Holy fuck, 42% or more of people under 15 were immigrants in 2013 in large parts of Germany

Holy fuck, 42% or more of people under 15 were immigrants in 2013 in large parts of Germany.

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thank god there are no immigrants in the UK.
UK = white ehtnostate

I'm Swedish with a vpn

It's almost as if there's a dedicated and concerted effort to ethnically cleanse the German people.

how dare you, you nazi

>Migration background includes up to 3 million ethnic german repatriates and 600,000 Austrians and countless other Europeans
>is based on citizenship three generations back, while naturalizations only began with citizenship laws being revised in the year 2000

meanwhile in France, 42% of all children are africans and arabs

forgot pic

Attached: Shares of newborns in France at risk of sickle cell disease in 2016.jpg (1024x1177, 299.09K)

> (OP)
>>Migration background includes up to 3 million ethnic german repatriates and 600,000 Austrians and countless other Europeans
>>is based on citizenship three generations back, while naturalizations only began with citizenship laws being revised in the year 2000
>meanwhile in France, 42% of all children are africans and arabs

Silly frens, arguing over trivialities of statistics. Stop this nonsense and just act on it if you want.

I bet most of Germanys "under 15" migrants are in their mid 30s though.

why? refugees dont even constitue one 15th of that number

Germany isnt nearly as fucked as UK or France though, while ethnic germans make only 76% of Germany most of the other immigrants are poles, russians, yugos and other europeans, france and uk on the other hand all their migrants are either fucking dindus, pakis, pajeets or algerians.

East Germany isn't far behind.

maybe but not sure that would be worse, I guess what that would do is skew the statistics to make it look like the percentage of immigrants in the

How are you Albanians doing?

Are Albanian girls underrated?

Good, fuck G*rmrats

Difference being that most of our Immigrants are from other European Countries.

Turks aren’t European

Neither are you.

Attached: germanyusa.png (905x587, 211.56K)

Absolutely. And this is coming from a Slav who believes that Kosovo is Serbia.

Us slavs and Albanians need to stop the brother wars with them and team up to destroy the migrants and the Jews.

Attached: 740full-dajana-kllogjri[1].jpg (740x921, 74.56K)

made me think of this 90's swedish nigger

Indeed, the USA however counts Middle easterners and North Africans in the same category they count Europeans in as "White - Caucasian"

it's ok, we all know that jealousy

Attached: 194048_v9_ba.jpg (1080x1440, 103.57K)

Some of them are. Like pic related who is a German of Turkish descent. If you did not know that his surname was Özcan, you would have likely never thought he was a non-German.

Attached: csm_190823_Salih_HP_98dca212b9[1].jpg (767x373, 46.74K)

Shit government, corruption, the youth leaving for the west mostly for Germany ironically, the same shit for the last couple of decades or so.

Why are Albanian girls so underrated and prettyful? Are Albanians even Slavs, I thought they were like mostly Italian or something?

Attached: 111-1112985_pepe-pepethefrog-lol-troll-funny-wtf-laugh-hide.png.jpg (256x320, 43.14K)

Arabs got their own classification on this year’s census

lol two triggered turks

>Migration background includes up to 3 million ethnic german repatriates and 600,000 Austrians and countless other Europeans
Too many people don't know this. I wonder if they purposefully write those headlines like that without specifying to get reactions out of people like us


That's unfortunate.

How about your demographics though?

Attached: 1533018728157.webm (640x360, 2.98M)

Based Serb
Am albanian. The problem is the filthy muslims and communists on both sides


Is there any solution to this beyond mass ethnic cleansing? I can't think of any peaceful way to reduce this parasite, and if whites don't strike they will when

Attached: 1474497289654.jpg (500x500, 93.07K)

> Are Albanians even Slavs

They aren't. They are the descendants of the indigenous peoples of Illyria.

> Why are Albanian girls so underrated and prettyful?

Because they're white. You find pretty girls across all European ethnicities.

As an alb i would say we are 30% greek orthodox descendants of Illyrians neighbors of ancient greece.
The rest had the unfortunate luck of being bred with filthy turks

Turk are considered in the same group with other middle easterners and MENA people in Germany, Germany has actual good demographic statistics where only europeans are considered white in comparison to muttland where fucking pajeets and afghanis are white.

Dam wonder what the demographics will be by 2050
Also covid in Germany is it killing Turks or Germans?

Attached: 9D4A1D9B-2DA8-4A5B-A1CD-632B3E818C1A.jpg (1600x1100, 232.23K)

Soros jews want everything half white. Half non-white. Once you achieve this ratio, borders are shut and demographic ratios must be maintained. Even through war or disease.

Attached: 987AA72A-1058-4100-A637-321312606301.jpg (768x719, 60.13K)

Sweden has more immigrants than Germany.

Demographics are fine other then the fact that young people tend to leave the country in droves and that hurts the demographics a lot other then that if ur asking about immigration and shit theres no such thing here.

> Am albanian. The problem is the filthy muslims and communists on both sides

True. And I will even argue that Christians are at fault to some extent. I personally believe that Europe should become pagan again. When Europe was pagan, nobody fought for religious reasons ever.

Germany died in 1945 mate. What you call "Germany" today is just a staging area for niggers.

Why did Normandy suddenly go down

So 30% of Albanians are actually European and the rest are Turks?

That's good at least.

If that’s true France is like 10-15 years behind you

This is true

Jewish people hate germans so I guess the German race is over with.

30% pure (roughly speaking)
And the rest of muslim descent having been mixed with turks.
When the ottoman empire reigned over the balkans they bribed or threatened families with torture death to convert to muslim faith. The weak switched while a small based 30% stayed christian secretly

Never become rich. As soon as you become rich your country turns to shit.

What's it like in the white parts of Northeastern Germany?(not Berlin)

Unsure user. Many old european peoples have a tendency to be very rooted in faith. It took who knows how long to convert from paganism to christianity. A massive religious event
like a switch to paganism in modern times would be unlikely

They're every now. Even in the smallest towns.

*every where

Mostly Europeans though, wish we mutts had that problem.