese
>everyone must think like me
Only liberals say this.
Zionists lost. Donnies hair bleach failed.
They're having Lulz...just like we are. Liberals are inherently destructive, not constructive.
They all of the media, except pol. They covet. "First principles, Clarice."
because they can't handle anyone disagreeing with them. They are authoritarian faggots who cannot handle the thought that what they believe is incorrect. It's why they hate religion. It challenges their entire belief system or depravity. They can't just ignore it like conservatives can ignore them. They must destroy because they are children throwing tantrums.
Conservatives cry about liberals 24/7 you fucking retard
>hasn't ended H1-B or immigration, and encourages the growth of both
>constantly sucking Israeli cock
Repeating things with your tranny cartoon mouthpiece doesn't make it reality. Shills are traitors to the world.
Really conservatives start entire twitter campaigns against bakeries and fast food chains because they disagree over the concept of gay marriage. Kys faggot.
Oh shut the fuck up, faggot. Conservatives bitch and moan and try to get shit shut down when they don't suck israels cock too.
>Hazbin Hotel
How's the weather in Ankara?
>More hazbin hotel memes
>This spam again
>grass roots memes bad
Is anime any better? No it isn't.
>>y blue team try speak at red team house?
>>red team strong
>>never lose to blue team
>>blue team stupid for try
Politics is professional wrestling for white collar people. If you think any of those puppets make a difference, you're a dirt eating retard.
>why do anti Trump lib shills still come to pol ?
>complains about conservative
>anime is better than american made cartoons just like cars and video games
You are posting on an anime imageboard you dumb reddit nigger
Says the libtard who says wojak is a reddit meme yet it came from Yas Forums.
Also, if Yas Forums belongs to anime does that mean America belongs to the Indians and Australia belongs to the Abos? I think different, tard.
kek. WTF does this even mean? You've already used MAGA. You're supposed to be using KAG, because we all want to keep America just like it is right now.
>Says the libtard who says wojak is a reddit meme yet it came from Yas Forums
No I didn't retard
>if Yas Forums belongs to anime
It's literally an anime website
Boards are not like subreddits faggot, you clearly have no idea what you're on about and need to gtfo
They aren’t real
That's literally your fucking mindset. It's not an anime website if anime makes up a 12th of the boards. Also, anime is now and always has been normalfag material, just go to school you underage tard and see how many idiots watch anime. Also, nice memeflag.
I wish I had a president as good as him, my country wouldn’t be so bad. Most of the options are usually niggers, chinks, thief and so
>It's not an anime website
it is you newfag trash
>nice memeflag
thank you
sage obvious weak bait
What's the matter? Can't think of anything else to counter my claim and you have to resort to buzzwords? Pathetic!
That's because raci- I mean, antisemites don't deserve a platform, goy.
>muh buzzwords
shut up faggot
Yas Forums always has been and always will be an anime imageboard
Now fuck off you dumb reddit boomer
>dumb reddit boomer
More buzzwords. Give me an argument or any proof that it is an anime website.
Yas Forums is, and always has been an anime website. Get the fuck out of here you reddit refugee nigger.
>19 year old anime porn streamer
>sounds depressed
>making 750k a year
Get a better "waifu" you sad piece of shit or give me some evidence that it is an anime website.