Why am I not treated as white on this board and in real life by other Europeans? If anything we are the closet ally to regular Caucasians...I don't get why white people hate us when we always side with white interests.
Hispanic here
Gd u ugly Jose
Because you're just as bad as black people. That's what happens when you imitate others.
You have to go back Jose Pancho Ramirez Martinez
Also what is it with the retard names
White interests is literally leave us alone.
The massive imagrate waves that are voting blue and turing red states blue, also crime, turning places to shit and being annoying over all
>t. 1/2 mexican who paces as white
>inb4 mutt
Your people act ghetto, Arabs are about go in this territory as well. Don't act ghetto
>If anything we are the closet ally to regular Caucasians
Nah, that would be people from East Africa and West Asia.
Marxist brown turds do not side with white interests at all. Plus you dirty poop skins aren't needed in America. America needs to stay majority white to have success in the future.
cringe, grow some balls and stop being a cuck by sucking up to whites, well never be accepted by them, only options are trying to get along or wipe them out.
i think hispanic people are cool and im white.
i especially love your women.
but the dudes are cool too.
don't take it personally just live your life man.
Foo shut the fuck up
Jesus. Why don't you just go down and suck their cock while you're at it, homo? Have some dignity!
Go to bed Mr. Yamaguci
Native Americans are mongoloids
>If anything we are the closet ally to regular Caucasians
Nope, the Irish and the Italians are
That's the guy from the Yas Forums documentary.
>Why don't you just go down and suck their cock
How dare you imply that user doesn't
>”I think Obama is a Jewish nigger puppet”
eh, if its in your heart to help the white tribe then do it, but they're in kindof a rough spot right now so don't expect much in return.
also post your latina sisters feet
Your. Jew
You take away construction jobs from from white Americans because you are willing to work for considerably less money. You also steal the back and front of the house food and beverage industry jobs. Also janitorial jobs from our unskilled niggers.
You need to all fuck off back to Mexico and the other Central American shitholes you came from.
Lurk some more pendejo.
He IS trying to get along, also I side with white people more than other races including some our our own since they are the race that cause the least amount of damage overall to society. Also I think its fucked up they are getting genocided due to the fucking kikes agenda. For some reason I get enraged for them for how much shit I see them get constantly, news, social media, likes pretending they're white to give them more of a bad image. It's insane and fucked up beyond belief, I feel for them.
But if a person is only about 1/8 mongoloid, is still a mongoloid?
post her brown butthole
Most Mexicans are mestizo’s
I don't care what anyone says this user was based. Hispanics that support us are ok by me. There are so few of them that would actually side with us that it wouldn't make a difference.
yeah it sucks whats happening to white people but its not my problem, so I dont care. if that happened to us theyd be celebrating.empathy is a sign of weakness and kissing the ass of a group of people that you makes you a cuck. we can be decent and civilized and love this country but we will never be seen as Americans by them, they already made up their minds in regards to u, we subhumans to them, so that alone doesnt inspire any sympathy about kikes btfo them.
Sage. It is because you are not white. You are not white. You are not white. You are not white.
Most Mexicans that wants to side with whites are just people who wants to be accepted as whites and try to
Mix their genes with us.