Ting ting ting ting I have announcement

For all zoomers, please begin to congregate. I will wait. Thank you.

Attached: 1566184610132.jpg (334x506, 42.28K)


Oh? My my, an announcement! This does sound important, please sir, proceed. Notice the jannies gathering tho? Make haste sir!

Attached: 506.png (600x553, 131.98K)

Zoomer here. Standing by.

Attached: oiHieGBbMi1hi12aMP4moBObxViVBkW4TPUmiYDrLRE.png (2400x2400, 308.25K)

Please assemble

Attached: 1566185066095.png (700x700, 617.62K)

u have my attention

Attached: E61CE362-19CA-442C-9C7A-A0F716EE40CE.jpg (1024x838, 99.18K)

Please continue...

Attached: ikvmx0mx7pa21.png (561x561, 328.14K)

Go on user

Attached: 1586063580733.png (655x522, 31.32K)

Very well, a small audience will suffice.

I present my message (pic attached).

Thank you.

Attached: 1.png (704x1141, 910.26K)

A zoomer leaf making an announcement. My interest is piqued.

Good evening, gents. Is this the correct thread where we disregard dieting for females? Or are there more pressing issues to attend to?

Attached: 1585170907828.png (720x603, 407.49K)

I'm here, suh?

Attached: IMG_20200409_143450.png (657x527, 11.75K)

Flip a coin. Whats the most you've ever lost in coin toss?

I dare say why is the NEET home not in this announcement? I shall bury my resentment in this slice of pizza.

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are millennials welcome fren?

Attached: 1585684757539.png (900x722, 197.44K)

a fucking leaf.... we already are aware, but blessed be coronachan, killing all the boomers so that i can soon afford house built in the 60s.

Attached: 0BB8EAC0-B067-40BD-BD6C-1DAB84003DA0.gif (329x146, 1.98M)

Im here

Attached: 1584056798478.png (1520x1126, 1.59M)

Where's the Gen-X'er home?

Muh lennial standing by to record the speech

On my way!

Attached: 1580947687935.png (1182x754, 2.55M)


kys leaf

Carry on with your sacred task.

Attached: 1558457237021.jpg (360x480, 42.91K)

Heads I win, tails you lose.

Gen X-ers, they will get something like this

Attached: 74ae3cfd-a391-4c1c-905d-3a0259468caa.f10.jpg (1022x524, 140.03K)

Let me be the first to say

I dont gamble, thanks. Go for it.

Heads. I win.

East German?

I dont believe you, prove it.

boogaloo wen

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Attached: 220px-Quarter_Obverse_2010.png (220x220, 37.43K)

Correct thread. I took care of dieting females.

Attached: paste336.jpg (306x512, 26.12K)

We're listening

Message delivered here:

Thats not a real coin...