Joe Biden is confirmed innocent

Joe Biden is confirmed innocent.

Donald Trump is still guilty.

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It turns out you’re allowed to rape one person, but just one!

>we found no record of sexual misconduct by biden except for all of the sexual misconduct that was recorded
Fucking really?

whoever wrote that must have gotten fired

Me too unless they’re blue!

Vote Blue no matter who raped you!

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Its the fucking FAILING NEW YORK TIMES. What kind of answer did you respect you fucking complected afterbirth of a Chinese gangbang.

You were desperately waiting to use this Inuit in somebody weren’t you

lol no, probably got a promotion and a baby to sacrifice to moloch.

>no pattern of sexual misconduct aside from molesting people

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i need reddit to leave.

>the biden staff said no
>no pattern of sexual misconduct beside the previous sexual misconduct
Really niggers?

>hugs, kisses and touching

This is quite literally exactly the same thing that Trump's panel of raped women were claiming: Just weird touching and kissing on cheek at a wedding or something

What about the children? Did this "reporter" ask the children if Biden made them uncomfortable?

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for "drudge" this is simply "examining" the allegations.
>we, the jews of jew york slimes, have pondered deeply and considered greatly the crimes of this woman's allegations against our dear beloved leader.
>we have found them wanting and inconsistent with our values
>sure other women have been touched inappropriately but notice how we called them women and not young girls and childrens
>we are sly like our father the devil (jared kushner)
>carry on now peasants, joe is no longer cancelled, he drew an immunity cat.

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sry, correct image, but here's the other correct image

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Sorry but I believe women.

No pattern of sexual misconduct other than the pattern of sexual misconduct.


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Trump was found guilty in a court of law?

I didn't realize the fucking New York Times has supplanted the Supreme Court.

>Donald Trump is still guilty.
Source? Looked it up but didn't find anything.

What about there’s a whole book about Biden getting naked in front of female security staff and groping all the wives at his Christmas party? Did they find that?

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>At least Biden is a real Democrat
That's the problem.


>kisses and touching that women said made them uncomfortable
>no pattern

>jew-controlled mass media have practically replaced courts in the US
HItler and Stalin are having a good laugh about it somewhere out there.

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>Hurr hurr guilty until proven innocent
I think is the other way around, retard

Lmfao that is BOLD. The chutzpah is unreal. Do you guys think it will work?