>lockdown to be extended to 18 months because most americans can't follow basic instructions and retarded christfags can't just not go to church
What the fuck is wrong with our country
>lockdown to be extended to 18 months because most americans can't follow basic instructions and retarded christfags can't just not go to church
What the fuck is wrong with our country
>What the fuck is wrong with our country
Boomers apparently. Everyone else is staying home.
>christfags can't just not go to church
Feels good. Christians go to church, atheists stay home and seethe about it, terrified to go outside.
Why can't we just let those who can't work stay the fuck home while the rest of us able bodied can go work and keep the place running
let the fucking boomers RETIRE already
let the fat niggers that don't want to work stay home and stop being a burden at work places, be a burden to each other at home and on the streets
But user, only the christfags end up dying
So all the able bodied die from corona and we're left with fat niggers and the even lazier boomers?
>christfags end up dying
This is hilarious too. Those same Christians talk about COVID being a punishment for a sin will be disproportionately killed.
Did anyone try and stop the jews from going to synagogue? Was there any warnings about going to passover dinner?
Thank God. I live working from home. Just ordered my new PC parts too
Thank you niggers.
rare pepe
>work slave away while niggers, neets and boomers stay at home
>get the virus
>fug can't breath
>go to the hospital
>sorry user we are full
>fug... gotta go back home... and sleep... work tomorrow....
>choke on the fluid in your lungs
>at.. least... I helped... the economy.....
It doesn't have that high of an infection rate and to be perfectly clear if there is no economy there is no nation.
Sure they will. You're gonna get a surprise, aren't you? When you find out the universe doesn't exactly work the way you expect it to. :)
I'm a delivery driver. About 60% of restaurant workers from the cashier to the cooks and managers are NOT using gloves . I picked up food from atleast 30-40 different restraints so I have a good margin of places. 80% of other delivery drivers aren't using mask or gloves. I got a horrible soar throat and cough after taking food that was canceled . Hope there isn't a spike of cases next few weeks
>What the fuck is wrong with our country
>there is no economy there is no nation.
Good goy
how about we just let the old and fat fucks die off if they can't handle a flu? aren't we all about genetic superiority and darwinism these days? isn't that why incels should stfu and stop demanding state issued gfs?
>thinking the government is locking things down for your benefit
Imagine being this 12
>noooo, the virus is a conspiracy for the government to take away our rights!!!
imagine being so pathetic that you can't even follow basic instructions because "muh jesus"
Then what? Meet Jesus? Sure sounds terrible, I'd rather die and explain to God that I was hiding in some toilet paper.
imagine being so pathetic that you "follow basic instructions" on how to live your life
Imagine being a willing cuck to government authority because “muh scary virus.”
I’ve got some basic instructions you can follow you fucking faggot.
My body my choice op.
>What the fuck is wrong with our country
Wrong fucking position, fag.
>Keep the liquor stores open.
>Keep the weed stores open.
>Keep the grocery stores open.
>Close the gun stores.
>Dump hundreds of thousands of violent prisoners into public circulation.
>Cops not arresting anyone for many, many violent crimes.
>Shutting churches, but leaving Mosques and Jew Temples alone...
If you want to go to church... during HOLY WEEK... and pray to the Almighty and beg deliverance from this crap?
Oh no, according to fucking fags like YOU, the Faithful are the problem.
Eat shit, and go fuck yourself - shill harder for your statist thug masters, asshole.
Or are you a Jew or Muslim piece of shit and trying to try to shift the Overton window against Christians more than it already is?
>18 months
Texas is starting to open back up this week
How do you know that if you're at home all the time?
Don't worry op you'll be safe in your house. You'll get vaccinated. You will have a mask on if you go outside. Are you worried the isolation, vaccine and mask won't prevent you from getting sick?
repent bro
That's what you think lol