Should porn be banned outright? Or just heavily restricted?
Should porn be banned outright? Or just heavily restricted?
Go back to buying it out of shady gas stations and other shops in butthole neighborhoods.
Why do you post images of whores and then complain about porn? Stupid fuck.
offtopic slide thread but thats a nice ass
White girls look like THAT?!
ban porn
homemade sex vids on the internet are the way to go. and remove aoc gay 20th century new laws
just ban coffee instead, caffeine is killing people
Just ban it outright It is degeneracy
Wide spread naturalism and nudity should be brought back, as opposed to society catering yet again to even more primitive desert scroll jew-worship moralfaggotry
Ahhh to be young again.
Lucky zoomers.
However I feel for you zoomers somedays.
There was a time, when entire summer days would have teen bro’s parked on towels behind girls like this close enough to see peach fuzz on their ass.
And they liked it.
Tackle football in the sand hoping to catch her eye or a smile.
Working up the courage to see if she’ll come to the beach bonfire later with you.
And if the stars aligned you could end up being one of the dudes she lies to her future husband about.
If porn ceased to exist tomorrow many of us would be very happy.
Retarded question.
the Real Question is: How?
>ban it
spoken like a true aDolf loving Leftist socialist.
Yes, give more power to young women, it's not like they have enough of it already.
Get fucked libertarian
All part of the plan. Desensitize.
>wtf you can't ban guns criminals will still get them!
>thing I don't like??? hell yeah ban it!
Fuck it I'm fapping. Brb
Shouldnt be banned people should just start vigilante killing the producers.
>Spend entire life jerking off to 10/10s doing nasty acts
>recently got a 7.5/10 GF
>Do sex on her
>Real person and not a soulless pornstar so I cant do anything gross to her
>Impossible to coom because I'm so used to porn
Does quitting porn make it easier or am I fucked for life?
Right after posts like this get banned.
>I cant do anything gross to her
Who said so?
No quiting will reset your libido its the dopamine your hooked on. Search easy peasy way audiobook on jewtube
This makes no sense. Porn normalization occurred in parallel with feminism. Feminism overtly call for increased power for women while porn uses the bodies of women to gain power over men's minds. They are both destructive tools meant to destroy the traditional patriarchal family unit.
If you have know self control and masturbate every 2 minutes
that's not porn's fault
that's your fault
this is the same shit that got the video games blamed for school shootings
>It's not my fault for buying my 5 year old a game recommended for 17 year olds, it's the games!
shut the fuck up
Quit and it gets better. Also be alpha and fuck her correctly. You can become more and more degrading if she’s receptive to it (most are)
Her. I tried biting her and doing buttstuff on her plus a few other things and she did not appreciate it
ban everything that makes you feel good
only live to work
You are arguing logic to a jew or golem. Stop it. The only logical response is to convertly remove the source of both the problems. In America this can be done. Europe not so much
You are a dumb faggot
Feminism occured in parallel with the criminalization of prostitution. This is the main issue that rigged the dating market. Beta orbiters would be even more thirsty and girls would have even higher standards without porn.
Big surprise someone with self respect doesnt like getting fucked in the ass and being bit. No straight man wants to fuck an asshole. Get off the porn its making you a faggot.
thank you for your well-crafted disassembling of my argument